What is IIS?
If I start working on .NET environment then what is basic things about IIS should I know?
what are the basics of IIS?
IIS is Internet Information Services[^]. In other words, it's a web server.
"...a pungent, ghastly, stinky piece of cheese!" -- The Roaming Gnome
First of all you MUST install IIS before the installation of VS.NET
It is necessary for ASP.Net applications which you need a web server.
(1) You can install it from
Start -> Control Panel \ Add Remove Programs \Add Remove windows component
check IIS checkbox
(2) You can use IIS Manager from
Start -> Run \inetmgr.exe
It shows default Web site (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot)
if everything is okey your internet browser can show asp files.
(3) .Net creates and open a virtual directory for your web project under
It is better to know how to create a virtual directory from IIS as a general knowledge (http://www.webwizguide.com/asp/tutorials/installing_iis_winXP_pro.asp)
P.S : If you install IIS after the installation of VS.NET, VS.NET doesn't recognise IIS. Help instructions and ISS diagnostic tools don't help much.
Because of this problem I have to use use VS .Net 2002 for web applications instead of 2003 which doesn't see IIS on the same machine.
I faced one question in my recent interview, i don't know the answer.
What is the size of stack in .net?
anyone knows?
According to Google[^] the answer is one megabyte.
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"Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in." -- Confucious
Yes i think it is true.
What this code does is let me choose a file, like an article saved in a .rtf file and take the text from that and put it into a .html file. The problem I'm having is in the middle, in the part that writes "the BULK of the content to the new file". It stops writing the writing the content from the .rtf file to the new file after it has written so many characters.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click
Dim openStream As New FileStream(txt_BrowseDP.Text & ListBox_Browse.SelectedItem, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim makeStream As New FileStream(txt_BrowseDP.Text & ListBox_Browse.SelectedItem & ".html", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)
Dim theReader As New StreamReader(openStream)
Dim theWriter As New StreamWriter(makeStream)
Dim BulkContent As String
'Write the FIRST part of content to new file
theWriter.WriteLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""")
theWriter.WriteLine("<meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8"" />")
theWriter.WriteLine("<style type=""text/css"" media=""screen"" title=""Default"">@import url(../main.css);</style>")
theWriter.WriteLine("<pre><div</pre> id=""container2"">")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Write the BULK of the content to the new file
theWriter.WriteLine("<p><strong>" & theReader.ReadLine() & "</strong></p>")
While theReader.Peek() > -1
If theReader.ReadLine() <> "" Then
theWriter.WriteLine("<p>" & theReader.ReadLine() & "</p>")
End If
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Write the LAST part of the content to the new file and then close
theWriter.WriteLine("<p><a href=""#container2"" accesskey=""c""></a></p>")
End Sub
-- modified at 19:37 Sunday 9th October, 2005
Call .Flush() on the stream before you close it.
"...a pungent, ghastly, stinky piece of cheese!" -- The Roaming Gnome
I added theWriter.Flush() and it writes everything now. Thanx.
You should have called Close on the StreamReader and StreamWriter instead, that way, it automatically flushes AND closes the stream for you.
My Blog | My Articles | WinMacro
crystal reports report
in my Form i Have Sum query like this :
SELECT SUM((Sahar.RegHours * 1 + Sahar.Hour120 * 1.2 + Sahar.Hour125 * 1.25 + Sahar.Hour140 * 1.4 + Sahar.Hour150 * 1.5 + Sahar.Hour175 * 1.75 + Sahar.Hour200 * 2.0 + Sahar.Hour225 * 2.25) * Sahar.MoneyForHour + Sahar.TasNsiot + Sahar.Globaly + Sahar.HefrshySahar + Sahar.Manak - Sahar.HiovMils - Sahar.HiovBigod - Sahar.HiovHanala) AS total, Customers.CustName, Sahar.SalDateStart, Sahar.SalDateEnd, COUNT(*) AS Expr1, Customers.CustAddres, Customers.CustNum, Customers.CustCity FROM Sahar INNER JOIN Customers ON Sahar.CustNum = Customers.CustNum WHERE (Sahar.SalDateEnd >= @Edate) AND (Sahar.SalDateEnd <= @Edate1) GROUP BY Customers.CustName, Sahar.SalDateStart, Sahar.SalDateEnd, Customers.CustAddres, Customers.CustNum, Customers.CustCity
the sum value is changing for every row
i have also a datagrid and the resualt there are good
the problem is when i sending this data to printing in crystal
i dont know how to send the SUM val to the report
is someone here can help me whit that ?
thanks aheed.....
I have just finished my first .Net application and am now trying to create a setup project using the VS .net feature.
In the setup I should create some new Registry entries on the target machine which have the installation directory in its value.
My question now is: How can I determine, on which directory the application has been installed? And how can I write then this value into the registry key?
I tried it with the variable "ARPINSTALLLOCATION", but this variable was empty.
Thanks and regards Fredy
As long as you know how to create the Registry keys in the VS IDE you are in good shape. Create the key, create the value name and then set the value to:
[TARGETDIR] will be replavced by the app folder.
You can also combine [TARGETDIR] with other strings. You need to be aware that [TARGETDIR] will be replaced by the app install folder with the trailing \ appended.
So, say you want to store the path to your application, for example "MyApp.EXE". Set the value to:
Suppose you user installs to "C:\Program Files\Some Application\". If you create a reg key/value and set the value in your setup to:
then after the setup has run the value will be:
"C:\Program Files\Some Application\MyApp.EXE"
Do NOT do this:
This will write a value to the registry as:
"C:\Program Files\Some Application\\MyApp.EXE"
Hi Robert
Thanks alot for your help. I'll try this as soon as possible.
Regards Fredy
I wasn't quite sure which forum this should go under, so I put it here.
I, like many others I'm sure, use NDoc to create documentation for my code. This is one great product, but it has one slight drawback. It doesn't document v.2.0 code. The team is working on it.
In the meanwhile I use this little workaround to make NDoc document my V.2.0 projects:
Create a file named NDocGui.exe.config and place it in the NDoc folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\NDoc 1.3\bin\net\1.1).
In this config file you just type:
<supportedruntime version="v2.0.50215">
and now NDoc will process the v.2.0 projects. (Supported Runtime Version number should of course be changed to reflect the actual version on your system.)
There is even more good news for VB.Net developers. XML documentation is now supported for v.2.0 projects. Just use ''' (instead of /// for C# projects). This also works with NDoc.
The XML didn't show up because the browser treated it like HTML, and since it wasn't the browser's renderer just ignored it. You have to remember to either click the "Ignore HTML tags" check box, or manually put in the < and > escape sequences manually.
<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50215" />
My: Blog | Photos
"Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in." -- Confucious
How to Get some account's ACLs on a folder?
I want get an account's ACLs on a folder and check the account have specail permission on the folder,for example Read & Write.
I want this is implemented with c# code.
Hi all,
I am developing painting software for pocket pc using .NETCF. I like to set background for that painting application. I declared one global bitmap variable like this
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap
All images are painted in this bitmap (bm) as shown below.
Graphics.FromImage (bm).DrawLine (new Pen (pnlColor.BackColor), lastPos.X, lastPos.Y, e.X, e.Y);
Now I like to set background for this painted image. I used the following code.
Graphics.FromImage (bm).DrawImage (bmpBackground, 0, 0);
The above code just draws the background image over my painted image. So my painted image is hidden and it shows only the background image. But I like to set the background for my painted image. How to tackle this situation. Thanks in advance.
Does drawing the background first and then drawing the painted image solve your problem?
My Blog | My Articles | WinMacro
Hi Senthil,
Thanks for your reply.In my application,user will draw something and after the completion of the drawing,he used to set the background.So in my case the above solution wont work.Any way thanks for your reply.
Sevu wrote:
In my application,user will draw something and after the completion of the drawing,he used to set the background
That doesn't matter really, you can always draw the background first and then draw the other stuff. You do all the drawing in the Paint handler, right? You can do something like
void Paint(Graphics g)
My Blog | My Articles | WinMacro
I have been having a long debate with the developers in my company about porting our MFC software to C++.Net. The main concern is performance really. The software's primary goal is to track the flight of a ball in three dimensions using vision processing techniques. The software is, however, notoriously unreliable, with pointer errors and other software problems causing crashes quite frequently. Many of you may find this laughable but we are still using the VC6 compiler in Visual Studio 6. Aside from that, having had brief interludes with the .Net framework *and* MFC, I feel the .Net framework is far easier to use than MFC and seems to be a lot more stable too. From what I've seen and heard, .Net seems to be the answer in terms of development and productivity.
The other developers argue that the main issue is real-time performance. They feel that trying to get as low-level as we are would be difficult in .Net (but it's not like we're coding in assembly or even C for that matter; just standard C++). I believe they simply have a misguided understanding of how it all works. They seem to believe that the CLR is functionally the same as the Java Virtual Machine and that the intermediate language requires an extra layer of processing. My understanding is that the main purpose of the MSIL is for cross-platform compatibility and that it is possible to compile to the native machine language thus resulting in performance comparable to a Win32 compiled version.
Firsty, is this the correct analysis, and secondly can anyone give me URL where I could find information on benchtests comparing MFC v .Net compiled C++ programs?
Well, real-time applications are often cited as those for which managed environments are not suitable - due to the non-deterministic garbage collection. However, I don't have experience of real-time myself.
Having said that, Eiffel, which is also a GC-system has been used successfully in real-time environments - though Eiffel is a more sophisticated language than C# and .NET in this regard.
One thing you might get your company to look into is to port the app. to VC++ 2005 (C++/CLI). This will give you a managed environment, using the highest-performing language within a .NET context. Plus I believe it's the only managed language that will support deterministic GC, so that should handle the real-time aspects.
Another alternative is to stick with unmanaged code but port it to VC++ 7.1 or VC++ 2005 (Unmanaged) and make use of Boost smart pointers, etc., to take care of all your memory management issues.
Hi All
We are using C# and VS.NET 2003. It is a mdi application. When
multiple child forms are opened then on the top right and left hand corner recursive
are shown representing each form. There should be only one icon at a time.
Can any body have solution to this problem. Thanks in advance