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GeneralProb using Oracle 9i Pin
vishalmishra4-May-05 11:46
vishalmishra4-May-05 11:46 
GeneralRe: Prob using Oracle 9i Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 12:00
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 12:00 
GeneralRe: Prob using Oracle 9i Pin
vishalmishra4-May-05 12:14
vishalmishra4-May-05 12:14 
GeneralNewbie GROUP BY question Pin
moredip4-May-05 11:01
moredip4-May-05 11:01 
GeneralRe: Newbie GROUP BY question Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 11:36
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 11:36 
GeneralRe: Newbie GROUP BY question Pin
moredip4-May-05 11:50
moredip4-May-05 11:50 
GeneralRe: Newbie GROUP BY question Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 11:57
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 11:57 
GeneralRe: Newbie GROUP BY question Pin
moredip4-May-05 12:11
moredip4-May-05 12:11 
Hi again Colin,

I modified the SQL you provided slightly from this:

Colin Angus Mackay wrote:
SELECT main.ActivityID, main.PercentComplete, main.WhenComplete
FROM Activity_Session_Summary AS main
INNER JOIN (SELECT ActivityID, MAX(WhenCompleted) AS WhenComplete
FROM Activity_Session_Summary
WHERE StudentID = %s AND ActivityID IN ( %s )
GROUP BY ActivityID) AS sub
ON main.ActivityID = sub.ActivityID AND main.WhenComplete = sub.WhenComplete
WHERE StudentID = '%s' AND ActivityID IN ( %s )

to this:

SELECT main.ActivityID, main.PercentCorrect
        FROM Activity_Session_Summary AS main
        INNER JOIN (SELECT ActivityID, MAX(WhenCompleted) AS WhenCompleted
                    FROM Activity_Session_Summary
                    WHERE StudentID = '%s' AND ActivityID IN ( %s )
                    GROUP BY ActivityID) AS sub
        ON main.ActivityID = sub.ActivityID AND main.WhenCompleted = sub.WhenCompleted
        WHERE main.StudentID = '%s'

I just wanted to confirm with you that removing the final AND ActivityID IN ( %s ) makes sense. It seems to me that it's redundant, since the main.ActivityID = sub.ActivityID join will ensure that only ActivityID's in the supplied ( %s ) list will be considered. Is that correct?


GeneralRe: Newbie GROUP BY question Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 12:13
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 12:13 
GeneralAverage formula with SQL table Pin
Joey Picerno4-May-05 10:20
Joey Picerno4-May-05 10:20 
GeneralRe: Average formula with SQL table Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 11:42
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 11:42 
GeneralRe: Average formula with SQL table Pin
Joey Picerno4-May-05 15:33
Joey Picerno4-May-05 15:33 
GeneralRe: Average formula with SQL table Pin
Joey Picerno4-May-05 15:45
Joey Picerno4-May-05 15:45 
GeneralRe: Average formula with SQL table Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 19:33
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 19:33 
GeneralRe: Average formula with SQL table Pin
Joey Picerno5-May-05 3:51
Joey Picerno5-May-05 3:51 
GeneraltactDatagrid with and SQL Pin
gingesh4-May-05 8:35
gingesh4-May-05 8:35 
GeneralRe: tactDatagrid with and SQL Pin
keith maddox4-May-05 10:31
keith maddox4-May-05 10:31 
GeneralBulk Copy Tables from .net to sql Pin
Mtognetti4-May-05 4:51
Mtognetti4-May-05 4:51 
GeneralRe: Bulk Copy Tables from .net to sql Pin
MBGeorge4-May-05 20:45
MBGeorge4-May-05 20:45 
GeneralOracleHelper for testing Pin
Nizar Abdeljaoued4-May-05 4:17
Nizar Abdeljaoued4-May-05 4:17 
GeneralDumb Q: C++, a DB and regional settings Pin
CherezZaboro4-May-05 3:50
CherezZaboro4-May-05 3:50 
GeneralRe: Dumb Q: C++, a DB and regional settings Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 4:14
Colin Angus Mackay4-May-05 4:14 
GeneralCreate table Pin
vuthaianh3-May-05 18:11
vuthaianh3-May-05 18:11 
GeneralRe: Create table Pin
Christian Graus3-May-05 18:25
protectorChristian Graus3-May-05 18:25 
GeneralRe: Create table Pin
Yulianto.3-May-05 18:30
Yulianto.3-May-05 18:30 

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