Siddhivinayak Ganpati Temple Trust >> Pan Number: AACTS4584R
While filing e-tax returns, the software will ask for the Donee’s [Amount Receiver] PAN Number without which the filling will not take place.
UC Browser 7.7 is awesome
modified 6-Jun-16 9:08am.
1) Qus. : What are you doing?
Ans. : Business.
2) Qus. : What are you doing in Business?
Ans. : Selling the Goods.
3) Qus. : From where are you getting Goods?
Ans. : From other State/Abroad
4) Qus.... : What are you getting in Selling Goods?
Ans. : Profit.
5) Qus. : How do you distribute profit ?
Ans : By way of dividend
Tax : Pay dividend distribution Tax
6) Qus. : Where you Manufacturing the Goods?
Ans... : Factory.
7) Qus. : Do you have Office / Warehouse/ Factory?
Ans. : Yes
8) Qus... : Do you have Staff?
Ans. : Yes
9) Qus. : Doing business in Millions?
Ans. : Yes
Ans : No
Tax : Then pay Minimum Alternate Tax
10) Qus. : Are you taking out over 25,000 Cash from Bank?
Ans. : Yes, for Salary.
11) Qus.: Where are you taking your client for Lunch & Dinner?
Ans. : Hotel
12) Qus.: Are you going Out of Station for Business?
Ans. : Yes
13) Qus.: Have you taken or given any Service/s?
Ans... : Yes
14) Qus.: How come you got such a Big Amount?
Ans. : Gift on birthday.
15) Qus.: Do you have any Wealth?
Ans. : Yes
16) Qus.: To reduce Tension, for entertainment, where are you going?
Ans. : Cinema or Resort.
17) Qus.: Have you purchased House?
Ans. : Yes
18) Qus.: How you Travel?
Ans. : Bus
19) Qus.: Any Additional Tax?
Ans. : Yes
GOVT.'s TAX !!!
20) Qus.: Delayed any time Paying Any Tax?
Ans. : Yes
21) INDIAN :: Can I die now??
Ans :: Please wait, we are about to launch the funeral tax!!!
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
ADSL is just DSL when the uplink speed and the downlinks speed are not the same, which is typical.<br />
<br />
The 'DSL modem' handles the differences between PPPoE and PPPoA, in fact if the 'DSL modem' is in fact a router, it will handle ALL of the PPPoE issues. (DSL in my area all includes routers as modems)<br />
<br />
PPPoE issues will only affect the WAN side of the router, wireless issues on the LAN side should be seperate.
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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Default Password List[^]
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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One [1]
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
.Net Source[^]
Mind you it's entirely in C# (from the sections I've looked at), but covers huge sections of the entire BCL and extensions, such as WPF, ASP.NET, WCF, WF, ...
Sure, you can see alot of the same stuff in Reflector, but Reflector can't give you all the comments about WHY things were done the way they were and clarifications about how stuff works or how YOU should be using various things, like SafeHandles. Plus, Reflector doesn't give you the exact source as it was originally written. It's a reversed version of the MSIL.
Very interesting reading...
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
GIF: Steve Wilhite - 1987
RSS(Real Simple Syndication): Dan Libby and Ramanathan V. Guha - 1999 (Dave Winer has done more to popularize RSS than anyone else)
Ping: Mike Muuss - 1983
Internet Explorer 1.0: Thomas Reardon (Version 1.0 of the web browser was a reworked version of Spyglass Mosaic, which Microsoft had licensed from Spyglass in 1994. Thomas Reardon at Microsoft took the Spyglass code and developed it into Internet Explorer 1.0, released in 1995)
The @ sign: Ray Tomlinson - 1971
Smiley: Scott Fahlman - 19Sep1982
Smartmodem: Dale Heatherington - 1981
BIND(Berkeley Internet Name Domain): Terry, Painter, Riggle and Zhou - early 1980's
PHP: Rasmus Lerdorf - 1995
Intel 4004: Faggin, Hoff, Mazor and Shima - 1971
ASCII, the escape & backslash characters - Bob Bemer (He was also the first programmer to raise a good, big stink in the early 1970′s about the then-upcoming Y2K-coding problems, thirty years in advance)
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Parse the dates and compare them as you would numbers:
function isLater(str1, str2)
return new Date(str1) > new Date(str2);
var d1 = new Date();
var d2 = new Date(d1);
console.log(d1 == d2);
console.log(d1 === d2);
console.log(d1 != d2);
console.log(d1 !== d2);
console.log(d1.getTime() === d2.getTime());
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
_.uniq(_.pluck($scope.RawData, selectedField))
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
To quote Douglas Crockford's excellent JavaScript: The Good Parts,
JavaScript has two sets of equality operators: === and !==, and their evil twins == and !=. The good ones work the way you would expect. If the two operands are of the same type and have the same value, then === produces true and !== produces false. The evil twins do the right thing when the operands are of the same type, but if they are of different types, they attempt to coerce the values. the rules by which they do that are complicated and unmemorable. These are some of the interesting cases:
'' == '0'
0 == ''
0 == '0'
false == 'false'
false == '0'
false == undefined
false == null
null == undefined
' \t\r\n ' == 0
The lack of transitivity is alarming. My advice is to never use the evil twins. Instead, always use === and !==. All of the comparisons just shown produce false with the === operator.
For reference types == and === act consistently with one another (except in a special case).
var a = [1,2,3];
var b = [1,2,3];
var c = { x: 1, y: 2 };
var d = { x: 1, y: 2 };
var e = "text";
var f = "te" + "xt";
a == b
a === b
c == d
c === d
e == f
e === f
The special case is when you compare a literal with an object that evaluates to the same literal, due to its toString or valueOf method. For example, consider the comparison of a string literal with a string object created by the String constructor.
"abc" == new String("abc")
"abc" === new String("abc")
Here the == operator is checking the values of the two objects and returning true, but the === is seeing that they're not the same type and returning false. Which one is correct? That really depends on what you're trying to compare. My advice is to bypass the question entirely and just don't use the String constructor to create string objects.
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
> Column headers align to the left regardless of data type OR Headers are aligned with their data (keeps the vertical lines of the table clean, and provides consistency and context) and center alignment is not recommended
> Columns that have a sub heading are centred across the span
> Values: All text left aligned, All numbers right aligned, Single characters are centered, Numbers that are not values, like product codes for example, are treated like text and left aligned, Use the same number of decimal places for all numbers in a column, Left align dates, Use 2 digits and leading zero for day numbers (this may be cultural?), and use the same format for dates throughout.
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
// We fix a bug, compile it again
// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
12 June 2012:
Rupee has fallen to 55.3 per dollar after touching 56 +. It is most steep fall in last 3 months, about Rs. 8.
20 Sep 2016:
Rupee has fallen further 67.03 (has touched 68.47 before and recovering)
23 May 2017:
Rupee has rose to 64.75 (has touched 63.90 on 17 May 2017 before falling again)
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
// We fix a bug, compile it again
// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
modified 23-May-17 6:59am.
Just being curious and feel sad to see another airline to go badly, of same company MHA.
RIP to all passengers. May god bless those families.
I am just running a repository of links, just for my info where does these news items take turn.
Australian family hit by both MH17, MH370 tragedies. Kaylene(right pic) lost her brother and sister-in-law on MH370, and her stepdaughter and stepson-in-lawon MH17[^]
A DUTCH man has escaped death twice by changing his tickets at the last minute for both flights.[^]
MH17, a Boeing 777, made its first flight on July 17, 1997, ended 17 years later on July 17 2014[^]
MH17, MH370: The questions surrounding Malaysia Airlines[^]
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
// We fix a bug, compile it again
// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
Tips and Tricks for Visual Studio[^]
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
If you unshelve one and then use the command line TFS power tools to compare the other one with the review commandtfpt review /shelveset:shelvesetName;userName
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
D- Present a wizard-like UI, require user input to start and run to completion
W- Runs in background with no user input
D- runs sync
W- runs async
D- cannot be auto-triggered, to be started by user
W- can be triggered by user(on demand), or auto-triggered
D- can query CRM data
W- cannot query CRM data
D- can call child dialogs and pass information to them
W- can call child workflows but cannot pass info?
D- can be run on one record at a time
W- can be run on multiple records
Extra checks with workflows:
> cannot undo - updated records cannot be reverted
> avoid infinite loops
> test db outside of live crm db
> check security rules to ensure users have the ability to execute workflows but not create process
> use advanced finds to monitor completed system jobs
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
<option selected>Apples</option>
.styled select {
background: transparent;
width: 150px;
font-size: 16px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
height: 34px;
.styled {
margin: 50px;
width: 120px;
height: 34px;
border: 1px solid #111;
border-radius: 3px;
overflow: hidden;
background: url(http://www.stackoverflow.com/favicon.ico) 96% / 20% no-repeat #eee;
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
// We fix a bug, compile it again
// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
modified 29-Sep-15 8:58am.
Best & Cheap:
1) Router => TL-WR841N
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
// We fix a bug, compile it again
// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
The Domain Model contains information and functionality related to what it means to be a User.
The Service contains information and functionality related to performing atomic units of work.
Data models are used for describing the data in your system and relations or associations between them.
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
// We fix a bug, compile it again
// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
Regex in SQL
Below applies to SQL Server 2008 R2
Symbol & Meaning
LIKE '5[%]' & 5%
LIKE '5%' & 5 followed by any string of 0 or more characters
LIKE '[_]n' & _n
LIKE '_n' & an, in, on (and so on)
LIKE '[a-cdf]' & a, b, c, d, or f
LIKE '[-acdf]' & -, a, c, d, or f
LIKE '[ [ ]' & [
LIKE ']' & ]
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
> gluten-free food - Birmingham restaurants:
-Warehouse Cafe, Digbeth -good for dal, gluten-free toasted bun with potato wedges and salad
-Bodega, Bennetts Hill -good for dark chocolate
-Zizzi -good for vegan pizza/pasta
-Jyotis, Stratford Road, Hall Green -Indian vegetarian
> Kids & Fun
-Splashtastic water party at Alton Towers £15 per child
-West Midland Safari Park £25 per child and two adults
-The Snowdome £12 per child
> vegetarian lunch
-Bodega cantina (avocado, sweet potato, black beans, salsa, cocktails)
-Purnell’s Bistro (roasts)
> My All time favs (as of year 2010):
-McDonalds at NewStreet & Old Library
-Subway on Corporation street
-Wetherspoons at Old Library
-Nandos at MailBox
-Pizza Express at Mailbox
-Deli lunch near SuperDrug store on corporation street
-( more to add )
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
// 99 bugs in the code
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "
1) using-jsfiddle-with-angularjs
// ♫ 99 little bugs in the code,
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// 101 little bugs in the code ♫
Tell your manager, while you code: "good, cheap or fast: pick two. "