This is ae kewl feature !
Mauricio Ritter - Brazil
Sonorking now: 100.13560 MRitter
I've gone sending to outer space, to find another race
It works.
A woman I work with from Brazil brought in some tasty cheese-bread ball thingies the other day. I want to move to Brazil now.
"Time spent with cats is never wasted." - Colette
Navin wrote:
tasty cheese-bread ball thingies
It´s probably "pão de queijo" (cheese bread). She is probably from Minas Gerais (it´s the state of the "pão de queijo", I´m from the state of "churrasco" and "chimarrão")
Mauricio Ritter - Brazil
Sonorking now: 100.13560 MRitter
I've gone sending to outer space, to find another race
Mauricio Ritter wrote:
"pão de queijo"
That's *exactly* it! I heard her say the name, but didn't know how to spell it exactly. It's good stuff, but apparently the right type of cheese to use is hard to find up here.
"Time spent with cats is never wasted." - Colette
No problem, there is a ready made mix available from a brand called Yoki (www.yoki.com.br[^])
You can buy that in many places outside Brazil too.
Off to
Andreas Saurwein wrote:
there is a ready made mix available from a brand called Yoki
that should be called YUCKI !
There is a brand called "Forno de Minas", they´re much better but their freezed.
Mauricio Ritter - Brazil
Sonorking now: 100.13560 MRitter
Life is a mixture of painful separations from your loved ones and joyful reunions, without those two we'd just be animals I guess. The more painful the separation, that much more wonderful will be the reunion - Nish
"Th@ langwagje is screwed! It has if's but no end if's!! Stupid php cant even do butuns on forms! VISHAUL BASICS ARE THE FUTSHURE!" - Simon Walton
Hey, thats the best you get outside of Brazil. One gets accustomed with it.
Off to
Andreas Saurwein wrote:
Off to Brasil
So... are you here yet ? ;P;P
Mauricio Ritter - Brazil
Sonorking now: 100.13560 MRitter
English is not my native language so, if you find any spelling erros in my posts, please let me know.
Mauricio Ritter wrote:
So... are you here yet ?
Duh, nope, not yet. Still 18 days to go. Delayed because the BR Embassy doesnt "work as efficient as it could".
But things are prepared and only waiting for us.
Off to Brazil in a few days
Mauricio Ritter wrote:
I´m from the state of "churrasco" and "chimarrão")
Gaucho, eh?
But "chimarrão" ? Ouch. Quente, muito quente. Too hot for me.
Off to
eu só estou escrevendo aqui para lhe agradecer e parabenizar pelos exemplos que vc "postou" nesta hp. E dizer que, é muito dificil achar gente no Brasil que se interessa por programação de jogos (decentes, é claro), e eu to cansado de ver joguinho feito em DOS(essas re-re-re-re-invenções do telejogo). E se um dia vc estiver precisando de alguem pra produzir um jogo de verdade, pode contar comigo. Eu conheço uns caras na faculdade que são feras, ("e eu não sei porque essas coisas nunca vão pra frente, mas eu espero que um dia, um jogo feito no Brasil Chegue a E3, e ganhe o premio de Melhor do Ano")
Information is the key for the knowledge !
Informação é a chave para o conhecimento !
Valeu Dilermando !
Estou trabalhando em um novo jogo, com visão isometrica (está só nos sketches por enquanto) e tentando converter meus samples para Linux. Se precisar de alguma ajuda eu te aviso.
Mauricio Ritter - Brazil
Sonorking now: 100.13560 MRitter
I've gone sending to outer space, to find another race
Vou te pedir uma dica, hehe..
Estou começando agora com desenvolvimento de aplicativos em C# e vejo que você já fraga do linguagem bastante.
Gostaria que me enviasse uns exemplos de acesso a banco de dados ou um tutorial desta linguagem, por gentileza.
Desde já muito obrigado.
George - BH
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Hi Mauricio,
I checked your works and found them very usefull. I am developing C# programs nowadays, I want to enter game programming with DirectX9 and C#. Can you give a good starting point (book, web source or some other source)?
Thank you all.
Cem Louis
I am trying out the autonumber example of database connection in C#.NET. I get following error
at line DataRow oOrderRow = oDS.Tables["Orders"].NewRow();
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in LibMgmt.exe
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Pls. help...
i can not download Invasion - A computer game using DirectDraw
By Mauricio Ritter
Help me ..
Who can Dowload Please send to me amper_1@hotmail.com
Thank you .. very much
Hello, Mr. Mauricio Ritter
I am a beginner at DirectX programming, I read your article "Introduction to DirectDraw and Surface Blitting" on web6.codeproject.com and I have some problem expecting you could help me:
When I finished building front surface and back surface, try to compile the project, debug error about LPDIRECTDRAW7 is always bother me, seems that the system cannot find the correct definition of LPDIRECTDRAW7;
I refreshed my directx SDK to 9.0c and at the VC++ enviroment I link to ddraw.lib and other lib file as you wrote, and all the lib files is in my "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib" directory; Is this mean I have some problem on my directx enviroment setting or some other problems?
best wishes!
I saw your article.
Its very nice.
ie., in a Custom Validation Scripts - Extending the client side script functionality[^]
I have a question
Default does "ValidatorCommonOnSubmit()" function is called every time the user tries to submit the form.
we should refer it anywhere else.
I am asking this question because, when i click on submit button, it calls ValidatorCommonOnSubmit() function . My code is below.
function ValidatorCommonOnSubmit() {
///<V1.200> - Support for CausesValidation property
var retValue = !Page_BlockSubmit;
if (!_val_NS) { // If we are not in crappy old Netscape 4.7 then....
if (_val_IE) // If its Internet Explorer, set our return event value.
event.returnValue = retValue;
Page_BlockSubmit = false;
return retValue;
I am geting error at line event.returnValue = retValue;.
Error message is " Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'event' is null or not an object.".
Can you please say me how to over come this error message.
Hi Mauricio,
Can you tell me your email to ask you some questions please?
You can send me an email to my email to talk.
my email is: jimmy_makrides@hotmail.com
I'm looking for some free/open source resources for my first Android game (free).
Can I use your resources in creating the game?
It will be an invasion clone like this one but for Android & may be for Windows Phone also.
I will definitely credit you for this.
Hoping to hear from you soon.