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CCryptographicAlgorithm : CObject

$Revision: 21 $


This is the class handles Cryptographic Algorithms. It encapsulates the PROV_ENUMALGS data structure and gives you a few little helpers.


CCryptographicAlgorithm( const CCryptographicAlgorithm& source )
CCryptographicAlgorithm( const PROV_ENUMALGS& source )
Constructs the object.

Data Members

DWORD Identifier
The defined constant for the algorithm.
DWORD BitLength
The number of bits in the key. This will usually be choked by the United States Commerce Department to 40 bits (which has been proven to be easily breakable).
CString Name
Hold the name of the algorithm.


void Copy( const CCryptographicAlgorithm& source )
void Copy( const PROV_ENUMALGS&  source )
void Copy( const PROV_ENUMALGS * source )
Copies the data from another object.
void Empty( void )
Clears the data members.
BOOL IsDataEncrypt( void )
Returns TRUE if this algorithm can be used to encrypt data.
BOOL IsHash( void )
Returns TRUE if this algorithm is a secure hash algorithm.
BOOL IsKeyExchange( void )
Returns TRUE if this algorithm is used to exchange keys with another person.
BOOL IsMessageEncrypt( void )
Returns TRUE if this algorithm is used to encrypt messages.
BOOL IsSignature( void )
Returns TRUE if this algorithm is used to digitally sign messages.


operator = ( const CCryptographicAlgorithm& source )
operator = ( const PROV_ENUMALGS& source )
These call the Copy() methods.



API's Used

CCryptographicAlgorithm uses the following API's:
Copyright, 2000, Samuel R. Blackburn
$Workfile: CCryptographicAlgorithm.cpp $
$Modtime: 1/04/00 5:09a $