I have one html document . I want to highlight text in html document but which text I want to highlight that is repeated text in html document . But I want to highlight only exact text according to my requirement then how can I determine the exact text which I want to highlight . Manually, I know that this text should have to highlight but how programmatically determine exact text to highlight between duplicates.
Please some one can help to me.
My exact scenario is giving below-
I want to explain my scenario I have some pdf and converting in epub file.After converting some text font name or font style missing then I have to compare with pdf and epub and highlight the exact text which font is missing.But because of duplicates I am not able to determine the text for highlight.
Your question is not very clear.
I have guessed that for a html page that you are displaying in the web browser control you want to be able to highlight a word or words.
If I am write I would have a look here[^]
There is also a lot of example from Google: c# webbrowser highlight text[^]
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
Hello ,
Thanks for your reply. Highlighting text is not a problem for me .My Problem is that while I am comparing epub to pdf , I am able to get text only not position of text. So I don't know the position of text and there is duplication of text which is making me uncomfortable to highlight text.
if I know position of text or there is not a duplication of text then it is easy to highlight.
This question was already asked here[^]. Please stick with one forum only.
Hello All,
I have a dotnet windows application in which i am using crystal reports, built using vs 2005, installed on a machine using click once setting. Till now the application is working fine. but when i am migrating my application from vs 2005 to 2010 and deploying it onto the test environment, at the time when client is opening the application through application shortcut ,the crystal report runtime for vs 2010 is not installing on the client machine. However i have mentioned it as a prerequisite and also the crystal report runtime setup is there in the Application deployed location.
Help really appreciated.
I have windows form application of employee salary management system. It has methods of login, AddnewRecord, Edit, ViewAll, Search and few more. can any one tell me how to apply equivalence partitioning method "category partitioning" ?
Due to my current work, I need to display a plain image in a WinForms control (based on a map, but not from Bing / Google / other APIs) such as a JPEG or PNG in which I need to define/show points of interest. It will also be good to allow showing/hiding these layers of information (e.g. basic plain JPEG map in one layer, points of interest in another layer and dangerous points in a third layer) based on the user's criteria independently as well as allow clicking on these points.
In the past, I have performed such a similar work on a web environment by using OpenLayers, which provides a functionality (I think via a plugin/trunk) to work with plain images instead of retrieving the data from a devoted server.
But now, I'm a bit lost. I have been taking a look at SharpMap + GdalRasterLayer, but I have not been able to find any good tutorial to perform something similar to what I pretend. Maybe too much complicated for what I pretend, and of course not the target of these gis-based libraries.
I hope someone can help me;
Thanks in advance.
I don't know of any 3rd. party library for this specific purpose, but, I think a lot of what you may do will depend on the nature of the whatever-objects you need to overlay on top of the map to define your "points of interest." Can you describe those objects further: are they icons ? graphic files ? Do they function as Controls, meaning: if you hover over them, click on them, etc., some action is performed ?
And, the solution will also depend on what facilities you provide for viewing the underlying map: will the user be able to pan, zoom ? I would guess you'd implement that which requires re-calculation of which overlay objects will appear, and where they will appear.
You can certainly create transparent Forms in WinForms and carefully position them over some base Form (or Panel, or other ContainerControl, in a base Form) that contains you map as a BackGroundImage. Those transparent Forms can, of course, have objects in them that are not transparent.
If you want to look further into doing this yourself in C#, then please post a more complete specification here.
good luck, Bill
"What Turing gave us for the first time (and without Turing you just couldn't do any of this) is he gave us a way of thinking about and taking seriously and thinking in a disciplined way about phenomena that have, as I like to say, trillions of moving parts.
Until the late 20th century, nobody knew how to take seriously a machine with a trillion moving parts. It's just mind-boggling." Daniel C. Dennett
Long time ago, I made an application near to your requirements. The main design was:
- An abstract base Shape class having some methods like a void Render(Graphics) and a method for hit testing,bool HitTest(Point).
- Shape classes for custom shapes that are needed on each layer; shapes like point, line, icon, path, etc that inherit from abstract Shape class.
- Each derived shape has its own properties and overrides Render method and renders itself on the graphics object; also overrides HitTest method to check if it contains a point.
- A Layer class that contains a List of Shapes and a void Render(Graphics) and calls render method of each shape. (You can restrict each layer to specific types of shapes, you can implement z-order management for shapes, etc)
- A Map class having and Image and a List<Shapes> and Save and Load to/from file. (You can handle Active layer and active shape easily.)
- A custom control that has a Map property. This control is responsible for rendering layers and handling user mouse interaction and update layers. This control overrides OnPaint and mouse events and enables double buffering.
Hope this idea helps you.
I recently came across a link to Nokia’s new developers program which goes by the name of DVLUP.. Have anybody else heard of it?
It is pretty exciting reward program as one has to complete challenges and earn cool badges nd reward points… Much more like an interesting game nd we can share it on our fb profiles too… Check it out: http://www.sercononline.com/track.asp?token=330
This reads and feels like Spam.
Anshu Kapoor wrote: It is pretty exciting reward program Woooah! Is it exciting?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Yes i think so.. Why sir?? what u think abt this?
Anshu Kapoor wrote: what u think abt this? Textspeak, buzzwords, and posted in a forum where one expects questions.
I think it's 'orrible.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
This is not the right forum for posting anything else other than a question on Window Forms.
(definitely not for advertising)
I am using WeifenLuo.WinformsUI.Docking suite in m in my Winforms App for Docking Multiple forms in a MDI Form.
Now the isssue is when i am making a Forms as Auto Hide.
When i am trying to click View --> Window , then the window on the toggling.
I tried:
private void ShowForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I am using WeifenLuo.WinformsUI.Docking.dll Version
Any suggestion plz Help.
I make three form one admin and second user and mainform if admin login then my main form all the menu item is enable but when user login then also all menustrip item button is enable how to disable this menu item. Please help to solve this problem.
Please show the actual code that is not working and explain in detail. No one can guess what your code does.
Veni, vidi, abiit domum
ANKIT KUMAR SINHA wrote: if admin login then my main form all the menu item is enable but when user login then also all menustrip item button is enable how to disable this menu item Instead of disabling the menu-item, I'd recommend not creating it in the first place.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Try creating a variable in the login form, when any of them logs in assign a value to that variable. Note: the value assigned should be different depending on who logged in. E.g (variable_name = 1..when admin logs in, variable_name = 2..when user logs in ). On the load event of the main form use an if statement to check the value of that variable. Depending on the value of the variable disable the menustrip item using the its name. Example when a normal user logs in
Remember to declare the variables for validation as static variables in the login form so as to access it in the mainform.
Hope that works
I also solve this problem but my procedure is different first i MDI Parent form menustrip itme property change the modifier it declared public and then i access this menu strip in other form like login form.
menustripitem property = public
creating an object the login form
object.menustripitem.Enabled = false;
it working properly
you also realise that you can merge menu's from the child forms into the parent container?
Google : MDI Parent form merge menustrip[^]
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
check it userwise
if(user =="admin"){
else {menu.IsEnable=false;}
something like this
Sankarsan Parida
Try making a Boolean variable.
On login, the app must determine if the logged in user is admin or not.
Then, set the appropriate values.
On login:
If user is admin: adminbool = true
adminbool = false
On form_load
You get the idea, right?