Hello Sir,
How can we mute & Unmute only Audio while Recording video. Please send me a code example.
Created usercontrol by taking group box and few controls like textbox, buttons etc. inside the group box. And when I check preview of the usercontrol , it is working correctly.
But when I am trying to use it in the application, few controls from group box are flowing out or say the location of few controls in that group box is changed.
Please help me if any one knows about this.
Thanks in advance
Have you set the Anchor property for that controls?
ya I have set anchor property for few controls as left,top.
One more observation is like if i am using menustrip in my application only then the control's alignment in usercontrol is changing.
If I am using it in application without any menustrip then the alignment is correct.
I have checked the control's size even , there is a space to expand if i am using it in the application where i am using menustrip.
I am calling tabcontrol programmatically in a form containing menustrip. At the same time i am calling usercontrol on the tab page.
I have used usercontrol for testing purpose in different applications, in few applications it is working and in few its not.
Please tell me if I need to set any property or ny details u want me to check.
thank u
modified on Monday, September 8, 2008 3:16 AM
Hey got it.
Due to the name of tab control page, alignment of controls in user control was changing.
Because, I have selected the font as "verdana" & that too "bold" due to that the alignment was changing.
Now it got solved after changing it to normal.
It took 2 days to get this point. ahh but solved.
I've got a usercontrol that uses quite a few other usercontrols putting it together. I only want the "complete" usercontrol to be visible in the toolbar and not the pieces that make it up. How do I hide the parts I want to hide and still be able to use them to build my control? I make the final control by dragging the other items from the toolbar. After I am finished all of my controls are visible in the toolbar and I don't want that. Help?!
I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express - C#
I think you can give those controls you want to hide an attribute
I designed a user control to be a container for a layout. The control itself uses three other usercontrols for tabs and title and such. My control shows up in the toolbar and I can drag it to the form in the designer and set all of it's options but this usercontrol was designed to hold one or more usercontrols of any kind. I can add any item programmatically but if I drag a control over it in the designer it will not add the control I'm dragging to my usercontrol after I drop it on it. Any ideas how this functionality can be added for the designer?
I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express - C#
modified on Thursday, September 4, 2008 11:46 PM
I had that problem myself and I'm not sure what best to do. Maybe there is a trick we both don't know.
If you don't have a user control, but a control derived from Panel, you can drop controls onto it at design time and they will be added. Also I think if you have a Panel on your user control, you can drop controls onto the Panel. So maybe you can just fill your user control with a Panel and go from there.
Hello everyone,
I'm currently involved in developping a WinForm application. I use VB.NET as a language and use the 2.0 .NET framework
One of my forms only contains a WebBrowser component. That form is launched by another form which passes him an URL for the WebBrowser to naviguate towards.
The webpage aimed by the URL has an applet (or so I think it is) allowing to see a digitalised document (such as a hand written letter or a printed form).
When the form is closed, the exectution of the instruction line :
Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
End Sub
lasts for several minutes. Within that period of time, the entire software is frozen and will only be available to the user when the instruction is passed.
I asked to my peers how to hanlde that behavior and they adviced me to come up with a solution based on asynchronous execution (I am no expert in that domain of IT programming).
So my question is: assuming that it is the correct way, which part of my code am I supposed to wrap with a thread ? Is it the form containing the WebBrowser with the heavy finalysing ? Or maybe just the finalisation itself (I must say that I already tried that and it changed nothing)
Thanks in advance for you help and accept my apologizes for my writting but english isn't my native language.
I was wondering if its possible to make a File Dialog (Open/Save as) become the child window of a parent form and be fully "contained and bounded" in it. I can`t find any straight-forward way to do this, like Controls.Add or anything since they inherit from Component class.
I also tried calling the Win32 SetParent function but it has no effect.
Any suggestions please ?
Thanks in advance.
yes is possible but: are you expert in API calls, i. e. WndProc, Farprocs, Hookprocs, HookFunctions ans so on. if not, is better you call the standard file dialog in the .net framework.
Hi Joe,
Yes i`m familiar with Win32 API .Can u tell me how using HookProcs and WndProcs will help ?
hooks are not easy to use. look in the msdn help, set the filter to platform SDK an search for OPENFILENAME.
good luck
Dear Sir,
I am developping one windows Application, In that i am working on Adio Mute & TrackBar Controls
I am using Check bOx for MUte functionality, TrackBar for Increase or Decrease the volume. For this Iam using Mixer Object. I Added the WaveLib.AudioMixer; Library to my project.
My Reqirement:
1. when i Check the Mute Checck Box then Audio should not be recorded while recording,
2. when i Uncheck the check box then Default volume will set. ( tracker bar volume).
right now i am using this Code but it is not working.
Mixers mix = new Mixers();
if (Settings.Default.Mute == true)// here i have setting page by default the mute is set to False.
//Mixer mix = new Mixer(MixerType.Recording);
mix.Recording.Lines.GetMixerFirstLineByComponentType(MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE.SRC_MICROPHONE).Mute = true;
if (mix.Recording.Lines.GetMixerFirstLineByComponentType(MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE.SRC_MICROPHONE).Mute)
mix.Recording.Lines.GetMixerFirstLineByComponentType(MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE.SRC_MICROPHONE).Mute = false;
//Encoder.set_RecordingMute(0, true);
please currect my code.
Please take a look at the following article
Hope this helps .
John Adams
ComponentOne LLC
Hello all,
Is there a progress bar for .NET that has an unsigned 64-bit maximum value? The number of items I'm processing can easily exceed 32-bits, but the Windows Forms progress bar only accepts a standard int.
Why don't you set the maximum to 100 and set the integer percentage value when it has changed? Setting the value a billion times will slow down your application anyway, and users won't see a difference.
Good point. We had created a form that has a progress window and a display of the number of items being processed, and we had just been using the ProgressBar.Maximum property for that value. But yes, your suggestion would be a better design choice.
I am Using Visual c++ 2005
I need to make ab choice of all my Printing options
I have a Problem how to fill into my comBobox All Orientation Parper
I try This
this->paperorientation->DataSource = System::Enum::GetValues(GetType(PaperOrientation))
I have a message CrystalDecisions::Shared::PaperOrientation: Illegal use of this type as an expression.
I do not what to do
Can you help me
I need to fill my Paper Orientation, PAper Size, Paper Duplex ComboBoxes
Help needed
Does anyone know a good way to make a control draw and work outside the bounds of a form in vb.net? I am trying to make a control that works like a combobox in that it drops down, but I need the part that drops down to be a datagridview. If the datagridview dropdown is taller than the form has room for, I need it to go past the edge of the form, just like a combobox dropdown.
You can put the datagridview to a separate form without borders and position the form under the "combobox". When form looses focus, you close the form so the "combo" closes.
Hope this helps,
Thats the only thing I could think to do as well. It seems there has got to be a different, cleaner way to do it, because combobox/menu dropdowns can do it. I guess for all I know thats how combobox and menu dropdowns work too.
Anyway, this is probably what I'll end up doing. Thank you for your help.
You're welcome.
It's not neccessarily a bad way at all. I don't know today's implementation for example in Vista which is based on WPF but if I remember correctly, originally in Windows combobox was constructed using:
- textbox (editable or noneditable)
- button on the right side of the text box
- listbox placed in a separate window