Hi all!
In my application I launch a third party application(AUT) to do some tests on it. From my application I launch the AUT in a separate thread so my application doesn't block. My application then analyzes the AUT in search for Clickable controls. I'm able to do this and no Thread has been thrown yet(please tell me if I'm being luck and I shouldn't be doing this).
But then I want to programatically perform a click on that control. The way I'm trying to do it is using UIAutomation. So I try to create a AutomationElement from the control handle. That's when an InvalidOperationException is thrown saying I can't perform that operation because I'm doing it from a different Thread.
I understand this and I've read the "Make Thread-Safe Calls to Windows Form Controls" How-To from Microsoft and the "What's up with BeginInvoke?" article but I haven't realize how to apply this knowledge to my problem. The reason is that the operation I'm trying to do is get the handle from a Control in a thir party application.
Am I missing something? can someone shed some light on me please?
José Tavares
jpsstavares wrote: But then I want to programatically perform a click on that control.
jpsstavares wrote: Am I missing something? can someone shed some light on me please?
Invoke works for a single process. It sounds like you have two processes so that is not going to work.
led mike
led mike wrote: Invoke works for a single process. It sounds like you have two processes so that is not going to work.
Well, actually no, I'm launching the application in another thread other than my main thread, but in the same process.
Regarding the programatically clicking of a control, is there a way to do it (with UIAutomation or anything else)?
jpsstavares wrote: Well, actually no, I'm launching the application in another thread other than my main thread, but in the same process.
No. Launching an application will produce a new process for that application. Unless you mean something different than "launching an application".
Yeah sorry, I wasn't explicit. I'm "launching" the application by Executing its assembly with AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ExecuteAssembly(filePath);
You have to click the Button on the same thread as it was created, otherwise you'll get this exception.
For normal applications that means that all UI components are created on the main (UI) thread and all calls to the UI coming from background threads have to be marshaled back to the UI thread, either by using Control.Invoke or a SynchronizationContext.
In your szenario, either run the 3rd party software on the UI thread and your tasks on a background thread, then you can use Invoke or a SynchronizationContext, or really be sure that everything you call to the 3rd party app is on the same worker thread.
no risk no funk
chieldHwnd= FindWindowEx(parentHwnd, chieldHwnd, "obj_EDIT", null);
int length = SendMessage(chieldHwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0);
if (length > 0)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
int numChars = SendMessage(chieldHwnd, WM_GETTEXT, (IntPtr)(length + 1), sb);
listBox1.Items.Add("in Textbox : " + sb);
this code takes a text in textbox but form has 2 textboxes and it takes last textbox's text how can i get the specified text.
username -------------
password -------------
both of them empty
and it takes allways password's text of textbox
thanks for everything i have...
You need to call FindWindowEx in a loop passing previous values as hwndChildAfter. The loop should end when FindWindowEx returns NULL.
By the way, winapi questions should be asked here: Visual C++ / MFC[^]
thx and i am sorry that i send wrong place (
thanks for everything i have...
private int GetChildHandle(int parent, string className)
int child = FindWindowEx(parent, IntPtr.Zero, className, null);
return child;
public void DoExternalWrite(string text)
int parent = FindWindow("obj_Form", "Adobe Creative Suite 2 by cvs/SSG");
int child = GetChildHandle(parent, "obj_BUTTON");// is a group box
//in this groupbox there are two text box
int child2 = GetChildHandle(child, "obj_EDIT");
SendMessage(child, WM_SETTEXT, IntPtr.Zero, text);
1 ---------
2 --------- it types mytext to this textbox why ??
thanks for everything i have...
private int GetChildHandle(int parent, string className)
int childafter=0;
while (childafter != null )
childafter = FindWindowEx(parent, childafter, className, null);
return childafter;
thanks for everything i have...
private int GetChildHandle(int parent, string className)
int childafter = FindWindowEx(parent, 0, className, null);
while (childafter != 0 )
childafter = FindWindowEx(parent, childafter, className, null);
return childafter;
parent takes the hwnd with findwindow()
classname i gave
when i use that functions, it gives the same . It add to listbox only second textbox hwnd, i am going to crayz ???
thanks for everything i have...
Why are you adding hwnds to the listbox? I thought you wanted to get text from them.
yes you are right just i wanna see which hwnd i can take just because of this. and always it takes last one hwnd so always takes last one's text
thanks for everything i have...
You are returning only the last one. Find text for all the hwnds you get by the loop.
could you help on this? how can i do that?
thanks for everything i have...
Well, you get text by sending messages to the control identified by the hwnd, don't you? So send those messages to all the childhwnds you get.
Just throwing my 2 cents in... There is one little problem with using WM_GETTEXT to get the string out of textboxes - reliability.
There is nothing that says that the control has to respond to that message. There are subclassed textbox classes being used that ignore the WM_GETTEXT message, and hence, return nothing. A password textbox sounds like a good candidate for a customized version of a textbox control that ignores the message, doesn't it?
Hi folks,
Is there any way to display an owned without graying out the title bar of the owner?
You would have to manipulate aspects of the window with Windows API commands. I do not believe their is an easy way to accomplish this in .NET alone.
Thomas Stockwell
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
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Thnx 4 da rply. But do u hav any idea of which APIs to call?
modified on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 4:28 AM
Thomas Stockwell
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
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