You can't just install the DLL's for .NET V4.0, you have to install the whole framework properly. That means following the link I gave you, and including that as a part of your installation. That's because you don't have the internet, which MS usually use to ensure the right version of .NET is installed prior to the main installer starting.
Gawd knows if the V40 framework will work on XP at all: I don't! A quick check with MS says it will, if XP is at SP3 - which if it's not on the internet, it very probably isn't ...
Sent from my Amstrad PC 1640
Never throw anything away, Griff
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
yes,sorry for the late, i have moved to another bug. so i am using the template "Visual studio installer" on win7 32-bit OS.all prerequisites are added successfully like vc runtime components, my application related dlls, from the prerequisites dialog box i checked "microsoft dotnet 4.0 client,4.5" and "windows installer 3.1" but it couldn't be included in it i think.after built successfully the setup is going to run on winXP, Win7 (32/64) bit Operating systems. now i installed it on XP machine ,its searching for dotnet framework in the web,when i installed it on win7(32-bit) machine its showing the error like msvcp100d.dll is missing. my mfc vc++ application's target framework is dotnet4.0 so that's why i have checked 4.0 version also from prerequisite window,but i got same result as above. so what would be the exact missing in my setup..? thanks for your patience...
HI all,
I have found a source code for detecting new HDD on windows but it show GUI MFC. I want to convert this code to Win32 application, and running silent underground windows always wait when a new HDD plug it show message dialog "Detect new a HDD, do you want format it? Yes or No".
when you click "Yes" it will call diskpart and format new HDD and assign. I'm not a deverploer so I need your help.
link source: HWDetect.rar - Google Drive[^]
please to help me!
Thanks all,
Sorry, this site does not provide code to order; try freelancer.com.
I have 3rd party . OCX file. which loads in HTML scripts and do desired work
Below Steps I have used while creating a Wrapper:
1: In visual Studio-> VC++-CLR-ClassLibrary project
2: Project add Reference (.ocx file)
3: Ref: i am abe to see Interop.Filelib.1.0
4: now in Project.h i am trying to use Filelib but not able to create any object or instance.
While i tried to create an Activex project and added .ocx file getting below stuff and i am not able to understand how to use it and create an wrapper for C#.
class CDNXCardReaderX : public CWnd
CLSID const& GetClsid()
static CLSID const clsid
= { 0x222BBB5D, 0xE9FC, 0x4EB6, { 0x9E, 0xD0, 0x41, 0x10, 0x2C, 0x95, 0xC0, 0x3A } };
return clsid;
virtual BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle,
const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID,
CCreateContext* pContext = NULL)
return CreateControl(GetClsid(), lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID);
BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd,
UINT nID, CFile* pPersist = NULL, BOOL bStorage = FALSE,
BSTR bstrLicKey = NULL)
return CreateControl(GetClsid(), lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID,
pPersist, bStorage, bstrLicKey);
// Attributes
// Operations
long OpenSessionSync(long Timeout)
long result;
static BYTE parms[] = VTS_I4 ;
InvokeHelper(0x2d, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_I4, (void*)&result, parms, Timeout);
return result;
I am totally clueless on what approach shall i use to create object and call these functions.
You already posted this in the C/C++ forum: please do not repost.
I have a program that works fine on most machines. Every now and then I find a
computer and the edit boxes are shifted to the right. I have an image of the
shifting here
In the past, I use to be able to go to display settings and change it from 125% to 100% and reboot and the boxes would line up nicely with the form. But its on a 100% and I dont know why its not lining up.
Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
In my C++ application, I have added CLR support((/clr) to use WCF communication.
Everything is working well, but i observed handle leak. When I analyze this with WinDbg(!htrace). Its shows handle leaks in .NET libs as shown below.
Handle = 0x0000000000003300 - OPEN
Thread ID = 0x0000000000004dbc, Process ID = 0x000000000000414c
0x000000007785a30a: ntdll!ZwCreateThreadEx+0x000000000000000a
0x000007fefd37ac73: KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThreadEx+0x0000000000000163
0x00000000776e57a6: KERNEL32!CreateThread+0x0000000000000036
0x000007fedaf3f0aa: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001ae0a
0x000007fedaf3efb8: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001ad18
0x000007fedaf3f5e3: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001b343
0x000007fedaf3f623: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001b383
0x000007fedaeb3b5e: clr!PreBindAssemblyEx+0x0000000000007e5e
0x000007fedae0a05f: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x000000000000525f
0x000007fedae0837c: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x000000000000357c
0x000007fedae08125: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x0000000000003325
Handle = 0x00000000000032fc - OPEN
Thread ID = 0x0000000000004dbc, Process ID = 0x000000000000414c
0x0000000077859d0a: ntdll!ZwCreateEvent+0x000000000000000a
0x000007fefd372d15: KERNELBASE!CreateEventExW+0x0000000000000065
0x000007fedaf3db8a: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x00000000000198ea
0x000007fedaf3dd27: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x0000000000019a87
0x000007fedaf3f077: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001add7
0x000007fedaf3efb8: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001ad18
0x000007fedaf3f5e3: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001b343
0x000007fedaf3f623: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001b383
0x000007fedaeb3b5e: clr!PreBindAssemblyEx+0x0000000000007e5e
0x000007fedae0a05f: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x000000000000525f
0x000007fedae0837c: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x000000000000357c
0x000007fedae08125: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x0000000000003325
0x000007fedaeb5abf: clr!PreBindAssemblyEx+0x0000000000009dbf
0x00000000776e571d: KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x000000000000000d
Handle = 0x00000000000032f8 - OPEN
Thread ID = 0x0000000000004dbc, Process ID = 0x000000000000414c
0x0000000077859d0a: ntdll!ZwCreateEvent+0x000000000000000az
0x000007fefd372d15: KERNELBASE!CreateEventExW+0x0000000000000065
0x000007fedaf3db8a: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x00000000000198ea
0x000007fedaf3dd19: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x0000000000019a79
0x000007fedaf3f077: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001add7
0x000007fedaf3efb8: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001ad18
0x000007fedaf3f5e3: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001b343
0x000007fedaf3f623: clr!ClrCreateManagedInstance+0x000000000001b383
0x000007fedaeb3b5e: clr!PreBindAssemblyEx+0x0000000000007e5e
0x000007fedae0a05f: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x000000000000525f
0x000007fedae0837c: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x000000000000357c
0x000007fedae08125: clr!LogHelp_LogAssert+0x0000000000003325
0x000007fedaeb5abf: clr!PreBindAssemblyEx+0x0000000000009dbf
0x00000000776e571d: KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x000000000000000d
Am using VS 2015 and .Net version is 4.5.2.
Is this an issue in .NET? Any help and or suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
Arun Menon
Hello All.
I'm trying to create a function that can loop through a list of Windows::Forms::Controls (I know there's no loop below, I'm just keeping it simple for sake of testing) and perform a task. Right now I have a function which works properly:
void mCtrlWrap::IsVisible(bool TF, List<Windows::Forms::TextBox^>^ list)
if (TF == true)
list[0]->Visible = true;
list[0]->BackColor = Color::Azure;
else if (TF != true)
list[0]->Visible = false;
but i want to make the List parameter a template so that it take List<windows::forms::combobox^>^ as a parameter or List<windows::forms::label^>^, etc.
I've tried
template<typename T>
void mCtrlWrap::IsVisible(bool TF, System::Collections::Generic::List<T>^ list)
if (TF == true)
list[0]->Visible = true;
list[0]->BackColor = Color::Azure;
else if (TF != true)
list[0]->Visible = false;
which compiles just fine but i get linking errors:
1>MainScreen.obj : error LNK2020: unresolved token (06000001) mCtrlWrap::IsVisible<system::windows::forms::textbox ^="">
can someone please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
In C# you would handle this by casting each component to a Control object. I assume you can do the same in C++/CLI.
Also, why do you need the else if clause above? TF can only be true or false , if it is not true then you only need a simple else clause for the second block, thus:
if (TF == true) {
You are mixing C++ template and .NET generics. This is OK is you understand what are you doing.
In your specific case, this is classic C++ template problem. To call templated function C++ compiler must see the function implementation, and not only prototype. So, you can instantiate IsVisible function only in the same .cpp file. Or make it inline by moving the function implementation to .h file.
I used following link:-
ILocation::GetReportStatus | Microsoft Docs[^][^]
Got code for Geolocation:-
at line :-
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Location, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pLocation));
I am getting handle = S_OK & showing message "Type information not available in locationApi.dll symbols."
Please help if any idea.
Thanks in advance.
Where are you getting that message?
In visual studio 2008, while debugging from my desktop & laptop both.
That is probably just a debug message. Does your application continue running?
No, It was not running.
I even checked in VS 2015.
When it fails, it is not able to get lat., long., etc.Nothing is coming.
It is impossible to guess what is happening. You will need to use your debugger to gather more information.
Ok let me gather more information in detail, then i will get back to you.
For now thank you for helping me.
Have a nice day.
[Marking as NEWS - this is not a question but this is an appropriate forum IMO]
If you develop in C++/CLI with Visual Studio 2017, beware that update 15.9.6 introduced a very bad codegen bug. C++/CLI apps will crash if you use /std:c++17 or /std:c++latest. The workaround is to drop back to C++14 language support.
Here's the issue if you care to vote.
Again, this is FYI as it has cost me multiple days of work diagnosing why our application suddenly stopped working.
I am working on some examples of my own and now looking to include a new class for my Banking transactions.
Seems like I am doing something in the wrong place etc.
I typed in the new code ahead of the standard code created by Visual Studio (17) (I didn't add an item). The information I wanted to create appears in the right hand window CLASS VIEW but I get the errors.
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class transactiondata
public DateTime transDT;
public string transtext;
public double transRECD;
public double transPAID;
public string transFlag;
public transactiondata(DateTime transDT, string transtext, double transRECD, double transPAID, string transFlag)
this.transDT = transDT;
this.transtext = transtext;
this.transRECD = transRECD;
this.transPAID = transPAID;
this.transFlag = transFlag;
namespace Santander01
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
shows the class and items above
1>------ Build started: Project: Santander01, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>C:\Users\HOME\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Santander01\Santander01\Form1.cs(19,8,19,23): error CS0116: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods
1>C:\Users\HOME\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Santander01\Santander01\For
Any help appreciated
You have terminated the class definition too early; the constructor is not inside it. Move the closing brace from where it is now, to the line following the end of the constructor block.
C# questions should be posted in the C# forum[^].
You've posted this in the "Managed C++/CLI" forum, which is nothing to do with C#.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Maybe he though that in the CodeProject numbering system, C++/CLI = C# .