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Managed C++/CLI

AnswerRe: Events for Combobox in Visual C++ Pin
N a v a n e e t h19-Oct-09 5:56
N a v a n e e t h19-Oct-09 5:56 
GeneralRe: Events for Combobox in Visual C++ Pin
Invinci19-Oct-09 22:37
Invinci19-Oct-09 22:37 
GeneralRe: Events for Combobox in Visual C++ Pin
N a v a n e e t h19-Oct-09 23:58
N a v a n e e t h19-Oct-09 23:58 
GeneralRe: Events for Combobox in Visual C++ Pin
Invinci20-Oct-09 0:11
Invinci20-Oct-09 0:11 
Questioncharset encoding going from std::string to System::String and viceversa [modified] Pin
Andreoli Carlo14-Oct-09 20:51
professionalAndreoli Carlo14-Oct-09 20:51 
AnswerRe: default charset in windows form? Pin
Richard MacCutchan14-Oct-09 22:47
mveRichard MacCutchan14-Oct-09 22:47 
GeneralRe: charset encoding going from std::string to System::String and viceversa [modified] Pin
Andreoli Carlo14-Oct-09 23:41
professionalAndreoli Carlo14-Oct-09 23:41 
AnswerRe: charset encoding going from std::string to System::String and viceversa [modified] Pin
Andreoli Carlo15-Oct-09 0:13
professionalAndreoli Carlo15-Oct-09 0:13 
GeneralRe: charset encoding going from std::string to System::String and viceversa Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Oct-09 16:55
N a v a n e e t h15-Oct-09 16:55 
GeneralRe: charset encoding going from std::string to System::String and viceversa Pin
Andreoli Carlo15-Oct-09 21:40
professionalAndreoli Carlo15-Oct-09 21:40 
GeneralRe: charset encoding going from std::string to System::String and viceversa Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Oct-09 22:27
N a v a n e e t h15-Oct-09 22:27 
QuestionManaging native struct returned from function called in managed wrapper Pin
alleyes14-Oct-09 8:37
professionalalleyes14-Oct-09 8:37 
AnswerRe: Managing native struct returned from function called in managed wrapper Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Oct-09 4:40
N a v a n e e t h15-Oct-09 4:40 
GeneralRe: Managing native struct returned from function called in managed wrapper Pin
alleyes15-Oct-09 4:47
professionalalleyes15-Oct-09 4:47 
GeneralRe: Managing native struct returned from function called in managed wrapper Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Oct-09 16:11
N a v a n e e t h15-Oct-09 16:11 
GeneralRe: Managing native struct returned from function called in managed wrapper Pin
alleyes16-Oct-09 1:21
professionalalleyes16-Oct-09 1:21 
QuestionHow to use C++ ATL-Template class in c# Pin
Chiman19-Oct-09 10:59
Chiman19-Oct-09 10:59 
AnswerRe: How to use C++ ATL-Template class in c# Pin
N a v a n e e t h9-Oct-09 18:42
N a v a n e e t h9-Oct-09 18:42 
QuestionConvert System::String* str[] to const char* chars[] array! Pin
Cracked-Down9-Oct-09 0:34
Cracked-Down9-Oct-09 0:34 
AnswerRe: Convert System::String* str[] to const char* chars[] array! Pin
N a v a n e e t h9-Oct-09 18:50
N a v a n e e t h9-Oct-09 18:50 
GeneralRe: Convert System::String* str[] to const char* chars[] array! Pin
Cracked-Down10-Oct-09 2:06
Cracked-Down10-Oct-09 2:06 
GeneralRe: Convert System::String* str[] to const char* chars[] array! Pin
N a v a n e e t h10-Oct-09 6:10
N a v a n e e t h10-Oct-09 6:10 
GeneralRe: Convert System::String* str[] to const char* chars[] array! Pin
Cracked-Down10-Oct-09 8:23
Cracked-Down10-Oct-09 8:23 
GeneralRe: Convert System::String* str[] to const char* chars[] array! Pin
N a v a n e e t h10-Oct-09 17:58
N a v a n e e t h10-Oct-09 17:58 
GeneralRe: Convert System::String* str[] to const char* chars[] array! Pin
Cracked-Down10-Oct-09 20:40
Cracked-Down10-Oct-09 20:40 

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