Sorry for now spotting this earlier.
Our stack is ASP.NET Webforms running against SQL Server with Redis.
Very old school.
If we had the time to rewrite (and we're constantly hoping) we'd use ASP.NET on .NET 5.0 using Blazor pages. I would not be using React or Vue (though I love Vue) because of the download size. Server side rendering will result in a faster client side render meaning you stand a better chance of getting past the very, very strict speed requirements of Google et al.
Caching is your friend.
Chris Maunder
Currently I'm working with .Net 5.0 with micro services, I would be happy to help rewriting if you are planning to.
Code Project is a great community resource, it has helped a lot of people like me so it'll be an honor to contribute to the project.
That's a very kind offer.
Chris Maunder
Which Technology will you use if you are doing that now.
With the release of .NET 7 we'd be using that, and taking advantage of all the middleware conveniences and the massive optimisations in the runtime. We'd also be running solely on Linux: no Windows at all.
Front end? I'm not sure. Most likely what we have: server side generated, augmented with as little Javascript as possible
Chris Maunder
myanmar font[^]
"Five fruits and vegetables a day? What a joke!
Personally, after the third watermelon, I'm full."
When you filter articles with more then 5 pages, the 6th page is blank.
That is nothing to do with the CodeProject API. If you have a problem with something on the site not working then please report it at Bugs and Suggestions[^].
When using the GetMessages API, is there a way to tell if a message is pinned?
Pinning is purely a browser-side operation that isn't persisted anywhere.
Or do you mean whether a message is stuck to the top of the forum (We call these "sticky")?
Chris Maunder
Yes, I meant sticky. (The pin icon has a "Pinned" tooltip, so I thought that was the official term.)
As a workaround I found that I can do something like if (messages[i] timestamp < messages.Last() timestamp) { pinned } but I was wondering if there was an officially supported, less hacky way to do it.
At this point our only option would be to revise the API version and provide an added property. Simple for us but potentially a breaking change for those mapping strongly typed variables to our output.
Chris Maunder
I want to explore the CodeProject API, can someone please point me to a starting point for this?
Because of a "Server Error in '/' Application.".
The quick brown ProgramFOX jumps right over the Lazy<Dog> .
We're on it.
Chris Maunder
We're back.
"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."
Seems it's down again.
fixed. Both Chris and I keep forgetting the one special step in deploying this.
"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."
I may be beating a dead horse here but I am experimenting a bit with the CodeProject API creating a C# wrapper for it to (perhaps some day) be used in a Xamarin app as I am keen in learning Cross-Platform development with Xamarin.
Anyhow I have things pretty much worked out but I am curious about the FormMessages API. Both calls in that API require a ID to be passed (forum ID or thread ID) but I am at a loss as to get those ID's... Is there a way that I can retrieve those ID's through the API (I.E. am I missing something blatantly obvious) or is that still missing from the API? If so then how would I get access to those ID's?
A forum ID can be found from the URL of a forum. Here is the full list of forums.[^]. For example ".NET Framework" is 1650.
Each message has a "Permalink" whose URL contains an ID. The "thread ID" is the permalink ID of the top-level message, the thread.
The quick brown ProgramFOX jumps right over the Lazy<Dog> .
I was afraid of that... Having to extract the forum ID's from links of the forum overview page kind of defeats the purpose of have an API. I know the API is "early beta" but it has been that way for so long that I expect it is not going to get updated any time soon.
Well... I will figure out if, and if so how I am going to deal with this.
Thanks for pointing me to the forum overview page.
Damn, that is an obvious omission. I'll try and find some time to add something to list the common forums. In the mean time, you can look at Discussion Boards[^] to get a list of these.
I won't be able to list ALL the forums as the comments at the end of each article is a forum as well.
"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."