Thank you...
What are you saying here, that I can not create a single-page, non-hosted HTML/JavaScript application...Or even a JavaScript based Chrome extension...
I consider it as a lack of possibilities...
Skipper: We'll fix it.
Alex: Fix it? How you gonna fix this?
Skipper: Grit, spit and a whole lotta duct tape.
Please look at any of the first four samples at [^].
These don't use the redirect URL. Just enter any valid https URL when you register.
I'm working on an application using the API that checks every 30 seconds whether there are new questions posted and if yes, it shows a notification balloon. But now I thought that it might not work if API data is cached for a long time, so I'm asking that here now.
Is API data cached? And if yes, for how long?
The quick red ProgramFOX jumps right over the Lazy<Dog> .
The API uses the same code to list information that the main site does, so you should see changes almost immediately.
Great, thanks!
The quick red ProgramFOX jumps right over the Lazy<Dog> .
Imagine if one out of ten-thousand CP users were all running software that accessed the site every thirty seconds: assuming 11 million members, that's 1100 users ... call it 1000; so, in 24 hours that would be 2,880,000 accesses.
«OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things. » Alan Kay's clarification on what he meant by the term "Object" in "Object-Oriented Programming."
That's true. But I think that isn't going to be a problem for the API. There are always 30k-50k CP members online according to the top-bar, so that's even more requests per 24 hours.
The quick red ProgramFOX jumps right over the Lazy<Dog> .
What you're asking about is what would be the default behavior.
It depends on what you're using to call this "API" and how you're calling it. Some jQuery stuff will cache and others won't.
You also have control over what is cached and what isn't in your ASP.NET code.
Gone quiet. Was wondering if any changes were in the pipeline?
Still interested.
Updated site UI and further work to the OAuth flows were the order of the week. Just deployed today.
Chris Maunder
Hi Matthew,
Just pulling down my\messages and noticed that parentId isn't populated.
Also, have you considered having the messages nested (parent-child)? Just a suggestion.
Would it be possible to get a numberOfMessages field?
So, if I have a Question that has 4 replies I would see something like:
Since I'm using the same code that populates the Questions list on CodeProject, I should be able to add the number of answers and if it has a solution marked Accepted.
I may be changing the structures being form Messages and Questions to avoid confusion as to which fields have meaning, instead of trying to make one structure fit all.
Chris or Matthew,
What are the terms and conditions of using this data and the CodeProject name?
If one were to create a mobile app, can the word "CodeProject" be used? Logos? etc. Or, do you plan on going the "powered by CodeProject" route?
I'm checking with Chris.
Please be advised, this is Beta, or even pre-Beta stuff, so any and everything can change so check the site for news.
No worries, Matthew. Understood.
First of all, fantastic news on your new API.
Would it be possible to get a Forum/all or Forum/list method, to return a name/value pair collection?
Ooh, that's a great idea. I like that. So, ++1 from me.
I hope you are looking for the discussion and programming forums as each article also has a forum.
It is something I thought I should add as well, but finding the time to squeeze it in ...
I'm assuming "discussion and programming forums" refers to the forums we are now in (on the web site).
Just looking for a way to present a list of Forums that a user may want to subscribe to, hence the name/value pair collection.
On the related note - I can see the ID (1536756) for the Soapbox (and other forums) from its URL, but not sure about the Lounge and the Insider (and a couple of others).
Of course, as you said, we will be having a list of them later, but can you please paste the IDs for the Lounge, the Insider and the Weird and the Wonderful, so that I can try get the posts for them as well?
Just noticed fid URL parameter while creating a new thread (and several other actions). I think that is it.
Thank you.
Your time will come, if you let it be right.
modified 7-Oct-14 1:44am.
You are correct. That is the value you want.
The Client Registration page says that you can have up to 8 Client IDs. This made me wonder:
Do you have to use a different Client ID for each application that uses the API?
The quick red ProgramFOX jumps right over the Lazy<Dog> .
That is the idea, so that if your Client Credentials for one app are compromised, you can invalidate them without affecting your other applications. The alternate is to have one and invalidate all your apps.
Furthermore, the OAuth Authorization Flow and Implicit Grant flows require a redirection URL which is unique to each app for security reasons.
The Resource Owner Password Flow is less secure than the other two, and is not recommended for most applications. In the future, we may restrict its use to those clients and applications we can verify as being secure, and a web app is not a secure app.
I would recommend using the Implicit Grant flow for any Web or JavaScript applications.