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QuestionSOLVED Raspberry Pi interrupt C/C++ - sample code / tutorial ? Pin
Vaclav_30-Jun-18 2:41
Vaclav_30-Jun-18 2:41 
QuestionIntel mini motherboards / MIDI IN .. Single Board Computer ? Pin
ApplesAreGood24-Apr-18 6:44
ApplesAreGood24-Apr-18 6:44 
AnswerRe: Intel mini motherboards / MIDI IN .. Single Board Computer ? Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Apr-18 7:00
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Apr-18 7:00 
QuestionNeed help with internal timing constraint in FPGAs Pin
Member 137693108-Apr-18 21:33
Member 137693108-Apr-18 21:33 
GeneralModbus RTU with function code1 Pin
Member 105152258-Apr-18 21:08
professionalMember 105152258-Apr-18 21:08 
GeneralRe: Modbus RTU with function code1 Pin
Gerry Schmitz9-Apr-18 3:54
mveGerry Schmitz9-Apr-18 3:54 
QuestionRAM image of DVD? Pin
kalberts7-Apr-18 3:35
kalberts7-Apr-18 3:35 
AnswerRe: RAM image of DVD? Pin
Gerry Schmitz7-Apr-18 7:04
mveGerry Schmitz7-Apr-18 7:04 
GeneralRe: RAM image of DVD? Pin
kalberts8-Apr-18 21:26
kalberts8-Apr-18 21:26 
GeneralRe: RAM image of DVD? Pin
Gerry Schmitz9-Apr-18 2:05
mveGerry Schmitz9-Apr-18 2:05 
GeneralRe: RAM image of DVD? Pin
kalberts9-Apr-18 2:30
kalberts9-Apr-18 2:30 
GeneralRe: RAM image of DVD? Pin
Gerry Schmitz9-Apr-18 3:10
mveGerry Schmitz9-Apr-18 3:10 
AnswerRe: RAM image of DVD? Pin
Randor 11-Apr-18 15:21
professional Randor 11-Apr-18 15:21 
QuestionIs android or windows tablet any good for occasional coding? Pin
Kanter6665-Apr-18 22:57
professionalKanter6665-Apr-18 22:57 
AnswerRe: Is android or windows tablet any good for occasional coding? Pin
OriginalGriff5-Apr-18 23:07
mveOriginalGriff5-Apr-18 23:07 
AnswerRe: Is android or windows tablet any good for occasional coding? Pin
Gerry Schmitz6-Apr-18 7:52
mveGerry Schmitz6-Apr-18 7:52 
AnswerRe: Is android or windows tablet any good for occasional coding? Pin
Eddy Vluggen9-Apr-18 3:50
professionalEddy Vluggen9-Apr-18 3:50 
QuestionWin 10 Crash again (captured DMP file) - hw Pin
raddevus17-Mar-18 7:37
mvaraddevus17-Mar-18 7:37 
AnswerRe: Win 10 Crash again (captured DMP file) - hw Pin
Munchies_Matt17-Mar-18 7:50
Munchies_Matt17-Mar-18 7:50 
You can set windbg to use microsoft public symbols by specifying


In the symbols dialog. This helps a lot with reading the stack.

You can run !analyze -v in windbg command window (at the bottom) which will run a basic diagnostic.

So, the bug itself happens when a PC does a power transition, so awake to suspend, awake to sleep, or awake to powered off, or vice versa. ( This is the only time windows sends power IRPs (IO request packet) to the driver stacks.)

Is this what happened?

If not then the dump file you have relates to the restart after the first crash. And the size is normal, it is the entire memory written to file.

The system always overwrites memory.dmp with a new one if it crashes. However you can also get it to write a minidump. (system advanced start up and recovery). These files are much smaller, arent as useful of course, but are time stamped.

But, I would be very surprised if pci.sys held on to a power IRP, so it is either a false positive, or some other driver in the stack thats making pci.sys f*** up.

This is where the fun starts. Verifier.exe is a tool that can monitor drivers for bad behaviour. It can only manage two or three at a time. SO run it, select custom settings, select all the checks except code integrity, VM and low resource, and then select two or three non microsoft drivers.

Hopefully verifier will point out the bad driver and you can get rid of it, or try to find an update. (And there are many bad third party drivers out there. A heck of a lot)

The reason you often get false positives is that one driver can overwrite anothers memory. When the second driver runs, can be many hours later, it does something wrong because it is now using bad data, or a bad address, and it fails. But it isnt at fault, it is the first driver.
GeneralRe: Win 10 Crash again (captured DMP file) - hw Pin
raddevus17-Mar-18 8:24
mvaraddevus17-Mar-18 8:24 
AnswerRe: Win 10 Crash again (captured DMP file) - hw Pin
Gerry Schmitz17-Mar-18 11:22
mveGerry Schmitz17-Mar-18 11:22 
AnswerRe: Confused about cat5,cat5e, and cat6 Ethernet cables Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 22:01
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 22:01 
GeneralRe: Confused about cat5,cat5e, and cat6 Ethernet cables Pin
Richard Deeming26-Feb-18 1:27
mveRichard Deeming26-Feb-18 1:27 
GeneralRe: Confused about cat5,cat5e, and cat6 Ethernet cables Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Feb-18 1:33
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Feb-18 1:33 
QuestionFMBomb Beginner Project - alternative to NS73M Breakout Board Pin
StudiousMaximus18-Feb-18 4:01
StudiousMaximus18-Feb-18 4:01 

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