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GeneralRe: LIKE operator in Access Pin
Hesham Amin31-Dec-03 22:56
Hesham Amin31-Dec-03 22:56 
GeneralRe: LIKE operator in Access Pin
Mazdak1-Jan-04 0:22
Mazdak1-Jan-04 0:22 
GeneralSQL server - Permission and ownership Pin
CillyMe25-Dec-03 20:41
CillyMe25-Dec-03 20:41 
GeneralA string to compare with the rest of the records Pin
codeajay24-Dec-03 18:59
codeajay24-Dec-03 18:59 
Generalconnecting to Exces database(file) Pin
Bharat Gadhia23-Dec-03 10:14
Bharat Gadhia23-Dec-03 10:14 
GeneralRe: connecting to Exces database(file) Pin
Rob Graham25-Dec-03 9:59
Rob Graham25-Dec-03 9:59 
GeneralRe: connecting to Exces database(file) Pin
Bharat Gadhia25-Dec-03 12:16
Bharat Gadhia25-Dec-03 12:16 
GeneralRe: connecting to Exces database(file) Pin
Mike Dimmick5-Jan-04 5:41
Mike Dimmick5-Jan-04 5:41 
GeneralRe: connecting to Exces database(file) Pin
Bharat Gadhia5-Jan-04 5:54
Bharat Gadhia5-Jan-04 5:54 
GeneralADO versus ADO.NET with Visual C++ Pin
François Gasnier22-Dec-03 5:02
François Gasnier22-Dec-03 5:02 
GeneralConnecting to Oracle database with ADO Pin
wbng21-Dec-03 14:44
wbng21-Dec-03 14:44 
GeneralLooking for good ADO book suggestion Pin
Flack21-Dec-03 14:15
Flack21-Dec-03 14:15 
GeneralRe: Looking for good ADO book suggestion Pin
Colin Angus Mackay21-Dec-03 14:50
Colin Angus Mackay21-Dec-03 14:50 
GeneralMicrosoft SQL Server - Bulk Update Lock Pin
CillyMe19-Dec-03 21:36
CillyMe19-Dec-03 21:36 
QuestionWhat's the best Desktop Database for Windows Forms Apps? Pin
bJoeyLouie19-Dec-03 8:51
bJoeyLouie19-Dec-03 8:51 
AnswerRe: What's the best Desktop Database for Windows Forms Apps? Pin
SimonS26-Dec-03 21:19
SimonS26-Dec-03 21:19 
GeneralRe: What's the best Desktop Database for Windows Forms Apps? Pin
Mike Dimmick5-Jan-04 5:50
Mike Dimmick5-Jan-04 5:50 
GeneralRe: What's the best Desktop Database for Windows Forms Apps? Pin
DaveMcL5-Jan-04 14:02
DaveMcL5-Jan-04 14:02 
GeneralQuery Optimization - MCAD question. Pin
CillyMe18-Dec-03 4:09
CillyMe18-Dec-03 4:09 
GeneralRe: Query Optimization - MCAD question. Pin
Jeff Varszegi18-Dec-03 14:49
professionalJeff Varszegi18-Dec-03 14:49 
GeneralRe: Query Optimization - MCAD question. Pin
CillyMe18-Dec-03 16:00
CillyMe18-Dec-03 16:00 
GeneralRe: Query Optimization - MCAD question. Pin
Jeff Varszegi18-Dec-03 17:00
professionalJeff Varszegi18-Dec-03 17:00 
GeneralRe: Query Optimization - MCAD question. Pin
CillyMe18-Dec-03 22:04
CillyMe18-Dec-03 22:04 
GeneralRe: Query Optimization - MCAD question. Pin
Jeff Varszegi19-Dec-03 6:12
professionalJeff Varszegi19-Dec-03 6:12 
GeneralRe: Query Optimization - MCAD question. Pin
Jeff Varszegi19-Dec-03 6:17
professionalJeff Varszegi19-Dec-03 6:17 

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