Nathan Minier wrote:
Since you will not be using an object from different languages, i.e. an object in a store will need to be derived from the same library or have an adapter to be read in the first place, pushing constraints into the database is not appropriate. Your applications (or shared class library) should be handling that. I would argue that relying on constraints for consistency in a SQL system is exceptionally bad practice as well; your application should have some understanding of what an acceptable value is. While I agree with most, here we differ very much; if it is relational data, then I will be expecting constraints at the database-level. You are allowed to duplicate the checks in your application ofc (I no care), but the database is responsible for the correctness of its contents, regardless how the programmer implemented the UI.
Unless it is a local data-cache, your db is going to be serving multiple UI's. Without a decent db, one of those UI's will f*** the complete db, as Murphy's law predicts.
Nathan Minier wrote: The real difference to me is that SQL is great when you don't know what will be producing or consuming the data, or how they will be doing it. It is very powerful in that regard, and when you're a DBA and have no idea what crazy app dev will be using your data, all these controls are appropriate and necessary. Nah, depending on the nature of the data that might be done as well by NoSQL.
Nathan Minier wrote:
If, however, you're an app dev making a purpose-built system that you do not intend to expose data for across several platforms, NoSQL brings a hell of a lot to the table. For one: you don't need to play these SQL translation games, and your DAL doesn't need to be written in a completely different language. The db is my DAL. I speak to it in a generilzed abstract query language.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Eddy Vluggen wrote: Unless it is a local data-cache, your db is going to be serving multiple UI's. Without a decent db, one of those UI's will f*** the complete db, as Murphy's law predicts.
Actually, we're completely agreeing here, which is what I tried to address in the next section you quoted; I suppose I could have been more clear about that. I just don't assume the technology that mucks with the data will be a UI
"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."
- Hanlon's Razor
Nathan Minier wrote: I just don't assume the technology that mucks with the data will be a UI "Any kind of client" then
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
i have three tables:
I want to get this resutl:
Name_Provider Sum(Amount purchase) sum(Amount payement)
thanks in advance:
Member 10283191 wrote: I want to get this resutl: Try SQL. You're welcome.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Im developping vb.net application with access database thats why i want this query
I would love to help if you have a question, but you are ordering code.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Identify the primary/foreign keys, make the joins and create the query.
If name_provider is your FK then you are screwed as that is an editable field. Get a book on SQL and that will explain the errors in that structure.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
As others have pointed out, that is a bad table schema. If you insist on having separate tables for purchase and payment then it should look like this:
Amount Personally I would have single transaction table with a transaction type column but each to their own.
Whether you follow my advice or not, you will need to JOIN the tables based on the column that is common to all of them ID_Provider or Name_Provider if you leave things as they are. Here is an article that tells you how to do that Joining Tables in SQL[^]
Note we are referring to "SQL" in the sense of T-SQL - the "language" and not SQL Server the database. As you are connecting from VB.NET to Access I presume you are using ADO or OLEDB - both of which will require SQL statements.
Once you have worked out how to join your tables you already have the SELECT clause essentially written...
SELECT Provider.Name_Provider. Sum(purchase.Amount), sum(Payment.Amount)
Give it a go, but if you still get stuck reply to this message with the code that isn't working and we will try to help.
CHill60 wrote: Personally I would have single transaction table with a transaction type column but each to their own This only works for a retail POS system where there is no credit supplied. As an invoicing exercise the link between purchase and payment is never designed as 1-1.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Quote: As an invoicing exercise the link between purchase and payment is never designed as 1-1. Good point, although I wasn't trying to suggest that sort of link between an invoice and a payment, just that in its simplest terms a transaction is money either positive or negative. Similar to Accounting Systems Model[^]
Of course the OP doesn't have a column to indicate a credit transaction on the purchase table anyway. Or an Order table, or Invoice, or product ....
I suspect the OP is either doing a training excercise or, Ghu forbid, writing something for a friend in need, one does not know retail and the other does not know software, fun times.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Hi all,
I have a stored procedure below:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_Add_ProgramType] (@Type varchar(15), @Description varchar(15), @IsValid bit
, @CreatedBy varchar(500), @ModifiedBy varchar(500))
if not exists(select top 1 1 from [dbo].[ProgramTypeLKP] where [Type]=@Type)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProgramTypeLKP] ([Type], [Description], IsValid, CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy)
values(@Type, @Description, @IsValid, getdate(), @CreatedBy, GETDATE(), @ModifiedBy)
----Want to return some thing here that makes EF funnction to return 0 or -1 or some value so that I can show user a message that its a duplicate record.
Even if the Condition fails the EF method is returning value as 1, but I want to get a value on which I will show the end user a message that he is trying to attempt to insert a duplicate record.
Like in the below script, I am checking for the result or errors, I have to get error in the response, or at least in the result some where so that I can show the user a message, I am using Kendo Grid, Create and Update with Popup (just a foot-note):
function onRequestEnd(e)
//Check request type
if (e.type == "create")
if ((e.response != null) && ((e.response.Errors != null) || (e.response.data["0"].Result <= 1)))
//Set some label value in red only when to say attempt to insert duplicate record
else if (e.type == "update")
if ((e.response != null) && ((e.response.Errors != null) || (e.response.data["0"].Result <= 1)))
//Set some label value in red only when to say attempt to insert duplicate record
Can anybody please help me in this regards, thanks in advance.
Abdul Aleem
"There is already enough hatred in the world lets spread love, compassion and affection."
ProgramType - I would have assumed that the client app already has a list of prexisting records to check against.
Assuming ProgramType has an identity field to generate the ID I would return the Select @@Scope_Identity after the insert or select -1 in the else segment
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I tried it as below but still in the duplicate situation also it was returning me value 1, I didn't really get it why?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_Add_LookupRecord] (@LookupTableId int,
@Type varchar(100), @Description varchar(500), @ForeignKeyId int, @CreatedBy varchar(500), @ModifiedBy varchar(500), @IsValid bit<br />
declare @LookupTableName varchar(100)=(select top 1 LookupTableName FROM [dbo].[ListOfLookupTables] WHERE PkListOfLookupTablesId=@LookupTableId)
declare @InsertedId int=0, @FKProgramTypeLKPId int = (select top 1 PKProgramTypeLKPId from ProgramTypeLKP where Type='Mental Health')
IF (@LookupTableName='ProgramTypeLKP')
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT Top 1 1 FROM dbo.ProgramTypeLKP WHERE [Type]=@Type AND ISNULL(IsValid, 1)=1)
INSERT INTO dbo.ProgramTypeLKP ([Type], [Description], CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy, IsValid)
VALUES(LEFT(@Type, 15), LEFT(@Description, 500), GETDATE(), LEFT(@CreatedBy, 500), GETDATE(), LEFT(@ModifiedBy, 500), @IsValid)
ELSE IF (@LookupTableName='AddressTypeLKP')
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT Top 1 1 FROM dbo.AddressTypeLKP WHERE [Description]=@Type AND ISNULL(IsValid, 1)=1)
INSERT INTO dbo.AddressTypeLKP ([Description], FKProgramTypeLKPId, CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy, IsValid)
VALUES(LEFT(@Description, 20), @FKProgramTypeLKPId, GETDATE(), LEFT(@CreatedBy, 30), GETDATE(), LEFT(@ModifiedBy, 30), @IsValid)
RETURN @InsertedId
Abdul Aleem
"There is already enough hatred in the world lets spread love, compassion and affection."
That is one nasty design! I would have a seperate procedure for each table!
indian143 wrote: IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT Top 1 1 FROM dbo.ProgramTypeLKP WHERE [Type]=@Type AND ISNULL(IsValid, 1)=1) Test the result of that query - I'll bet it never finds a record.
The following does not seem to make sense outside of an IF statement.
indian143 wrote: declare @LookupTableName varchar(100)=(select top 1 LookupTableName FROM [dbo].[ListOfLookupTables] WHERE PkListOfLookupTablesId=@LookupTableId)
declare @InsertedId int=0, @FKProgramTypeLKPId int = (select top 1 PKProgramTypeLKPId from ProgramTypeLKP where Type='Mental Health')
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Yes I can understand that, but there are 25 tables with same Columns Code and Description, one table is selected with Dropdown to add, update or delete, so I have written just one stored procedure instead of writing multiple ones. That's why I used LookupTableId, Because I have listed all those tables into one LookupTable and the LookupTableId comes from that table.
I think it better suited for this scenario, but yes in general its not a good practice.
About Program Type, its always the same Program Type that's why I just took the id and used it.
Abdul Aleem
"There is already enough hatred in the world lets spread love, compassion and affection."
How are you calling the stored procedure? The ExecuteSqlCommand method returns the number of rows affected, not the return value of the stored procedure.
There are two ways to get the return value:
var returnValue = new SqlParameter()
ParameterName = "@ReturnValue",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int,
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec dbo.Usp_Add_LookupRecord", returnValue, ...other parameters here...);
int result = (int)returnValue.Value; Or:
int result = context.Database.SqlQuery<int>("exec dbo.Usp_Add_LookupRecord", ... parameters here ...).First();
sql server - EF ExecuteStoredCommand with ReturnValue parameter - Stack Overflow[^]
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I am not sure but its calling the SP in the following way:
public virtual int Usp_Add_LookupRecord(Nullable<int> lookupTableId, string type, string description, Nullable<int> foreignKeyId, string createdBy, string modifiedBy, Nullable<bool> isValid)
var lookupTableIdParameter = lookupTableId.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("LookupTableId", lookupTableId) :
new ObjectParameter("LookupTableId", typeof(int));
var typeParameter = type != null ?
new ObjectParameter("Type", type) :
new ObjectParameter("Type", typeof(string));
var descriptionParameter = description != null ?
new ObjectParameter("Description", description) :
new ObjectParameter("Description", typeof(string));
var foreignKeyIdParameter = foreignKeyId.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("ForeignKeyId", foreignKeyId) :
new ObjectParameter("ForeignKeyId", typeof(int));
var createdByParameter = createdBy != null ?
new ObjectParameter("CreatedBy", createdBy) :
new ObjectParameter("CreatedBy", typeof(string));
var modifiedByParameter = modifiedBy != null ?
new ObjectParameter("ModifiedBy", modifiedBy) :
new ObjectParameter("ModifiedBy", typeof(string));
var isValidParameter = isValid.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("IsValid", isValid) :
new ObjectParameter("IsValid", typeof(bool));
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction("Usp_Add_LookupRecord", lookupTableIdParameter, typeParameter, descriptionParameter, foreignKeyIdParameter, createdByParameter, modifiedByParameter, isValidParameter);
And when I changed the stored procedure to return -3 is record exists, it is returning me -1, here is my SP:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp_Add_LookupRecord] (@LookupTableId int,
@Type varchar(100), @Description varchar(500), @ForeignKeyId int, @CreatedBy varchar(500), @ModifiedBy varchar(500), @IsValid bit<br />
declare @LookupTableName varchar(100)=(select top 1 LookupTableName FROM [dbo].[ListOfLookupTables] WHERE PkListOfLookupTablesId=@LookupTableId)
declare @InsertedId int=0, @FKProgramTypeLKPId int = (select top 1 PKProgramTypeLKPId from ProgramTypeLKP where Type='Mental Health')
IF (@LookupTableName='ProgramTypeLKP')
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT Top 1 1 FROM dbo.ProgramTypeLKP WHERE [Type]=@Type AND ISNULL(IsValid, 1)=1)
INSERT INTO dbo.ProgramTypeLKP ([Type], [Description], CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy, IsValid)
VALUES(LEFT(@Type, 15), LEFT(@Description, 500), GETDATE(), LEFT(@CreatedBy, 500), GETDATE(), LEFT(@ModifiedBy, 500), @IsValid)
ELSE IF (@LookupTableName='AddressTypeLKP')
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT Top 1 1 FROM dbo.AddressTypeLKP WHERE [Description]=@Type AND ISNULL(IsValid, 1)=1)
INSERT INTO dbo.AddressTypeLKP ([Description], FKProgramTypeLKPId, CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy, IsValid)
VALUES(LEFT(@Description, 20), @FKProgramTypeLKPId, GETDATE(), LEFT(@CreatedBy, 30), GETDATE(), LEFT(@ModifiedBy, 30), @IsValid)
RETURN @InsertedId
I don't understand why is it returning the -1 instead of -3, is there any way to get the result -3?
Abdul Aleem
"There is already enough hatred in the world lets spread love, compassion and affection."
-- modified 8-Aug-18 13:02pm.
Try something like this:
public virtual int Usp_Add_LookupRecord(int? lookupTableId, string type, string description, int? foreignKeyId, string createdBy, string modifiedBy, bool? isValid)
var returnValue = new SqlParameter
ParameterName = "@ReturnValue",
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int,
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
var lookupTableIdParameter = new SqlParameter("LookupTableId", SqlDbType.Int)
Value = (object)lookupTableId ?? DBNull.Value
var typeParameter = new SqlParameter("Type", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)
Value = (object)type ?? DBNull.Value
var descriptionParameter = new SqlParameter("Description", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500)
Value = (object)description ?? DBNull.Value
var foreignKeyIdParameter = new SqlParameter("ForeignKeyId", SqlDbType.Int)
Value = (object)foreignKeyId ?? DBNull.Value
var createdByParameter = new SqlParameter("CreatedBy", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500)
Value = (object)createdBy ?? DBNull.Value
var modifiedByParameter = new SqlParameter("ModifiedBy", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500)
Value = (object)modifiedBy ?? DBNull.Value
var isValidParameter = new SqlParameter("IsValid", SqlDbType.Bit)
Value = (object)isValid ?? DBNull.Value
Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec dbo.Usp_Add_LookupRecord",
return (int)returnValue.Value;
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Yes I did it thanks a lot Rich
Abdul Aleem
"There is already enough hatred in the world lets spread love, compassion and affection."
120 agents dialing in predictive mode and i have 150 channels.problem is that my database is not able to simultaneously update userstate/channels state .due to it my only 35-40 agents are on call and rest waiting for call.then how can i reduce wait time?is there any database maintenance script available which i can use everyday for database maintanance?i dont want to use manually because it may cause other problem.or how can i overcome this problem?
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
[url=https://blog.advids.co/20-video-examples-from-it-asset-management-software-solution-and-services/]IT asset management software video[/url]
Thank you.
What is your DBMS?
What is the OS of the computer it is installed on?
Spam is not a reference.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
But that has to be some sort of record? ... a link to a 10 year old question