that makes sense now...fab , I totally get it. thank you team.. I do appreciate the help
Why don't you use a sub-select for the date?
where (SaleDateFrom <= ( select max(your date column) from your table with date value ) and (SaleDateTo '20010101' or SaleDateTo is null ))
I wish to only begin a select statement if the top value date is found. It's my way of knowing data has been added into a system at the beginning of the month e.g max date is 01/01/2018. If not take the last day of the month 31/10/2018. Table is called sales. Column is called SaleDateFrom.
I want to pull e.g data from SaleDateFrom <=01/01/2018...if not pull data
SaleDateFrom <=31/12/2018
Any ideas team?
That does not make a lot of sense. If you ask for records whose date is less than or equal to 01/01/2018, then all records whose date is less than 31/12/2017 (I presume you mean 2017 here) will also fulfil the criteria.
You want to pull the "most recent months" data.
Yes that it possible. Didn't look but I am certain that google will display many answers for that. Add your specific database in do get a more relevant answer.
I have 2 date time entries that represent time in and time out. I want to graph this data representing how many people or on the clock per 15 minute intervals.
Should I create a temp table that holds the qty of people that are clocked in for every 15 minute interval or what?
I usually use a view to service this type of requirement. Craft the view to supply only the required data eg date, starttime in 15 minute groupings and the number of people falling into the slots who are clocked on. End time only represents a person not clocked on and is irrelevant to the graph.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity -
I'm old. I know stuff - JSOP
I am trying to document a system that I have taken over
it is a single website with 3 database connections. The access to the database is via a single SQL Server login and it has the minimal access that is required for the site.
My question is; each database has the same logon should they have different logon names for the database?
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
modified 9-Nov-18 4:33am.
My door key fits in the front door and in the back door; it may not be as safe as two keys, but it is convenient. OTOH, there's little of value here, so the risc of something happening is low.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Why would two keys be safer?
You only need to break into one door to access the house.
That's because my example is not perfect; if it were two houses it would be more in line with the multiple databases.
I do not buy locks based on best practices, but rather on the risc versus the damage.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Thank Eddy your analogy made sense
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
You're welcome
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
Wasn't sure if it was a problem so thought I'd ask a question.
Looks like from yours and Eddys response that there is not really risk with it so I am not going to change it.
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
If you plan to split the databases in the future there might be a point to it.
Or if you want to give different people different access, but there are easier ways to achieve that.
No the databases are already split into 3
I was asked if there was merit to different logons for the website to the databases (via services) but couldn't find a suitable answer so thought I'd ask her as someone may know of a good practise or had experience.
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence EAT BACON
Hi all,
I have a joins select statement, what I want is, if I am having same tables in two left joins and with exclusive Data then in another table when we are joining Data in ON clause I want to be able to Join one or the other table to get the Data, maybe like a case statement but joining one table in condition over the other.
Here is the example:
<pre>DECLARE @AdminAddressTypeId int
SET @AdminAddressTypeId = (select top 1 AddType.PKAddressTypeLKPId from AddressTypeLKP AddType where AddType.Description = 'Administrative')
SELECT LE.LegalEntityName
-- ,LE.LegalEntityBgnDt
-- ,LE.LegalEntityEndDt
-- ,LE.CreatedDate
-- ,LE.CreatedBy
-- ,LE.ModifiedDate
-- ,LE.ModifiedBy
-- ,OW.Description as OwnershipType
--,OW.Code +'-'+ OW.Description as OwnershipType
--,MGMT.Description as ManagementType
,PRG.Description as ProgramType
--,C.County_Name as CountyName
,C.PK_Geographic_Location_Code + '-' + C.County_Name as CountyName
-- ,LE.IsCompleted
--,LET.Description as LegalEntityType
FROM [dbo].[LegalEntity] LE
-- left outer join [dbo].[OwnershipTypeLKP] OW ON LE.FKOwnershipTypeLKPId = OW.PKOwnershipTypeLKPId
-- left outer join [dbo].[ManagementTypeLKP] MGMT ON LE.FKManagementTypeLKPId = MGMT.PKManagementTypeLKPId
inner join [dbo].[ProgramTypeLKP] PRG on LE.FKProgramTypeLKPId = PRG.PKProgramTypeLKPId and PRG.Description = 'Mental Health'
left outer Join [dbo].County C on LE.FKCountyLKPId = C.PKCountyId
--left outer join [dbo].[LegalEntityTypeLKP] LET on LE.FKLegalEntityTypeLKPId = LET.PKLegalEntityTypeLKPId
Left outer join LegalEntityAddress LEA_Admin on LE.PKLegalEntityId = LEA_Admin.FKLegalEntityId and LEA_Admin.FKAddressTypeLKPId = @AdminAddressTypeId and LEA_Admin.IsValid = 1 and ( LEA_Admin.EffectiveDateTo is null or LEA_Admin.EffectiveDateTo > getdate())
--(case when @AAEffectiveDateTo ='' then 0 else @AAEffectiveDateTo end)
left Outer JOIN Address AA ON LEA_Admin.FKAddressId = AA.PKAddressId
Left outer JOIN County Admin_CY on Admin_CY.PKCountyId = AA.FK_County
Left outer join State Admin_S on Admin_S.PKStateId = AA.FK_State
where LE.IsCompleted = 1
What I want is I am checking for only LegalEntityAddress that are Admins, but if Admin Address is not available for that Legal Entity I want to display any address that has the latest closing Date, if it doesn't find any data for these two conditions then I want any first date that's available or the one with highest PK value.
If I can achieve this by having one time join of the table that will be nice if I can't get it by using one same table join or need same table to be joined multiple times, please help me how can I achieve it. If I need to have LegalEntityAddress multiple joins with different conditions then how can I handle that situation in further down tables which are using this LegalEntityAddress reference table to join.
Any help would be very helpful, thanks in advance.
I think you are going to need multiple joins to the same table and use nested ISNULL conditions.
However your requirement to pick the latest valid address due to different conditions is going to make this a nightmare in a single pass. I would split that logic out to a view that encapsulates the rules and supplies a single address for each entity. Then simply inner join to the view. Make the view generic and you have it available for any procedure
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity -
I'm old. I know stuff - JSOP
Yeah I did it using table valued functions - thanks for giving me the idea, here is my script for it.
create FUNCTION udf_GetLegalEntityAddress(@leId int)
returns @T table(PKAddressId int,
StreetAddress1 varchar(75),
StreetAddress2 varchar(75),
City varchar(75),
FK_County int,
FK_State int,
Zip1 int,
Zip2 int,
CreatedDate datetime,
CreatedBy varchar(500),
ModifiedDate datetime,
ModifiedBy varchar(500),
MigrationNotes varchar(50),
FKProgramTypeLKPId int,
OldSystemId int,
ValidFlag bit)
DECLARE @AdminAddressTypeId int=0, @AddressId int=0, @effectivedate datetime, @PKLegalEntityAddressId int
SET @AdminAddressTypeId = (select top 1 AddType.PKAddressTypeLKPId from AddressTypeLKP AddType where AddType.Description = 'Administrative')
SET @AddressId =
(select top 1 FKAddressId from LegalEntityAddress where FKAddressTypeLKPId= @AdminAddressTypeId and FKLegalEntityId=@leId and IsValid = 1)
if ((@AddressId is null) or (@AddressId=0))
SET @AddressId =
(select top 1 FKAddressId from LegalEntityAddress where (EffectiveDateTo is null) and FKLegalEntityId=@leId and IsValid = 1)
if ((@AddressId is null) or (@AddressId=0))
set @effectivedate = (select max(EffectiveDateTo) from LegalEntityAddress where FKLegalEntityId=@leId and (IsValid = 1))
if ((@effectivedate is null) or (@effectivedate<='1900-01-01'))
set @PKLegalEntityAddressId = (select max(PKLegalEntityAddressId) from LegalEntityAddress where (FKLegalEntityId=@leId) and (IsValid = 1))
SET @AddressId =
(select top 1 FKAddressId from LegalEntityAddress where PKLegalEntityAddressId=@PKLegalEntityAddressId)
SET @AddressId =
(select top 1 FKAddressId from LegalEntityAddress where FKLegalEntityId=@leId and EffectiveDateTo=@effectivedate)
if ((@AddressId is null) or (@AddressId=0))
SET @AddressId =
(select top 1 FKAddressId from LegalEntityAddress where FKLegalEntityId=@leId and IsValid = 1)
insert into @T (
select top 1
ValidFlag from [Address] where PKAddressId=@AddressId
Then using it in the stored Procedure using Outer Apply
SELECT LE.LegalEntityName
,PRG.Description as ProgramType
,C.PK_Geographic_Location_Code + '-' + C.County_Name as CountyName
, AA.City
FROM [dbo].[LegalEntity] LE
inner join [dbo].[ProgramTypeLKP] PRG on LE.FKProgramTypeLKPId = PRG.PKProgramTypeLKPId and PRG.Description = 'Mental Health'
left outer Join [dbo].County C on LE.FKCountyLKPId = C.PKCountyId
outer apply dbo.udf_GetLegalEntityAddress(LE.PKLegalEntityId) AS LEA
left Outer JOIN Address AA ON LEA.PKAddressId = AA.PKAddressId
Left outer JOIN County Admin_CY on Admin_CY.PKCountyId = AA.FK_County
Left outer join State Admin_S on Admin_S.PKStateId = AA.FK_State
where LE.IsCompleted = 1
Neat solution, does it make any difference if your function if you function simply returns the AddressID and then you join the to that ID - I'm not advocating it just curious.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity -
I'm old. I know stuff - JSOP
Thank you, sorry late but least I understood it now, what you are saying is right, but if that gives me extra performance I am sure I would do it, but what I thought was that, I will need another join for it - I am not sure which one is better in performance wise, if you are familiar please let me know my friend. Thanks a lot my friend
modified 13-Nov-18 18:51pm.
I have an older vb win app that I wrote in VS2013 because I have install shield that supports it. I used LocalDB for the database and it worked fine. But LocalDB is pretty heavy, I had to write an automated script to install it first, and then used old school TSQL to make the calls.
So the customer asked me to upgrade it, make it more modern. I choose SQLite, but EF6 doesn't support migrations or table creation. I really don't want to write older code to support it. Now I'm looking for something else to use. Would like to use MongoDB but them I have to wrote code to install it first which may be easier than using SQLite.
On .Net Core, SQLite works great, and I heard some .Net Core features will be available for win apps.
Any Suggestions?
If it ain't broke don't fix it
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LiteDB is a no-install object store for .NET. It's effectively a no-install Mongo.
I've used it for relatively small-scale applications with success (relatively few collections, up to a few hundred thousand records per collection).
Mind you, object stores are not necessarily the right answer if the data is heavily relational; you might want to stick with LocalDB and optimize your queries.
"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."
- Hanlon's Razor