What database-platform are you using? There'll be different features available in SQL Server than in MS Access
If you have a database-server, do you want to have the server perform the main part of the effort, or the client (your local computer)?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
This project is for a local scrap yard so they will not have a database server it will be run on the computer itself. Once i get home ill link the XML schema the state has provided and other such details to help you help me sorry if i was a bit too vague. As i stated, i am by no means a coder :P . I have messed around with an SQL server a bit before for a program the county uses but its not one i had to set up myself so i am a bit unfamiliar with such things, but im always willing to learn. Thanks for the replies i will post more details this evening EST
SQL Server should be able to convert a table to XML using a SELECT-query.
Can you also provide the structure of the source-tables? You can use below query (with the correct table-name) to get it.
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'tableName'
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
I am trying to build a SSIS Package programmatically with .NET (C#).
Now I have problems with the component "OLE DB Source" when trying to set the ParameterMapping in order to use variables in the data flow task.
string srcSql = "SELECT bla bla from ABC where YY = ? and BB = ? ";
Source.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);
Source.SetComponentProperty("SqlCommand", srcSql );
Guid ParamGuid = new Guid(TrackingIDOld.ID);
Guid ParamGuid1 = new Guid(TrackingIDNew.ID);
Source.SetComponentProperty("Parameter0 Name", ParamGuid.ToString());
Source.SetComponentProperty("Parameter1 Name", ParamGuid1.ToString());
Alternatively, I also tried this, but it does not work, too:
Source.SetComponentProperty("ParameterMapping", "User::TrackingIDOLD");
Source.SetComponentProperty("ParameterMapping", "User::TrackingIDNew");
Does somebody know the correct syntax how to set the parameters?
Thanks for any advices!
Best wishes,
Miroslav Stimac
I assume you're using some sort of API, but you don't say, so how are we to help you?
Alternatively, I know people who use a product called Mist and its BIML language for generating SSIS packages. (I've never used it, I prefer to do it the hard way.)
need a idea to configure master slave model in any open source databases
info like master database trigger are done the data sync in slaves
an application solution are also welcome
Do some research into replication,I think that is what you are looking for
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Hello all.
In SQL Server 2012, it is possible to have an email sent to a group when a row is deleted from a given table?
Not having tried this, but I would imagine you can create a trigger on delete from the table that calls a stored procedure to send an e-mail.
As for the syntax, you should be able to find how to create the trigger relatively easily.
But, for sending e-mail, that may be dependent on your e-mail platform.
I would not recommend sending an email directly from a delete trigger because you may pay a performance penalty and possibly abort your delete transaction if the email server cannot send your message.
Slight change in approach would be to write a custom "logging" table where you capture the entire row from the table and store it. You can then have a separate program read through this table and send emails notifying your distribution list.
The other advantage is that you have a copy of the deleted data. You can purge this data as you see fit.
Just and idea.
Thanks to both for your pointers.
I'm converting some old CDao classes to ADO (ODBC) for Access database handling. Part of my code copies a table record from one database to another. When I do the CRecordset::Update I get a CDBException that completely unhelpfully tells me:
m_strError "String data, right truncated
m_strStateNativeOrigin "State:22001,Native:31,Origin:[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
Is there any way to get my code to tell me which field(s) is(are) causing the problem?
Kyudos wrote: right truncated
I would check the length of everything, data, parameter, target field in the table.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I tried that...I can't find it!
Surely the driver must 'know' where this happens - why can't it just tell me?
It is the same with SQL Server and has always been an irritant. With SQL Server you have sql profiler and you can trap the actual statement passed to the database including data. You can then manually execute the command in management studio. This gives you a more detailed error response and you can use the mark I eyeball to inspect the data.
I know you can execute sql strings in Access but I do not know where to trap the command passed to the database from the client.
I would strongly suggest moving the database from Access to SQL server if possible.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Mycroft Holmes wrote: I would strongly suggest moving the database from Access to SQL server if possible. That's impractical unfortunately.
I've checked all the text field member lengths before and after the Update, they both match each other and the database definition. The are no problems in DoFieldExchange . I don't know what to do next...
My fault of course - I was checking the wrong database definition - I had a field the wrong length!
Yah, done that well... yesterday actually!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Hello everyone,
I would like to know if there is a function that can get rid of a 1000 seperator.
My Source data looks like this
I would like it to be like this:
Does anyone know how I can fix this in my following statement please?
Kind regards,Ambertje
From sqlservercentral.
Create a UDF and put this in it:
WHILE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',@string) <> 0
SET @string = STUFF(@string,PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',@string),1,'')
SELECT @string
Hello Jörgen,
Can you help me to create such a User defined function for my case please?
I have little experiece with writing functions.
Kind regards,
You are going to get better value out of an article than a forum post, there is even one from CP in these results[^]
Ambertje wrote: help me to create such a User defined function
That is not how the site works, we help you to learn how to create the functions, there are other sites that will do the job for you.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
plz help me to create pdf from xml code manually