thanks so much for taking your time to kind me...God's Blessings. i Have learned a lot
Less of the 'God' please although I am grateful for the Blessings part
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
― Christopher Hitchens
finally the ranking is on ascending order and need it to be in such a way that the highest marks/value takes position 1:
tried this:
create view View_Positioning as SELECT t1.`SAdmNo`, t1.`YearAdmitted`,t1.`TermAdmitted`,t1.`CLASSAdmitted` ,t1.`StreamAdmitted`,t1.`OutOfMarks`,t1.`ENGLISH`,t1.`KISWAHILI`,t1.`MATHEMATICS`,t1.`SCIENCE`,t1.`SSR`,t1.`Average`,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM total_termaverage_view WHERE `Average` IS NOT NULL AND`Average` < t1.`Average`) +1 AS Position FROM total_termaverage_view t1 order by Average ASC ;
which gives:
Average position
324 1
345 2
Hi guys I have problem i need to make ERD relation entity
between employee and allowance
Employee table
Basic Salary
Allowance table
House rent
Food Allowance
Moving Allowance
Basic Salary is monthly and fixed
Bonus is monthly and fixed
food allowance is monthly and fixed for married employee
House rent is monthly and fixed for some employee and some employee take house rent two time in year every 6 month
every employee married take 3 months salary from basic salary in year
suppose i m married and i take basic salary 5000
i will take rent 5000 x 3=15000/12=1250 monthly
some employee take rent every half year meaning every 6 month
meaning 15000/2=7500
My question according to my case above
Which is best put allowance in table allowance or put allowance(food,housing,moving)
in employee table and what relation between two tables
Some things to consider in your design ...
How about a design like this:
employee Key
Allowance Code
Allowance Rate
This may not be complete, but what it does for you is that it allows for many types of allowance codes to be associated with an employee, each allowance code has an effective date range with an associated rate. This also allows for 2 employee who have the same allowance code to be compensated differently.
You would then need another table which translates the Allowance Code to a description.
I use a similar approach when dealing with prices, you have the history of the prices over time ...
Just a thought.
Good luck.
What David has described is a many to many relationship, an allowance can be used by many employees and an employee can have many allowances. This is the correct data structure for the requirements.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I am new in sql server,i want to know what is trigger? and What are the different types of trigger and What it's use with sample example???Can you provide me a link where there are good examples about triggers???
IN Advance...
I have Records which are supposed to be assigned Position/Be Ranked e.g
RegNo Marks Position
1 300
3 301
4 403
5 345
My Problem is How to rank/give position according to marks attained such that the results will be displayed as:
RegNo Marks Position
1 300 4
3 301 3
4 403 1
5 345 2
KipkoechE wrote: how i will generate the position based on marks Probably by some calculation and sorting. But if you want some more useful help then please edit your question and explain the problem in proper detail. Also, is this really a Database question or a VB one?
I have Records which are supposed to be assigned Position/Be Ranked e.g
RegNo Marks Position
1 300
3 301
4 403
5 345
My Problem is How to rank/give position according to marks attained such that the results will be displayed as:
RegNo Marks Position
1 300 4
3 301 3
4 403 1
5 345 2
You don't need the position field as that depends on the Marks. Just select your data using the ORDER BY clause[^] to sort them.
but that will only sort it...What about the position
A bit of google fu[^]gave me this:
@Position := @Position + 1 AS Position
FROM results , (SELECT @Position:= 0) r
ORDER BY Marks desc;
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
― Christopher Hitchens
modified 11-Feb-15 9:01am.
it worked very well...thanks alot
Glad it worked
I used the following google fu[^]
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
― Christopher Hitchens
am creating pdf reports in vb.net Mysql Database but have problems retrieving more than more record...ANy suggestion Here is the code i have tried:
#query database
#Add Another Table Here
Dim widths() As Single = {50, 70, 100, 100, 100, 100}
Dim ColumnHeaders() As String = {"No.", "ACCNO", "NAME", "COUNTY", "OCCUPATION", "PHONE"}
Dim ColumnDataExample() As String = {CUSTNO, CUSTName, COUNTY, DATEREGISTERED, PHONE}
Dim tbOther As New PdfPTable(widths)
With tbOther
.TotalWidth = 520
.LockedWidth = True ' lock width to prevent spreading out
.HorizontalAlignment = 1 ' centre align content
.SpacingAfter = 0
.SpacingBefore = 10
End With
'#Add Headers
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(ColumnHeaders)
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase(ColumnHeaders(i), Fontwhite))
cell.BackgroundColor = New BaseColor(20, 120, 120)
cell.BorderColor = New BaseColor(0, 0, 0)
If (i > 3) Then
cell.HorizontalAlignment = 2
cell.HorizontalAlignment = 0
End If
Next i
'# Add Data
For j As Integer = 0 To 3 - 1
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase((j + 1).ToString(), FontNormal))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(ColumnDataExample)
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase(ColumnDataExample(i), FontNormal))
cell.BorderColor = New BaseColor(20, 120, 120)
If (i > 3) Then
cell.HorizontalAlignment = 2
cell.HorizontalAlignment = 0
End If
Next i
Next j
'#Add A Blank Line ---------It spans across all 5 columns and borderless i.e border=0
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase())
cell.Border = 0
cell.FixedHeight = 30
cell.Colspan = 6
'# Add A Separator Line
Dim separate As New PdfPCell()
separate.FixedHeight = 7 'Set Fixed Height To 7
separate.BorderWidthBottom = 4
'separate.BorderWidthTop = 0
separate.BorderColorTop = BaseColor.GREEN
separate.Colspan = 6 '#Use This to span across 3 columns
'add line
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase())
cell.Border = 2
cell.Colspan = 0
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase())
cell.Border = 2
cell.Colspan = 0
'# Add A line with a label and and line after
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase("Signature:", FontBold))
cell.Border = 0
cell.Colspan = 0
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase())
cell.Border = 2
cell.Colspan = 0
' another(line)
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase("Official Stamp:", FontBold))
cell.Border = 0
cell.Colspan = 1
cell = New PdfPCell(New Phrase())
cell.Border = 2
cell.Colspan = 4
'#Close PDF Document and Launch Document
0 down vote favorite
I have installed WAMP server in my PC for web application projects. Now i want to develop MFC application that uses mysql database in Visual Studio 2008.
Whether MySQL 5.6(WAMP server) available in my PC is enough for this MFC development.
What i have to install for this Requirements?
When i searched in google i got this two.
1.MySQL Connector 2.MySQL for Visual Studio.
Please guide me on this
I have three tables in the school database: students,exams,subjects. my Problem is how i can take the take the subjects records and admission no from students and use them to create a table call marks at the click of a button. Note: the no of records are unpredictable.
Student Table contains fields: admno,name,form
exam contains fields: ExamName
subjects: SubjectName,SubjectID
The Marks table final result should be
admno,name,form,ExamName,subject1,subject2,...subjectn(Based on the no of subjects in the subject table)
. Am using vb.net with mysql. Kindly assist. it has given me headache for weeks
KipkoechE wrote: create a table call marks at the click of a button
I hope you mean inserting records into a table, not creating a table.
i mean creating a table based on the records in another table
Creating a dynamic table just means you'll have to write code to generate the CREATE TABLE statement and you'll have to do your checking to see how many columns should be included in it.
However, why would you want to create a new table? The design sounds like a bad idea.
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.