I should remember this, but my mind is drawing a blank.
In SQLServer 2008, I have a table: site, datapoint (there are other columns, but not important right now).
I would like to produce a list of datapoints and the sites they are listed with.
Site DataPoint
KC WindSpeed
KC Temp
CH WindSpeed
CH Temp
CH Power
Power CH
Temp CH KC
WindSpeed CH KC
Can someone help me with the T-SQL? I can do this with temp tables and updates, but would prefer an elegant solution.
If I've understood your question properly, you're looking to concatenate row values rather than PIVOT them.
This article[^] covers most of the options. For example, the black-box XML method:
SELECT ',' + Site
FROM YourTable As I
WHERE I.DataPoint = O.DataPoint
).value('.', 'varchar(max)')
, 1, 1, ''
) As Sites
YourTable As O
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Thank you, but, no. Not concatenation.
I need the CH and KC to be the column headers.
What I have is 1400 data points and 4 sites; in theory, all sites SHOULD have the same datapoints, but... they don't.
I need to create a matrix of datapoints and sites to show what is there and what isn't.
What I've presented is the simplified version, but the concept is correct.
So if CH and KC are the column headers, what are the column values?
Remember, you can't have different columns for different rows in the same resultset, which is what the "output" section of your question seems to be doing.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Either the column name or the datapoint or 'Exists'; any indicator to show the datapoint exists for that site, but if it doesn't exist, a blank value.
So a basic dynamic pivot then?
DECLARE @cols As nvarchar(max), @query As nvarchar(max);
SET @cols = STUFF
FROM Source
).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')
, 1, 1, ''
SET @query = N'SELECT DataPoint, ' + @cols + N' FROM Source PIVOT (COUNT(Site) FOR Site IN (' + @cols + N')) As p';
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Thank you.. yes, that worked... like I said, I used to use it, but forgot how.
Could you help with XML select. Below is my xml however it won't select correct value.
SET @input =N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><NewDataSet><GroupID>111111</GroupID><GroupID>111111</GroupID><GroupID>999999</GroupID><GroupID>777777</GroupID></NewDataSet>'
Ppl.GroupID.value('(@GroupID)', 'VARCHAR(6)') AS 'GroupID'
@input.nodes('/NewDataSet/GroupID') as Ppl(GroupID)
I do not understand what do you mean by (@GroupID) , but you should write it like this:
Ppl.GroupID.value('.', 'VARCHAR(6)') AS 'GroupID'
I'm not questioning your powers of observation; I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. (V)
for example
i want to select names from azar to last record of the table
FROM Table
WHERE Name >= 'Azar'
For this query to be efficient, the table should be indexed on the name column
use PARA2;
with pel(reg,inst,nama,alamat,sts)
as (select p.ID_Pelanggan
,case when p.Status_Pelanggan=2 then 'Aktip'
else 'Non Aktip'end'Status'
from PELANGGAN p),
as (select g.ID_Pelanggan
from GANTI_Log g)
select p.reg
from pel p left outer join ganti g
on p.reg=g.reg
order by p.reg
What do you mean with "last row" - is it the row with newest date (g.Tanggal), and what would you like to select if no entry is present yet?
What about
as (select TOP 1 g.ID_Pelanggan
from GANTI_Log g
Order by g.Tanggal desc
Bernhards solution is valid for SQLServer.
But what if you don't use SQL Server?
If he is using HAL then he should have asked for HAL9000 compatible SQL
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
"I'm sorry, Eddy. I'm afraid I can't do that."
Hello Experts,
I have a table ID, Lock and other fields. I have a VB.NET program that gets the TOP 1 record that is not lock and lock that record to be keyed/entry. Multiple users will use this program, is it possible that more than one user can access the same record in this process? Its possible users will request a record at the same time.
Thanks a lot.
ID | Lock |
1 | False |
2 | False |
3 | False |
Lets say that 2 computer are using same program connecting to the same server database
Client:1 - Request Time: 10:30:00 will get the ID 1, ID 1 will lock(update to true)
Client:2 - Request Time: 10:30:05 will get the ID 2, ID 2 will lock(update to true) - cause ID 1 is lock
This is my question. same request
Client:1 & 2 - Request Time: 10:30:00
- Query is (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Table WHERE Lock = False)
- Put ID to a variable
- In the above run time, Is the 2 client will get the ID 1 or the this query will stack on SQL Server will finish one query first before executing another query?
- Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
- Most of the problem in your life are due to two reasons: you act without thinking, or think without acting
modified 29-Sep-14 9:34am.
I don't understand your question. How are you locking the record?
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
I think you will need to write your own locking mechanism. No big deal.
hansoctantan wrote: is it possible that more than one user can access the same record in this
process? Probably. Does not mean that it will be a problem.
There's a lot of stuff written on locking in SQL, with topics like lost updates[^] and dirty reads (no, not those magazines). You can add various hints[^] to the query. MSDN has dedicated a section[^] to consistency and concurrency.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
What business case do you have that requires you to lock it?
If I understood your question correctly, you're wondering if session 1 can read the data that session 2 is locking. If this is the concern then the answer in many cases is no.
Consider the following scenario:
Session 1 Session 2
--------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Select record A, field named SomeValue is 1
Select record A, field named SomeValue is 1
Begin transaction
Update record A,
field named SomeValue is set to 2,
an eXclusive lock is taken
Select record A, record is locked, session 2 waits
Some other modifications
Session 2 still waits
Commit the transaction, lock is freed
Session 2 now gets the answer,
field named SomeValue is 2
(the value session 1 updated)
Now the actual sequence varies depending if auto-commit is on and so on. Also you should know that if row versioning is in effect, then the behaviour is far different. For more information, read Data versioning in SQL Server using row versions[^]
Hello !
I have created an application that use a sql server database.
But the problem is that a user can open sql server management studio and can do anything that I don't like , for example :
1) Can modify values inside tables.
2) can delete records
3) Can see and can get my database structure.....
How can I protect my database , so that users can modify this database only inside my application , and can do anything outside my application ? I don't know does exist a way to protect my database with a password or.... ??? for example when I was using Access for database , i have protected Access files with a password , and after only my application can open this database .
Is possible to include a protection in the sql server database file ( so even the file is imported to another computer to remain protected ?
I have a specific situation :
My application is designated to manage several "office".
In my application folder , i have a empty backup file ( offline) of my database called "Model". And inside my application a user can create "A new office " and when he do this the application restore a copy of "Model" inside sql server with a specific name (for example "Office1". Another time the user can create another "Office" using again a copy of "Model"
So inside Sql server may be different databases ( all of them with the same structure ) like "Model"
So in this situation how can i Protect my databases and the "Model" .
Because i think i should apply a Protection" inside the offline backup file "Model" ( if it's possible , all the databases that have created from "Model" will have the protection ) or ??????
What should i do in this case ?
Thank you !
modified 23-Sep-14 22:23pm.
If your users have SA rights using windows authentication then you cannot stop them.
However you can restrict user access by implementing a reasonable security/password profile within SQL Server.
I hate to just dump a link but the subject is way too large for a forum discussion, do some research into SQL Server Security[^]
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity