How are you saving an image in an HTML string - embedded as a data URI, or something else?
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
base64 string like this:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,.........
Technology News @ www.JassimRahma.com
OK, that shouldn't significantly increase the size. The Base64 encoded string shouldn't be more than 1/3 larger than the raw bytes.
So param_message is definitely the parameter you're using to pass the HTML?
Can you post the code you're using to create the command object and its parameters?
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
this is the code:
this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
sql_connection = new MySqlConnection("my_connection");
sql_command = new MySqlCommand("sp_save_message", sql_connection);
sql_command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sql_command.CommandTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(sql_command_timeout);
sql_command.Parameters.AddWithValue("param_message_id", message_id).MySqlDbType = MySqlDbType.Int32;
sql_command.Parameters.AddWithValue("param_message", txtMessage.HtmlText).MySqlDbType = MySqlDbType.LongText;
int result_rows = sql_command.ExecuteNonQuery();
this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
Technology News @ www.JassimRahma.com
OK, nothing obviously wrong there. How about the stored procedure?
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
you are the man
I missed the longtext in my sp. It was text only.
Now I have one more and last problem.
How can I solve:
Quote: Packets larger than max_allowed_packet are not allowed.
for using large text?
Technology News @ www.JassimRahma.com
It looks like you need to change the configuration of MySQL:
There doesn't seem to be any other way to fix that error.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Technology News @ www.JassimRahma.com
We have a Windows 2008 R2 server running SQL 2012 Express RTM (11.0.2100.60).
All three protocols (shared memory, named pipes, TCP/IP) are enabled for the server and both 32-bit and 64-bit clients. No certificate is configured, and encryption is not required. SQL is configured for mixed-mode authentication.
A few weeks back, we added the registry key to disable SSLv3 for server software[^], but didn't restart the server. (All three TLS protocols - 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 - are enabled.)
This morning, after installing the critical MS14-066 patch[^] and restarting, SQL would not accept any connections. Using shared memory or named pipes returned the dreaded "no process is on the other end of the pipe" error. Using TCP/IP returned a "connection forcibly closed" error.
Uninstalling the patch made no difference - we were still unable to connect to SQL. Only after re-enabling SSLv3 and restarting the server were we able to reconnect. We have since reinstalled the patch, and the problem has not returned.
Therefore, I can only conclude that SQL requires SSLv3 to be enabled, even if the connections are not encrypted. However, I can't find this documented anywhere.
Can anyone else confirm this? Is it a known issue?
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
modified 12-Nov-14 16:09pm.
..it might not be SQL Server, but one of the dependencies. Does the AD-server require a secure connection to authenticate users?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
It's a good idea, but we couldn't connect using SQL authentication either, which shouldn't involve AD at all.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Some Users are receiving Emails and some not, below is the Error message from event log.
"The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 3 (2014-11-11T06:09:35).
Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (The operation has timed out.)."
What could be the problem? How to sort this?
Your SQL box timed out sending the mail to your mail server. You need to increase the timeout.
Depending on which version of SQL you have, you might need to install a Cumulative Update in order to change the timeout:
You should then be able to use the sysmail_update_account_sp stored procedure[^] to increase the timeout.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I understand that this is what I asked for, but I'm trying to figure out how to just get 1 record of each item, instead of the 2 when the Join is valid.
SET @CategoryID = 23;
FROM ProductInfo p
LEFT JOIN ProductInfo_Inventory pi ON p.ProductID = pi.ProductID
WHERE p.Category = @CategoryID
I think I get it now.
If I were to request a single record, then the join would be fine.
But since I requesting all records that match the category ID, you get what you ask for.
So I decided to just make a separate call back to the database for the inventory data as I loop through the presentation aspect of the program.
Don't select *, just select the columns you need, and you can probably use DISTINCT to filter the list down to a unique set.
I ended up wrapping the select in a select statement, and adding the union to get the history and the current records. I think I went through like 5 or 6 versions of this before I got it to work. The numbers they produce are correct, so perhaps I got it right, and it's fast.
"SELECT " & _
", SUM(FAMOUNT) " & _
" FROM " & _
"( " & _
" SELECT " & _
" h.FSHIPQTY " & _
" , h.FCOST " & _
" , h.FPRICE " & _
" , h.FAMOUNT " & _
" FROM ARTRS01H.dbf h " & _
" WHERE " & _
" h.FSHIPDATE >= @startDate AND h.FSHIPDATE <= @stopDate " & _
" AND " & _
" h.FITEMNO = @FITEMNO " & _
" UNION ALL " & _
" SELECT " & _
" v.FSHIPQTY " & _
" , v.FCOST " & _
" , v.FPRICE " & _
" , v.FAMOUNT " & _
" FROM ARTRS01.dbf v " & _
" WHERE " & _
" v.FSHIPDATE >= @startDate AND v.FSHIPDATE <= @stopDate " & _
" AND " & _
" v.FITEMNO = @FITEMNO " & _
") "
What you've done there is open to SQL Injection attackes, which are a serious security issue. For a really long but excellent article about dynamic SQL and SQL injection, see http://www.sommarskog.se/dynamic_sql.html[^].
A nested query like this will work for a small dataset, but the inner queries will be run for every row in the outer query. It won't take long for this to be a very slow query overall.
It's an old DOS accounting program "Account Mate" using DBF files; Fox Pro; in which a Windows 7 and 8 application that I wrote for the customer provides extra features used all day long for electronic invoicing, electronic order confirmation, electronic past due statements via emails and PDF attachments.
It's not exposed to the internet.
string qryInterviews = "SELECT ID, UpdatedByAdmin, UpdatedBy,Deleted " +
"CASE UpdatedByAdmin WHEN 1 THEN Date1 ELSE TimesForDate1 END AS D1, " +
"CASE UpdatedByAdmin WHEN 1 THEN Date2 ELSE TimesForDate2 END AS D2, " +
"CASE UpdatedByAdmin WHEN 1 THEN Date3 ELSE TimesForDate3 END AS D3, " +
"FROM myTable where (Deleted is null OR Deleted = 0)";
In the above query, UpdatedByAdmin,Deleted are of tinyInt datatype. Please help.
That doesn't even look like valid SQL.
this is the currently running query in my project. I don't know how columnname with tinyInt datatype be compared to any given value in the case statement in linq.
var query = (from sub in db.myTable
where (sub.Deleted == null || sub.Deleted == 0)
select new
D1 = sub.UpdatedByAdmin.Equals(true ? sub.Date1 : sub.TimesForDate1),
D2 = sub.UpdatedByAdmin.Equals(true ? sub.Date2 : sub.TimesForDate2),
D3 = sub.UpdatedByAdmin.Equals(true ? sub.Date3 : sub.TimesForDate3)
But this is giving error message as:
System.ArgumentException: DbComparisonExpression requires arguments with comparable types.
I think its because my UpdatedByAdmin, Deleted columns are tinyInt datatype in the database. But When i used these fields in model class, i used byte datatype. I thought byte is equivalent to tinyInt.
Please help.
Dhyanga wrote: I thought byte is equivalent to tinyInt.
It is, but SQL tends to be more forgiving than C#.
In this case, the query is more readable than the LINQ version. Secondly, this query executes on the server.
What use does changing it to LINQ have?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]