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GeneralRe: Can a SQL login have more than one user Pin
Mycroft Holmes14-Jul-12 22:28
professionalMycroft Holmes14-Jul-12 22:28 
AnswerRe: Can a SQL login have more than one user Pin
ManishaSCode15-Jul-12 3:34
ManishaSCode15-Jul-12 3:34 
GeneralRe: Can a SQL login have more than one user Pin
Jan Steyn16-Jul-12 0:34
Jan Steyn16-Jul-12 0:34 
AnswerRe: Can a SQL login have more than one user Pin
rimazuc17-Jul-12 0:07
rimazuc17-Jul-12 0:07 
QuestionSql query that sorts data by top quantity per category Pin
Hardz13-Jul-12 16:49
Hardz13-Jul-12 16:49 
GeneralRe: Sql query that sorts data by top quantity per category Pin
PIEBALDconsult13-Jul-12 19:00
mvePIEBALDconsult13-Jul-12 19:00 
AnswerRe: Sql query that sorts data by top quantity per category Pin
__TR__15-Jul-12 0:49
__TR__15-Jul-12 0:49 
GeneralRe: Sql query that sorts data by top quantity per category Pin
Hardz15-Jul-12 15:18
Hardz15-Jul-12 15:18 
GeneralRe: Sql query that sorts data by top quantity per category Pin
Luc Pattyn15-Jul-12 16:27
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn15-Jul-12 16:27 
GeneralRe: Sql query that sorts data by top quantity per category Pin
Hardz15-Jul-12 16:50
Hardz15-Jul-12 16:50 
Questionmake a databse with ADO.Net Pin
messages13-Jul-12 4:50
messages13-Jul-12 4:50 
AnswerRe: make a databse with ADO.Net Pin
Sandeep Mewara15-Jul-12 0:15
mveSandeep Mewara15-Jul-12 0:15 
Questionshould i Make new database after Financial year Pin
Varinder Raii11-Jul-12 20:57
Varinder Raii11-Jul-12 20:57 
AnswerRe: should i Make new database after Financial year Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-Jul-12 23:33
mveRichard MacCutchan11-Jul-12 23:33 
AnswerRe: should i Make new database after Financial year PinPopular
Eddy Vluggen11-Jul-12 23:39
professionalEddy Vluggen11-Jul-12 23:39 
AnswerRe: should i Make new database after Financial year Pin
PIEBALDconsult13-Jul-12 3:51
mvePIEBALDconsult13-Jul-12 3:51 
QuestionGenerate Excel From SQL Pin
vvashishta11-Jul-12 19:48
vvashishta11-Jul-12 19:48 
AnswerRe: Generate Excel From SQL Pin
PIEBALDconsult11-Jul-12 19:54
mvePIEBALDconsult11-Jul-12 19:54 
QuestionRe: Generate Excel From SQL Pin
Eddy Vluggen11-Jul-12 23:43
professionalEddy Vluggen11-Jul-12 23:43 
QuestionSQL CE license question... Pin
Jun Du11-Jul-12 16:41
Jun Du11-Jul-12 16:41 
AnswerRe: SQL CE license question... Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-Jul-12 23:32
mveRichard MacCutchan11-Jul-12 23:32 
AnswerRe: SQL CE license question... Pin
Eddy Vluggen11-Jul-12 23:33
professionalEddy Vluggen11-Jul-12 23:33 
EjojAnrodac11-Jul-12 7:31
EjojAnrodac11-Jul-12 7:31 
Luc Pattyn11-Jul-12 7:38
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn11-Jul-12 7:38 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
11-Jul-12 7:41
EjojAnrodac11-Jul-12 7:41 

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