Thanks, I fired off a Google 'shot-in-the-dark' and it returned something useful. I didn't know there was public sample data out there for this type of stuff.
Jack of all trades ~ Master of none.
I was thinking of Googling breasts, but thought better of it.
Chris Meech
I am Canadian. [heard in a local bar]
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is. [Yogi Berra]
posting about Crystal Reports here is like discussing gay marriage on a catholic church’s website.[Nishant Sivakumar]
I think you would get some useful results!
Jack of all trades ~ Master of none.
hehe, I didn't think about it, I did ... oh never mind
At my previous job at the computational center I dealt besides all with a great amount of reports getting data from an Oracle database - Crystal Reports & SQL*Plus HTML reports. Monthly we had to print some thousands of pages for co-working organizations. But what worst, we had to spend several days generating these reports in a special application written by our programmers. Until I have found a proper solution! I wrote an application that maintaned SQL-queries for generating report parameters for each kind of a report. So I had only to run such a query in this app, and I got a list of command lines for SQL*plus reporting script or a VBS script that acted like a bridge to Crystal Reports engine. Then I could save these lines to a .bat file and run it. But I also wrote a secondary app that took these command-lines and could run several child reporing processes simultaneously (SQL*Plus or Crystal Reports) that speeded up the whole job. While I was in my bed at home, the report generating job was performing during a night. By morning, the report files got ready and we only had to transfer them to our printing department.
I don't work there anymore for some personal reasons. Sometime ago I completele rewrote this app from the scratch (I had no original source files) and the result has no shadow of that organization specificity, so I think there will not be any copyright problems. Now it's a completely general app that can deal with Oracle databases of any look. Is there a need for such an application? Will be there any sense to maintain and develop it? Try to sell it?
P.S. If someone will like to try it, I have to say that I don't have an english version, only russian one. But if you ask me, I may perform an english-american localization, it will not take long.
modified 28-May-12 17:03pm.
Dmitri Novikov wrote: Is there a need for such an application? Will be there any sense to maintain and
develop it? Try to sell it?
Write an article explaining how it works, and you'll get answers to these questions
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Eddy, a rather good proposal! But If I publish an article at CodeProject, don't I have to publish also the source files of this application?
I have seen some articles without an associated download. On the other hand, if the app is commercial, it might be seen as "advertising".
Spend a day Googeling for commercial alternatives to your app. If there's more than three, there's probably a market. If there's not, there still might be one.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Yet, I can't decide whether it can be done as commercial. Maybe a point will be in maintaining both commercial and freeware version. I'll think about posting an article, I will not be able to post it until the weekend.
The first version of my program was written in old 2005 I investigated the area that days and found nothing I could use to do the job I neeeded for free. But the time passed, things might have changed. You're right, I need to do the investigation nowadays also.
If someone else will post answers here, I will be greatful!
Following the Head First eBook on C# development. The current chapter requires controls for a small contacts database already created. It should be a matter of dragging the form, then the database on to the IDE. Have not been able to do so after several attempts. Seeking guidance on how to get this done. Images are uploaded to the link below.
Much thanks for guidance
This may be better asked in the C# forum. The biggest hurdle to database access is the security. Once you have solved that them it becomes more of a C# problem of object typing.
i need to create a login interface and link ITS Typing Test System to a database to capture following:
1. Name (new field, to be created in login interface)
2. (document.JobOp.typed.value.replace(/ /g, " ").split(" ").length)
3. totalTime
4. wpmType
5. aftReport
And your question is?
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Dear all,
I have this sort of weird question in terms of sql data and query.
Consider the dataset below. I have this results in to a table variable (SQL 2008)
EmailAddress ID
abc@test.com 1000
def@test.com 1001
ppp@test.com 1002
iii@test.com 1002
ttt@test.com 1000
Now, what I want out of this table variable is the below result
EmailAddress ID
abc@test.com 1000
def@test.com 1001
ppp@test.com 1002
What I want is to have first available unique ID and their email address. Can anyone please write a query or direct me.
There are a number of solutions to this one.
Use a sub query select the top 1 from table order by ID
Or you can use the Row_Number() and partition grouped and ordered by the ID and an outer query that selected row 1 for each ID.
There is also a CTE solution I have seen posted but don't know the details.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
You can do this by using Row_Number functionality with 'Partition By' on ID Column.
Then put in Where Claue with condition as RowNum =1.
- Happy Coding -
Vishal Vashishta
SELECT ID, MIN(EmailAddress)
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Are you sure you've got that query right?
Is there are reason that you want me to doubt the post?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Look at the field in the min as a hint.
I did. He wants the ID's unique, and the first mailadress for that ID.
Did I miss something?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Hi, everybody
I need to conduct a large amount of data analysis on database. Could anyone recommend an interactive application for data analysis?
The requirements are:
1. Able to cope with the unexpected requirement rapidly.
2. Able to perform further computations on results interactively (base on the mass data).
3. Easy to confront even a large amount of complex computations
What would you great expert recommend?
Thanks in advance.
Microsoft Excel and Sql Server. Those are the most-used all-purpose tools to do what you want. You can adapt using VBScript if Excel if those requirements change.
Most data-mining applications are written to mine for specific stuff.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Thank you for reply.
SQl lacks stepwise computation ablility, so It is not a ideal solution. What I mean about stepwise is:
1. In excel, I can write number "10" in A1 cell, then formula "=A1*5" in A2 cell. then formula "=A2+2" in A3 cell. A1->A2->A3, It's stepwise.
2. When I change 10 to 9 in A1, then result in A2 and A3 will changed automatic.
3. an example: a. to select out the 10 categories of best sellers b. as a further computation on the basis of result from a., to select out the top 20 products from each category, c. as a further comparison with that of the last year based on the result from a.
let's call SQL_A,SQL_B,SQL_C as SQL statements for a,b,c. when I changed SQL_A (for example change 10 categories to 9 categories ), I must change SQL_B and SQL_C. why? because SQL_B and SQL_C is based on SQL_A. that is, SQL_B may like:
with SQL_A as A
Excel has another problem, It is too simple to process mass data analysis. for example, to compute the product whose annual sales values are all among the top 100.
data structure( sales table's fields): productID, time, value .
the sql solution is:
WITH sales1 AS (
SELECT productID, YEAR(time) AS year, SUM(value) AS value1
FROM sales
GROUP BY productID, YEAR(time)
SELECT productID
SELECT productID
SELECT productID,RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY year ORDER BY value1 DESC) rankorder
FROM sales1 ) T1
WHERE rankorder<=100) T2
GROUP BY productID
above code is hard to write in Excel.
So what I want is some like SQL + Excel, do you have some idea?
bestbird7788 wrote: So what I want is some like SQL + Excel, do you have some idea?
Use Sql and Excel.
bestbird7788 wrote: above code is hard to write in Excel.
It is. I'd suggest writing it in Sql, as a stored procedure.
bestbird7788 wrote: Excel has another problem, It is too simple to process mass data analysis.
It's one of the most advanced spreadsheets that I know. Alternatively, you could check out DMTL[^].
Bastard Programmer from Hell