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AnswerRe: Could anyone recommend an interactive application for mass data analysis? Pin
jschell24-May-12 8:44
jschell24-May-12 8:44 
GeneralRe: Could anyone recommend an interactive application for mass data analysis? Pin
bestbird778824-May-12 17:14
bestbird778824-May-12 17:14 
AnswerRe: Could anyone recommend an interactive application for mass data analysis? Pin
Jörgen Andersson26-May-12 9:43
professionalJörgen Andersson26-May-12 9:43 
GeneralRe: Could anyone recommend an interactive application for mass data analysis? Pin
bestbird778827-May-12 23:24
bestbird778827-May-12 23:24 
QuestionConversion failed when converting the varchar value in SQLSERVER 2008 Pin
ChandrakanthGaddam22-May-12 5:47
ChandrakanthGaddam22-May-12 5:47 
AnswerRe: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value in SQLSERVER 2008 Pin
scottgp22-May-12 6:02
professionalscottgp22-May-12 6:02 
GeneralRe: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value in SQLSERVER 2008 Pin
ChandrakanthGaddam22-May-12 6:20
ChandrakanthGaddam22-May-12 6:20 
QuestionHandling big tables Pin
V.21-May-12 23:28
professionalV.21-May-12 23:28 
AnswerRe: Handling big tables Pin
Mycroft Holmes21-May-12 23:56
professionalMycroft Holmes21-May-12 23:56 
GeneralRe: Handling big tables Pin
V.22-May-12 0:01
professionalV.22-May-12 0:01 
Actually, what I think will happen is that the "view" on large amounts will be averaged. for example one point per month or week.

I do realize I'll need to talk to the boss. Big Grin | :-D

GeneralRe: Handling big tables Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-May-12 14:15
professionalMycroft Holmes22-May-12 14:15 
GeneralRe: Handling big tables Pin
R. Giskard Reventlov22-May-12 6:26
R. Giskard Reventlov22-May-12 6:26 
AnswerRe: Handling big tables Pin
Eddy Vluggen22-May-12 9:32
professionalEddy Vluggen22-May-12 9:32 
AnswerRe: Handling big tables Pin
jschell23-May-12 10:46
jschell23-May-12 10:46 
GeneralRe: Handling big tables Pin
V.23-May-12 20:45
professionalV.23-May-12 20:45 
Questionerd concepts Pin
mido_h_8921-May-12 22:34
mido_h_8921-May-12 22:34 
AnswerRe: erd concepts Pin
Mycroft Holmes21-May-12 23:53
professionalMycroft Holmes21-May-12 23:53 
QuestionError while declaring a cursor Pin
VC_RYK21-May-12 19:16
VC_RYK21-May-12 19:16 
AnswerRe: Error while declaring a cursor Pin
R. Giskard Reventlov22-May-12 6:23
R. Giskard Reventlov22-May-12 6:23 
QuestionHow to get delete/Update row + SQL Pin
jojoba201118-May-12 22:00
jojoba201118-May-12 22:00 
AnswerRe: How to get delete/Update row + SQL Pin
Eddy Vluggen19-May-12 0:42
professionalEddy Vluggen19-May-12 0:42 
QuestionRe: How to get delete/Update row + SQL Pin
jojoba201119-May-12 4:38
jojoba201119-May-12 4:38 
AnswerRe: How to get delete/Update row + SQL Pin
Eddy Vluggen19-May-12 5:05
professionalEddy Vluggen19-May-12 5:05 
QuestionRe: How to get delete/Update row + SQL Pin
jojoba201120-May-12 2:42
jojoba201120-May-12 2:42 
AnswerRe: How to get delete/Update row + SQL Pin
Eddy Vluggen20-May-12 3:03
professionalEddy Vluggen20-May-12 3:03 

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