Sorry, but this is a technical forum, it's unlikely we can offer useful career guidance. You need to decide these things for yourself based on your knowledge, experience and the job vacancies open to you.
Binding 100,000 items to a list box can be just silly regardless of what pattern you are following. Jeremy Likness
Yes sure..being a newbie to technology..you can opt whatever strikes you better.
SQL is also a good option.
- Happy Coding -
Vishal Vashishta
You need to do whatever it is you enjoy. Do not let the market determine what you decide on. It is ever changing.
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
well, It is also a good option and later on you can master other skills as well like SSIS,SSRS etc..
I want to learn complicated store procedure. I have needed some table and different and complicated syntax of store procedure as example where I show result to execute syntax.
And you question is what?
First you need a complicated data structure to work with, then you need a detailed requirement and then you need to work through examples, read books and learn TSQL (or the flavour of the database you choose to work with).
Good luck!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
See here[^] for some useful sources.
Binding 100,000 items to a list box can be just silly regardless of what pattern you are following. Jeremy Likness
Get the AdventureWorks database if you are using SQL Server. Then get any book on T-SQL or Stored Procedures and start to work.
Assume @Code is a three character prefix, ie: AUS
Why does this break:
(SELECT TOP 1 CustCode
FROM Customer
WHERE LEFT(CustCode, 3) = @Code)
with the following error?
Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32).
I don't speak Idiot - please talk slowly and clearly
'This space for rent'
Driven to the arms of Heineken by the wife
I suspect there are more than 1 record matching your @code filter and you are trying to stuff more than 1 record into @Temp.
Nope - thats not it, you have top 1. It works for me on sql server 2008 R2. I used this
@Code VARCHAR(3)
SET @Code = '103'
(SELECT TOP 1 filename
FROM dbo.ImportFiles
WHERE LEFT(filename, 3) = @Code)
Which gives me the first 7 characters of the filename (all the file names start with 103). Changing @Code returns null
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Thanks for looking Mycroft - seems the issue is a calculated field (CustCode) that is part of the table definition.
CustCode AS udf_GetCustCode(@Name),
I think this needs to be calculated as a udf during the INSERT.
I don't speak Idiot - please talk slowly and clearly
'This space for rent'
Driven to the arms of Heineken by the wife
Andy_L_J wrote: seems the issue is a calculated field (CustCode) that is part of the table definition.
Probably fired off by a trigger - triggers how to completely f*** your database.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I have a table that stores transactions for income and expenditure. the fields of the table is shown below
transid, accountcredited, accountdebited, date, amount. Every transaction has double entry; it debits one account and credit another.
The accountcredited and accountdebited are linked to accounts table(the fields for accounts table are accid, accountno, balance)
The problem is I cannot figure out sql statement generate running balance
Thanks in advance
Try a search [^] this question has been answered so many times before.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I guess you have to use SUM and GROUP BY, by the way your question is not enough clear.
I Love T-SQL
"VB.NET is developed with C#.NET"
If my post helps you kindly save my time by voting my post.
Need to know how to connect to Oracle (11g) database from Log4net.config (using appenders) file. As I need to wright the logs to the Oracle (11g) database when any user logon to the web application.
Note: I am succesfully able to wright the logs to the text files but not able to wright the logs to the Oracle (11g) database.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Try this[^].
Bastard Programmer from Hell
As part of my degree I recently submitted an interim paper and one of the feedback comments from the tutor was along the lines of "consider asking the opinions of others on the database, it is not cheating as long as you properly reference your source". Fair point I thought so here I am.
In my submission I had written about the two options I had considered for the database model and why I had elected to choose the one I did. So the question arises from this, what other options are there or what would your preferred approach be?
Basically, the project is looking at migrating an existing file based process across to a web solution, and part of the system relates to the daily reporting of end of period figures and status.
At the end of each daily reporting 24 hour period, a whole bunch of items are recorded, and these are recorded for more that one site, and not every site records the same metrics, but the majority of them are all the same.
As it stands at present there are approximately 30 parameters recorded, some numerical, some textual.
The first option I considered was row per site per period, with each column representing a metric (I will just call them param, but in reality they have meaningful names).
The second option was splitting the KPIs into groups, and have table per group with one master record identifying the site and period in another table.
Master Table
KPI Group A Table
KPI Group B Table
KPI Group C Table
I originally have coded the models using code first approach (I'm using EF and MVC3) using option 2, as thought it would be easier to manage and allow for easier scaling, and appears to work well.
The part I am adding in at the moment is a losses breakdown for period, so each site might have multiple entries in a loss table linked to the Master Record in a one-to-many.
So the question is, particularly to any DBA's or architects, how would you or what suggestions would you have on how best to build the database to meet the needs, allowing for potentially more kpi parameters or groups to be added in the future.
Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
I'd vary on option two; have a master-record with period and all columns that the sites have in common (since they're dependent on the key) and keep the optional columns in a separate table, with a 1-1 relation.
It'd mean having to create a new table when a new column-definition arises, which may or may not be a problem. It also sucks when creating reports if you have to take tables in account that "might" exist.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Thanks for your input Eddy.
The only issue I have is with seperating out the common columns, this would result in the grouping of columns being broken, and fragmenting a cluster of points across different tables.
Then there is the issue if you have 1 point that started as non-common point, becoming a common point due to modifications on the plant. You have then broken the rule of keeping common points together, moving the column and data across to the common table could break all the underlying code.
Likewise, going the other way, you may have a point that starts common, but due to modifications on the plant no longer becomes common.
I have been working on this on and off over the last week, and so far, it still feels more logical to group categories of points together in one table and keep the master site record entry seperate.
I have since also added in another table which records a breakdown of each individual sites losses (an entry for each root cause event) for each reporting period (one to many), and by introducing this additional table and relationship, it makes even more sense to keep any KPI metrics out of the master table.
DaveAuld wrote: So the question is, particularly to any DBA's or architects, how would you or
what suggestions would you have on how best to build the database to meet the
needs, allowing for potentially more kpi parameters or groups to be added in the
Your notation is not familar to me however it doesn't seem to encapsulate what I would do.
The problem of your description seems to be the following.
1. You have a number of sites
2. You collect named 'metrics' from each site
3. The collection of metrics for a specific site do not match other sites.
4. And as a guess you have not considered that over time the metrics from one site might not be the same set either.
Given that I would have probably have the following table structure
1. "Site" with "Site Id" and other information specific only to the site.
2. "Metric Description" with "Metric Desc Id" and perhaps "Value Type"
3. "Metric" which has "Site Id", "Collected Timestamp", "Metric Desc Id" and "Metric Value"
Each site results in an entry in 1.
Each metric results in an entry in 3.
Table 2 is probably managed manually.
The "Value Type" allows one to identify what the "Metric Value" represents. For example it could be a timestamp, count, time span, float, integer, etc.
The above is a bit vague because the specifics of the actual system are needed to refine it further.
Thanks for your valued input. Further to the comments made to Eddy above;
What you have shared is probably what approach I would use for data collection repository, when any given point could be recorded at any given time.
All points I am recording will be manually entered at the same time, all with the same 'end of period' timestamp.
I am using some validation logic on the post back to check which site the data is being recorded for and set any 'unused' point to zero or empty string (depending on the datatype)
Also, the views are tailored to only display the relevant collection points to the user based on site.
You have given me some more food for thought.........thanks.
I want it in runtime using C#.