All variables in xBase are False by default. At least in FoxPro, that it.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Kevin Marois wrote: All variables in xBase are False by default. Regardless of type?
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"Show me a community that obeys the Ten Commandments and I'll show you a less crowded prison system." - Anonymous
xBase langauges are loosley typed, so it will get its type when assigned to.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Kevin Marois wrote: ...so it will get its type when assigned to.
But if there was no explicit assignment?
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"Show me a community that obeys the Ten Commandments and I'll show you a less crowded prison system." - Anonymous
Each element in the array that is not assigned to will be False
It's important to remember that xBase languages are loosely typed, so this will compile and run
char(1) myvar[11]
myvar[1] = Chr(32)
myvar[2] = Chr(45)
myvar[3] = "Hello"
myvar[3] = DATETIME()
myvar[10] = Chr(124)
See this[^]
Note that it says:
VFP is a weakly typed language, that is, the compiler allows operations such as assignment and comparison among variables of different types. For example, VFP allows the value of a variable to be cast to another type. The ability to use variables of different types in the same expression promotes flexibility as well as efficiency.
Note: Strong typing in Visual FoxPro 7/8/9 SP2 is not enforced at compile or run time, but is used primarily at design time.
This is true for Visual FoxPro, and for FoxBase and dBase, all of which are xBase languages.
Do you know what language this code was written in?
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
modified 15-May-12 13:10pm.
Kevin Marois wrote: Do you know what language this code was written in?
Not exactly. I heard it was xBase III, but I've seen signs of xBase V. The files have PRG extensions.
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"Show me a community that obeys the Ten Commandments and I'll show you a less crowded prison system." - Anonymous
Ya, most xBase languages are pretty similar in their syntax. If it compiles in one, it should in another with minimal work.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Kevin Marois wrote: If it compiles in one, it should in another with minimal work.
The problem is I'm converting a portion of it to C.
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"Show me a community that obeys the Ten Commandments and I'll show you a less crowded prison system." - Anonymous
Lucky you
The thing to remember is that you really don't know what's in a variable until runtime. In FoxPro you can do
Customer = "Smith"
Customer = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Customer = .T.
Now a later version of FoxPro added the 'AS' keyword:
LOCAL CustomerName AS String
but this is for intellisense only and doesn't constrain the variable to a type, so you can still do
LOCAL CustomerName AS String
CustomerName = 10+5
It's not uncommon in older apps to see a variable declared as Public in the startup program, then see its value changed all over the place. This is hell on earth.
Here's a FoxPro forum [^]you can use. I'v been a member there for many years, and most people there are very knnowledegable.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Hi all,
How do you replace a single occurrence of a character in Oracle?
For example, how do I replace a single occurrence of the percent sign with a plus sign:
'my string a%a here' should be 'my string a+a here',
while 'my string a%%a here' should still remain as 'my string a%%a here'.
I know it can be done using REGEXP_REPLACE, but I'm not sure of which regular expression to use to make it replace only a single occurrence.
Any help will be appreciated.
why don't you rely on occurence of special character.if it more than one,don't replace. simply if-else case..
Hi I wanna Insert a record into the database by fetching the current user and current date.I have to do this by Linq to sql..As I'm new to this can some one tell me how to do this??
user us= new user();
us.Date = DateTime.Now;
us.name ="";
Is this the right way to do?? us.name should be the login name..how to fetch the user name from db??
sindhuan wrote: Is this the right way to do??
No, because
won't even compile, because you're trying to insert a string "ur". Your code is expecting an entity of type user. So you want
So, you first want to query the user to get the name, then insert the new row.
using (MyDataContext dc = new MyDataContext())
var userName = (from u in dc.tblUsers
where u.Id = someId
select u.UserName).FirstOrDefault();
user us = new user
Date = DateTime.Now,
name = userName
catch(Exception e)
You will have to adjust the data context and table names and column names, but this should get you started.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
modified 14-May-12 18:00pm.
Hi all,
Trying to discover an appropiate way to perform the audit of a database, I have discovered a piece of code that seems to be quite appropiate. This is there:
What matters right now is the following lines of code, which are difficult for me to be understood properly:
-- Get primary key columns for full outer join
SELECT @PKCols = COALESCE(@PKCols + ' and', ' on') + ' i.' + c.COLUMN_NAME + ' = d.' + c.COLUMN_NAME
WHERE pk.TABLE_NAME = @TableName
This piece of code is placed inside a trigger writen on Transact-SQL (SQLServer) code. I understand more or less what is the programmer trying to get by using these lines, but what I don't understant (probably because I'm quite new on SQLServer) is what are the 'i.' and 'd.' references. By accessing the link you can discover the full code, but I had not been able to discover anythink on the code preceding it.
Another part of the code above that is a bit confusing is the following:
@PKCols = COALESCE(@PKCols + ' and', ' on')
COALESCE returns the first non-null expression, but it's difficult for me to understand the meaning of the sentence inside the complete expression shown above.
Thanks in advance, any kind of help (links, direct answer...) will be wellcome.
modified 14-May-12 4:25am.
You need to take the i and d in context of the rest of the query, they probably represent (alias) the inserted and deleted or possibly data records based on the query.
The coalesce in this case services the composite (2+ fields) primary key requirement.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
The code preceding the lines I pasted above are the following:
@field INT ,
@maxfield INT ,
@char INT ,
@fieldname VARCHAR(128) ,
@TableName VARCHAR(128) ,
@PKCols VARCHAR(1000) ,
@sql VARCHAR(2000),
@UpdateDate VARCHAR(21) ,
@UserName VARCHAR(128) ,
@Type CHAR(1) ,
@PKSelect VARCHAR(1000)
--You will need to change @TableName to match the table to be audited
SELECT @TableName = 'trigtest'
-- date and user
@UpdateDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 114)
-- Action
SELECT @Type = 'U'
SELECT @Type = 'I'
SELECT @Type = 'D'
-- get list of columns
SELECT * INTO #ins FROM inserted
SELECT * INTO #del FROM deleted
-- Get primary key columns for full outer join
SELECT @PKCols = COALESCE(@PKCols + ' and', ' on')
+ ' i.' + c.COLUMN_NAME + ' = d.' + c.COLUMN_NAME
WHERE pk.TABLE_NAME = @TableName
So, there are no mentions about 'd.' or 'i.'. Are "d" and "i" alias for these tables by default?
One thing to remember about T-SQL is that by default if you have a null in an expression the expression is null. Thus
COALESCE(@PKCols + ' and', ' on') would return ' on' if @PKCols is null as NULL + ' and' returns NULL.
Also NULL cannot be compared to another NULL as in WHERE NULL = NULL because this returns NULL not true or false. This gets me on occasion. Besides the COALESCE function there is ISNULL, used like
WHERE ISNULL(@PKCols, '') <> ''
Hope this is more helpful than confusing.
Hi all,
How do you use the REGEXP_SUBSTR function to split a string into two?
Specifically, I want to split a string into two where " and " is the delimiter (note the whitespace).
So for example, if the string is "xande and zem and dem and doe", I want string 1 to be "xande" and string 2 to be "zem and dem and doe".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
when instr(mystring, ' and ') > 0 then substr(mystring, 0, instr(mystring, ' and ')-1)
else mystring
end as string1
when instr(mystring, ' and ') > 0 then substr(mystring, instr(mystring, ' and ') + length(' and '))
else null
end as string2
Worked perfectly. Thanks Jorgen!
i could not understand the "timestamp"
what is timestamp and how can i get month from timestamp
what is difference between timestamp and datatime in sql
thanks in advance
vijay kumar
Is a data type that exposes automatically generated, unique binary numbers within a database. timestamp is generally used as a mechanism for version-stamping table rows. The storage size is 8 bytes. The timestamp data type is just an incrementing number and does not preserve a date or a time. To record a date or time, use a datetime data type.
You're welcome
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Hello Everyone
I have created a WPF project (C# language) and I also have a MS Access 2007 database.
I'm trying to display the database table name in to datagrid, but i can't figur out the SQL query how to do it. The code below that I wrote it's not correct I think maybe someone can help me please and solve it...
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string ConString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConString"].ConnectionString;
string CmdString = string.Empty;
using (OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection(ConString))
CmdString = "SELECT FoodMenu FROM MSysObjects WHERE (FoodMenu Not Like 'MSys*') AND (Type In (1,4,6)) ORDER BY FoodMenu";
OleDbCommand comm = new OleDbCommand(CmdString, myConnection);
OleDbDataAdapter sda = new OleDbDataAdapter(comm);
DataTable dt = myConnection.GetSchema("Tables");
foreach (DataRow dataRow in dt.Rows)
Kind regards
LAPEC wrote: DataTable dt = myConnection.GetSchema("Tables");
That should work.
LAPEC wrote:
Do you mean DataSource?
LAPEC wrote: dataRow["FoodMenu"].ToString()
It's already a string, don't use ToString, just cast it ((string) dataRow["FoodMenu"]).Trim()