I have an access database with several fields........one of the field is having the field name as "Client#" in table Client_Table.
When I'm using this SELECT stattement :
"Select Client#, ClientName, ClientGender from Client_Table".
It's displaying an error : "Syntax error in date in quesry expression 'Client#'". But when I'm not using "Client#" its displaying the other records properly.
Thanks in anticipation.
is the column name actually "Client#"?
if thats the case try this...
SELECT [Client#], ClientName, ClientGender FROM Client_Table
Harvey Saayman - South Africa
Junior Developer
.Net, C#, SQL
you.suck = (you.passion != Programming)
Many many THANKS for that..........it did worked..........thanks.
Its a pleasure
Harvey Saayman - South Africa
Junior Developer
.Net, C#, SQL
you.suck = (you.passion != Programming)
My application depends on a sql server database I want to deploy my project in the client machine with out deploying the sql server express edition because it take some disk space and it some times cause some problems in its deployment(mainly if user don't have any experience).Is there any way to overcome this situation.
Have a centrally installed SQL Server that the client applications connect to.
As Colin Said,
you need to have a SQL Server wherer you data will be centrally accessed. SQL is not like Access , you cannot just install the SQl Server in Each machine.
Do you understand
Vuyiswa Maseko,
Sorrow is Better than Laughter, it may Sadden your Face, but It sharpens your Understanding
Hi all,
Im using two database db1,db2, the data will be insert,update will done in db1 will be uploaded once in a day.if i updated or inserted the records in another day means it should fetch that records alone and updated to db2 database,im using sql server 2000,asp.net2.0.how can i acheive this one.
I currently have a site in ASP.NET connecting to SQL Server 2005, what we have picked up is that there are a lot of processes with the same process id. i.e. 64 appears 7 times in the activity monitor, half of which is either sleeping or suspended, the other 3 is runnable.
How is this happening? is it possible to have more than one process with the same ID? and a lot of these processed has a wait type of CXPacket.
Just want to state that I'm no sql guru so its a process of head bumping at this stage.
Thanks in advance
No matter how long he who laughs last laughs, he who laughs first has a head start!
You are seeing parallel execution of statements which is basically a good thing.
However it can also be a problem (depending on the application) in which case you should reduce the amount of parallelism or even disable it. Usually if this is the case you also see very high (~100%) CPU load and actually your CPU becomes the bottleneck.
The problem at this stage is that it is causing the database to slow to a snail pace which is pulling the site down completely.
Is there a way that I can disable parallelism on only one database or do I have to do it on the entire sql server?
No matter how long he who laughs last laughs, he who laughs first has a head start!
Unfortunately you have to configure parallelism for the whole SQL Server. However you can configure parallel query so that it will not happen so often:
1. set cost threshold for parallelism for a higher value. For example if the value for this is 5, it means that if the operation is expected to take more than 5 seconds, parallelism shall be used. You can increase this value so that only 'long' operations use parallelism (say set theshold to 30 seconds or whatever is suitable).
2. don't let the database use all processors. If you have 4 processors, you can set max degree of parallelism to 2 which means that only 2 processors are used simultaneously. Value 0 means that all processors are used
To list your configuration use either Management studio or by T-SQL by configuring to see advanced options and then listing all option:
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
Hope that this helps,
Thanks a mil,
I'll give it a bash and hopefully it sorts the problem
No matter how long he who laughs last laughs, he who laughs first has a head start!
You're welcome
I am using SQL Server 2000 on back end and .Net C sharp on front end. Server is connected with more than 30 users.
On user’s computers there are different files having different formats like MS Word, Excel, Visio, PDF etc with more than 4 MB size.
I want to see these files through database, correct them and resend to users through database on LAN.
How Can I Do All This without sharing any directory?
Best Regards for your kind Help
we are Talking about Different Storages, So why would you think SQL would help you to save word,excell documents.Firstly you must first understand what is a Database before you can start storing data on it.
Vuyiswa Maseko,
Sorrow is Better than Laughter, it may Sadden your Face, but It sharpens your Understanding
I want to know whts Integral Accounting Enterprise?and why do we use Integral Accounting Enterprise?Am new to this topic,so any details regarding this topic will be helpful for my project..
Try Google.
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
Has anyone managed to deploy an SSIS package using SQL server to store the configuration values.
I have created the package in VS and successfully run it. It is a basic ETL process.
I have 3 connections
SourceDB - connection is hard coded into the package
DestinationDB - connection is to come from the configuration DB
LoaderDB - Harcoded in the package supplies the configuration values.
Validation fails when trying to connect to the loaderdb - with invalid login credentials.
I found this article and got to the point where the package is actually looking for LoaderDB
When inspecting the package in Management Studio I noted that the connection manager does not have the password so I edited the connection string to include the password which still fails (tested the connection string from VS - no problems).
I cannot use XML config files as I need to expose the configs to the users for modification. Therefore storing them in SQL is the best solution, if I can get it to work.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Create a user defined variable to store the password. Build your connection string using an expression and extract the password from the UDV. And when you run your package, you can set the value for any user defined variable.
Thanks for the hint - i had it in front of me in the article but didn't put it together.
What a freakin nightmare, imagine having to put the connection string in clear in a bloody environment variable - is that a scream of anguish from my security person.....
It looks like the connection HAS to live in a variable. I had the idea that I could put the bits (server, UID and password) in the config table and have the package build the connection based on the config values, seems the package is ingnoring those and using the connection string in the deployment (no password).
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I am trying to call one dll inside pl/sql, which I have prepared though vc++. The dll works fine when I call it from any other vc++ applciation and hence tested but it's not working in the pl/sql Although I tried to test my pl/sql procedure with some windows default dll calling them from the procedure, in that case it worked fine.
Can you please help me with any hint. I have not used lib file of my dll any where. Could this be the reason?
Thank you
With Regards
Neeraj Sinha
Disclaimer: I'm no expert on Oracle.
Generally, when you can't call a function in a DLL from another programming language, it's due to decorated function names, also called 'name-mangling'. The C++ compiler encodes the types of the function's parameters in the name it records in the DLL, because the linker and OS loader match functions by name only, there is no space for parameter types. The types are needed to support overloading.
If you open a Visual Studio command prompt (2003 and later; for VC6 open a command prompt and run C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\vcvars32.bat) and run dumpbin /exports on your DLL, you will probably see that the names start with a ? and end with @@ and a bunch of letters and @ symbols. That means they're decorated names.
To force undecorated names, the simplest thing to do is to tell the C++ compiler that you want C compatibility. You do this by adding extern "C" to the start of the function declaration.
You should also check which calling convention Oracle requires, to ensure that the stack is set up correctly for calling the function, and cleaned up correctly when it returns.
DoEvents: Generating unexpected recursion since 1991
Workflow in short:
- create the procedure in vc++
- remember to export the procedure explicitly using DLLEXPORT
- build the dll
- place it in oracle_home/bin folder
- connect to oracle
- create a library XYZ pointing dll using CREATE LIBRARY statement
- create PL/SQL front end using CREATE FUNCTION and defining EXTERNAL LIBRARY XYZ
For more information refer to Oracle Database Platform Guide
Hope this helps,