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AnswerRe: normalization terms [modified] Pin
leoinfo9-Jul-08 4:08
leoinfo9-Jul-08 4:08 
QuestionMS Access Connection String Pin
kadkir8-Jul-08 17:41
kadkir8-Jul-08 17:41 
AnswerRe: MS Access Connection String Pin
Jack Brando8-Jul-08 19:19
Jack Brando8-Jul-08 19:19 
GeneralRe: MS Access Connection String Pin
kadkir8-Jul-08 19:35
kadkir8-Jul-08 19:35 
GeneralRe: MS Access Connection String Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Jul-08 17:44
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Jul-08 17:44 
QuestionMS SQL Server Multiple Roles per User Pin
Jack Brando8-Jul-08 17:34
Jack Brando8-Jul-08 17:34 
AnswerRe: MS SQL Server Multiple Roles per User Pin
Ashfield8-Jul-08 22:03
Ashfield8-Jul-08 22:03 
QuestionCommunicating via Windows Service object Pin
Richard Blythe8-Jul-08 5:07
Richard Blythe8-Jul-08 5:07 
AnswerRe: Communicating via Windows Service object Pin
Pete O'Hanlon8-Jul-08 8:56
mvePete O'Hanlon8-Jul-08 8:56 
AnswerRe: Communicating via Windows Service object Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Jul-08 17:47
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Jul-08 17:47 
QuestionDB2 Query Validation in C# Pin
Member 19917268-Jul-08 2:03
Member 19917268-Jul-08 2:03 
AnswerRe: DB2 Query Validation in C# Pin
Ashfield8-Jul-08 4:46
Ashfield8-Jul-08 4:46 
AnswerRe: DB2 Query Validation in C# Pin
Kschuler8-Jul-08 11:33
Kschuler8-Jul-08 11:33 
QuestionSQL Server 2005 Express, Windows Authentication mode, domain/non-domain users Pin
Gary Wheeler8-Jul-08 1:39
Gary Wheeler8-Jul-08 1:39 
AnswerRe: SQL Server 2005 Express, Windows Authentication mode, domain/non-domain users Pin
Ashfield8-Jul-08 2:11
Ashfield8-Jul-08 2:11 
GeneralRe: SQL Server 2005 Express, Windows Authentication mode, domain/non-domain users Pin
Gary Wheeler8-Jul-08 2:46
Gary Wheeler8-Jul-08 2:46 
Yeah, I checked them out. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to answer my question:

How do I use a SQL Server instance on a domain machine from a non-domain computer attached to the same network?

or, more simply,

How do I use SQL Server in a workgroup environment?

Software Zen: delete this;

GeneralRe: SQL Server 2005 Express, Windows Authentication mode, domain/non-domain users Pin
Ashfield8-Jul-08 4:58
Ashfield8-Jul-08 4:58 
GeneralRe: SQL Server 2005 Express, Windows Authentication mode, domain/non-domain users Pin
Gary Wheeler8-Jul-08 5:20
Gary Wheeler8-Jul-08 5:20 
QuestionWhile using ADDNEW in MySQL it is creating huge Temp files Pin
pallaka8-Jul-08 1:37
pallaka8-Jul-08 1:37 
AnswerRe: While using ADDNEW in MySQL it is creating huge Temp files Pin
pallaka8-Jul-08 22:20
pallaka8-Jul-08 22:20 
QuestionReporting Services Pin
Rashmi Deshpande8-Jul-08 1:26
Rashmi Deshpande8-Jul-08 1:26 
QuestionHow to comare two database,and find out difference? Pin
dingoishere7-Jul-08 17:08
dingoishere7-Jul-08 17:08 
AnswerRe: How to comare two database,and find out difference? Pin
TheFM2347-Jul-08 17:41
TheFM2347-Jul-08 17:41 
GeneralRe: How to comare two database,and find out difference? Pin
dingoishere8-Jul-08 15:16
dingoishere8-Jul-08 15:16 
QuestionHow to find the location of an update Pin
Brady Kelly7-Jul-08 4:21
Brady Kelly7-Jul-08 4:21 

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