zead wrote: where columnname2='1',column name3
this bit does not make sense.
where columnname2 = '1' AND columnname3 ....
Do I get anything for doing your homework?
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
In this exceptional case,....we might point him in the right general direction?
I don't speak Idiot - please talk slowly and clearly
can u explain the meaning of multivalued dependency and functional dependency with an example .
If you have an apple & I have an apple and we exchange our apples, then each of us will still have only one apple but if you have an idea & I have an idea and we exchange our ideas, then each of us will have two ideas!
Functional dependency example: a Human Readable Code (like the hex value CFADE ) created based on an Internal ID (850654 ) of a record (the Internal ID precisely determmine the hex value )
(One)Internal ID -> (One)Human Readable Code
Multivalued dependency example:
(One)Internal ID -> (One)Human Readable Code -> (Multiple)Account Number
You can find some examples here:
modified on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 10:57 AM
Hi all,
How do I connect to a MS-access data base which is present in localhost from an application runnig on web server. I want to send data from DB Server (sqlserver 2000) which is on remote machine to Ms-Access DB present in localhost.
After googling I found the following
Open connection to Access database located on a remote server:
"Provider=MS Remote; Remote Server=http://Your-Remote-Server-IP; Remote Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\App1\Your_Database_Name.mdb"
But, here my localhost IP varies depending on the client's system on which the web application is running. So, how do I set the clients' IP value or is there any other way to acheive this.
Thank U all,
try this...
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\server_name\db_folder\Your_Database_Name.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;
Hi Jack,
Thanks for ur response. But my actual requirement is as follows..,
I uploaded an application to remotely located web server.
Whoever the client calls that application it needs to send the content of its sqlserver database to clients' ms-access database.
For this I need to establish a connection in that web-application to have access to clients' MS-Access data base.
Irrespective of the connection i.e., whether it is from a proxy, Dial-Up, Broad band the data should flow exactly to the clients' system who is currently using that application.
So, How do I know the exact systems' address to copy the database?
Thank U all,
I think you are trying to PUSH (from SQL Server to Access) when you do not know where the Access DB is. This requires telepathinc software OR have your app/access db tell SQL where it is before trying to push.
kadkir wrote: Whoever the client calls that application
As part of the call make it identify itself.
IIRC you used to be able to link an Access DB to use sql tables, this implies a connection residing in the Access DB!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
How to create a user with multiple roles or groups in TSQL?
Your help is really appreciated.
Create the user and add to any roles you need. By groups I assume you mean Windows (NT) groups. This must be done in the OS and the group granted permissions in SQL Server.
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
I am writing an small membership application. It provides a layer above an Access database. The program will probably run an a single machine but I need a way to allow any user that logs on to access the underlying database. I have heard that I could implement this feature through a windows service and use remoting. Could anyone give me a head start on this issue? BTW the program wil be distributed via CD-ROM so the installation needs to be as simple as possible.
"Make it as simple as possible, but no simpler" Issac Newton
You certainly wouldn't want to do this via a service. A config file can contain a connection string, which you would use to point to a single instance of the database. It's that simple.
Recommendation - use SQL Express, it's free and gives you a path which will allow you to grow. It is also a MUCH better platform to develop against.
A good % of the issues here are about crappy Access problems.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I'm using C#, .net2.0 framework and DB2 as my database.
I need to validate a database(DB2) query which is given by the user in the textbox. Please note that I just need to validate not to execute the query(text in textbox). I dont want any third party software and I want to do in .net2.0, ASP.net, C#, DB2
Please share your ideas and solution.
Please don't cross post, its not useful.
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
What do you mean by validate?
You could use a DataReader object to do a GetSchemaTable and if it successfully returns, you can be relatively sure the SQL query was good. You could include put "WHERE 1=2" in the WHERE portion of the SQL to return just the schema of an SQL statement, as a different way to check. You could replace any selected fields with COUNT(*) to return a count of how many records will be pulle before you run the query. You could do a .DeriveParameters on the command. There are all kinds of options available to you.
Hope this helps.
I'm using SQL Server 2005 Express, running on a machine on our domain. The ODBC connection string for my application normally looks like this:
Driver={SQL Server}; Server=HostSys\SQLEXPRESS; Trusted_Connection=yes; Database=VersamarkCPT;
<small>(spaces inserted for readability)</small> I would like non-domain users to be able to access this data base as well. The only way I've been able to do that is to set SQL Server to "Mixed Authentication" mode, and use a connection string like this:
Driver={SQL Server}; Server=\SQLEXPRESS; Database=VersamarkCPT; Uid=username; Pwd=passwrd; I would rather use Windows Authentication if possible. I would also like to use a machine name instead of its IP address.
Is there some other connection string syntax I should be using? I've read through the SQL Server Books Online, MSDN, and articles here at CP, and haven't had a lot of luck deciphering what's going on. I'm a complete noob at DB programming, so please be kind.
Software Zen: delete this;
I have always found connectionstrings.com to be an invaluable source of connection information. Hopefully you will be able to answer your questions and learn a few tips from them - I know I have.
Hope this helps
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
Yeah, I checked them out. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to answer my question:
How do I use a SQL Server instance on a domain machine from a non-domain computer attached to the same network?
or, more simply,
How do I use SQL Server in a workgroup environment?
Software Zen: delete this;
I don't think there is any option other than to use Mixed Mode, as you already tried.
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
That's the impression I had, but I wanted to ask some more experienced heads in case I was missing something.
Thanks for the reply, Bob.
Software Zen: delete this;
While using ADDNEW in MySQL it is creating huge Temp files?
The file size will be more than 2GB as data in the server grows.
Is there any way to reduce or stop them to create thoes files.
I got the answer
AddNew will create a temp file as it will insert the data into a temp file before storing it into the main Database.If you are try to inseret the data in a sorted order or if your maintaing the Indexes it will generate teh huge tmp files.
So instead of AddNew just use Insert statment it will help you to insert the data directly in to the table where u want.
I am using SQL Reporting Services to create reports.
The report contains limited number of rows in the middle of the report page along with the different information on the entire page.
For eg:- If there are 10 rows in the dataset, then the report should contain 5 rows on 1 report page along with other information and the remaining 5 on other page along with the same information.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
How to comare two database,and find out difference?