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QuestionSQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista [modified] Pin
swjam7-Jul-08 3:11
swjam7-Jul-08 3:11 
AnswerRe: SQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista Pin
Alsvha7-Jul-08 22:53
Alsvha7-Jul-08 22:53 
Questionsql query Pin
Pankaj Garg7-Jul-08 2:52
Pankaj Garg7-Jul-08 2:52 
AnswerRe: sql query Pin
leoinfo7-Jul-08 3:43
leoinfo7-Jul-08 3:43 
QuestionCreate a table with columns' name as primary columns data Pin
prithaa7-Jul-08 1:57
prithaa7-Jul-08 1:57 
AnswerRe: Create a table with columns' name as primary columns data Pin
ChandraRam7-Jul-08 2:14
ChandraRam7-Jul-08 2:14 
GeneralRe: Create a table with columns' name as primary columns data Pin
prithaa7-Jul-08 3:01
prithaa7-Jul-08 3:01 
GeneralRe: Create a table with columns' name as primary columns data Pin
ChandraRam7-Jul-08 3:04
ChandraRam7-Jul-08 3:04 
AnswerRe: Create a table with columns' name as primary columns data Pin
leoinfo7-Jul-08 8:14
leoinfo7-Jul-08 8:14 
GeneralRe: Create a table with columns' name as primary columns data Pin
prithaa8-Jul-08 21:02
prithaa8-Jul-08 21:02 
AnswerRe: Create a table with columns' name as primary columns data [modified] Pin
leoinfo9-Jul-08 3:06
leoinfo9-Jul-08 3:06 
QuestionHow to simplify the query Pin
BalasubramanianK7-Jul-08 1:01
BalasubramanianK7-Jul-08 1:01 
AnswerRe: How to simplify the query Pin
ChandraRam7-Jul-08 3:09
ChandraRam7-Jul-08 3:09 
Questionhow to write "connection string" in namespace or webconfig file ? Pin
sacr837-Jul-08 0:29
sacr837-Jul-08 0:29 
AnswerCross post Pin
dan!sh 7-Jul-08 0:37
professional dan!sh 7-Jul-08 0:37 
Questiondifference between sql server 2000 and 2005, Pin
Shaik Haneef7-Jul-08 0:06
Shaik Haneef7-Jul-08 0:06 
Questionhow to find string match in any updated columns in a trigger Pin
P. S. Pundeer6-Jul-08 19:18
P. S. Pundeer6-Jul-08 19:18 
AnswerRe: how to find string match in any updated columns in a trigger Pin
Giorgi Dalakishvili6-Jul-08 22:00
mentorGiorgi Dalakishvili6-Jul-08 22:00 
QuestionOptimizing query [modified] Pin
Puneri6-Jul-08 2:43
Puneri6-Jul-08 2:43 
QuestionRe: Optimizing query Pin
Puneri6-Jul-08 3:34
Puneri6-Jul-08 3:34 
AnswerRe: Optimizing query Pin
Kjetil Svendsen6-Jul-08 21:34
Kjetil Svendsen6-Jul-08 21:34 
Questionscript Pin
rezarafiee6-Jul-08 2:15
rezarafiee6-Jul-08 2:15 
AnswerRe: script Pin
Saksida Bojan6-Jul-08 3:26
Saksida Bojan6-Jul-08 3:26 
AnswerRe: script Pin
Pete O'Hanlon6-Jul-08 9:14
mvePete O'Hanlon6-Jul-08 9:14 
QuestionEmail Alert after Insert on table Pin
obarahmeh5-Jul-08 21:42
obarahmeh5-Jul-08 21:42 

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