If you want to sort the output by 2,8,4,3,9 then you could use something like:
select * from MyTable
where ID in (2,8,4,3,9)
order by charindex(','+convert(varchar,ID)+',', ',2,8,4,3,9,') Regards
can i , with the help of sql queries , ascertain the next record ?
select next name from tablename
the above query does not exists in the real life .
Does such sort of query exist in sql server 2000?
Yesterday is a canceled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the ready cash. USE IT.
Sonia Gupta wrote: the above query does not exists in the real life
Fetch next exists only in cursors.
Sonia Gupta wrote: Does such sort of query exist in sql server 2000?
Nope. Use your Primary Key to navigate between your records.
Cause is effect concealed. Effect is cause revealed.
Next from what?
Records are not really ordered when they are stored in SQL server...
i Want to know what are the important things i mean like (stored procedures ,triggers etc) i need to know while doing a project and which are also important for interviews
please do reply
sindhu tiwari
its me sid
U should know to write queries with joins and u also need to know abt exception handling other than Sp,Triggers....
If U Get Errors U Will Learn
If U Don't Get Errors U Have Learnt
will u plz suggest me some websites for this ....actually i know how to use joins triggers sp's and other things but i am not confident what i need is a perfect definations for all these
thank u for reply
Happy new Year
Sindhu tiwari (software developer MIS)
its me sid
a simple thing which i forgot ...help me out plz
i am having a table a datagrid view so i am displaying the data in that datagrid view now i want to update the table thru the datagrid view
so how to do this ...
if u know this then plz do let me know
sindhu tiwari
its me sid
For this u need to code in front end languages like Dot net....
If U Get Errors U Will Learn
If U Don't Get Errors U Have Learnt
how can i create a password protected sql 2005 database
my mean is set password for windows database not for mobile
Name varchar(100) Unique,
How many Unique key we can have in a table in SQL Server
The Knowledge wrote: Name varchar(100) Unique,
How many Unique key we can have in a table in SQL Server
More than you'll ever need. Seriously.
Using only capital letters and no numbers, 26^100, or a 142 digit number, starting with a 3. Far more than any server you could build today can hold. The hard disk space requirements alone staggers the mind.
Were you looking to create a record for every grain of sand on Earth??
Dave Kreskowiak wrote: Were you looking to create a record for every grain of sand on Earth?
What an undertaking that would be
"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete O'Hanlon
Dave Kreskowiak wrote: 26^100
Uhm... Case insensitive?
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
[my articles]
Hi! there is a stored procedure containing 3 input parameter & 2 output parameters. now i want to write a sql query that lists parameters as well as their parameter types & data type for a particular sotred procedure. can any help me in this regards?
Can anyone define Difference between Candidate Key and Unique Key
Hi all,
I wan`t to implement the did you mean functionality just like what google search provides
for eg when i search madona its should show "did you mean 'madonna'" how do we implement phonemes
in sql 2000???
When you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
www.Developerof.NET wrote: for eg when i search madona its should show "did you mean 'madonna'" how do we implement phonemes
in sql 2000???
Create a table of synonyms? If you put in a known bad spelling then it can suggest the correct spelling. I would imagine that Google built up its "Didn you mean?" functionality over time by monitoring what people were searching for then seeing that the subsequent search had a search term changed by only a few characters indicating that there was a typo in the previous version.