Yes, somehow they've mangled it. When it asks for each file, just give it the next part in sequence:
part_1_of_5.rar -> part_2_of_4.rar
part_2_of_5.rar -> part_3_of_4.rar
part_3_of_5.rar -> part_4_of_4.rar
Presumably they've used a self-extracting executable because a .vhd is generally very compressible and it shaves a lot off the download time. I can't recall if the MSDN downloader uses the Attachment Security stuff added in XP SP2 to give the download the 'mark of the web'. If it does, one reason for carving it into pieces might be to save having to check all 2GB of the file for a signature when you run the first piece.
They can't make it a standalone ZIP because the file's bigger than 4GB and the built-in 'Compressed Folders' in Windows XP and Server 2003 can't handle the ZIP64 extensions to get around the 4GB file limit.
DoEvents : Generating unexpected recursion since 1991
I downloaded this from MSDN[^] earlier today and it worked fine. Did you get another version or from a different location?
The file may have been corrupted.
Take care,
Check out my blog at http://tjoe.wordpress.com
The version on MSDN Subscriber Downloads has the problem mentioned.
DoEvents : Generating unexpected recursion since 1991
Hi Guys,
Is it possible to restore a backup of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise/Standard Edition onto a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition DB.
I have a small backup file. its really small. Can someone just restore the backup for me and generate an SQL script from it. I need the script. I'll be lost without it.
Thanks in advance everyone.
Mridang Agarwal wrote: Is it possible to restore a backup of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise/Standard Edition onto a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition DB.
I've never done this myself, but I'm almost 100% sure that it is possible.
Mridang Agarwal wrote:
I have a small backup file. its really small. Can someone just restore the backup for me and generate an SQL script from it. I need the script.
Can you restore a backup using a SQL Server Management Studio? If yes, you can generate an appropriate script automatically in SSMS. (Of course I could paste you the script here right away, but if you do it yourself you'll learn more.)
I need some advice.
I have 2 tables. They are not related in any way except that they are in the same DB. Now I need to write a select query where it returns the columns from table1 and columns from table2.
How can I achieve this?
My Query at the moment is:
SELECT Table1.Column1, Table1.Column2, Table2.Column1 AS EXPR1 FROM Table1 CROSS JOIN Table1 AS Table2
Thank you in advance!!
Illegal Operation
Making Computer Software Talk
Since the tables are not related in any way it probably makes sense to return multiple result sets. If you are calling a stored procedure, which I highly suggest, you could just do this:
Select column1, column2 from table1
select column1 as expr1 from table2
Then you would get two results sets to work with.
Hope that helps.
Anybody know how to reset/increase the connection timeout settings for Replication
By Default it is 15, I am getting time out error "When connecting to Subscriber"
[Since our network is very poor in speed it take more than 15 to connect even with Management Studio to Login/connect to a database from client machine. In case of Login/connect we could reset time in connection properties. For Replication the connection timeout is disabled]
I think you can specify in the connection string the timeout length.
"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete O'Hanlon
HI all,
I am creating a Procedure in which i need to take table name from user as input I m trying to achieve this but getting some errors please help me out.
here is the code....
<br />
set ANSI_NULLS ON<br />
go<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
ALTER procedure [dbo].[apo_GetQuestionsByInqTransId]<br />
--Passing inventory id as input variable <br />
--Generate all the questions of it<br />
@InqTransId int,<br />
@appId int,<br />
@option nvarchar(20),<br />
@schema nvarchar(30)<br />
<br />
As<br />
Begin<br />
<br />
if @option='All'<br />
begin<br />
select qm.QID,qm.[name],QM.ParentQID,itql.SequenceNo from QuestionMaster qm,InquiryTransaction it,<br />
InquiryQuestionLinkage itql <br />
where itql.qid=qm.qid and it.InquiryTransId=itql.InquiryTransId<br />
and it.InquiryTransId=@InqTransId order by QM.ParentQID<br />
end<br />
else<br />
begin<br />
declare @AnswerDetailTable as nvarchar(40)<br />
set @AnswerDetailTable =@schema+'.AnswerDetalTable'<br />
select qm.QID,qm.[name],QM.ParentQID,itql.SequenceNo<br />
from QuestionMaster qm,InquiryTransaction it,InquiryQuestionLinkage itql <br />
where itql.qid=qm.qid and it.InquiryTransId=itql.InquiryTransId<br />
and it.InquiryTransId=@InqTransId and qm.QID not in(select QID<br />
from @AnswerDetailTable<br />
where appId=@appId) <br />
order by QM.ParentQID<br />
end<br />
<br />
End <br />
In the above code I need ur help in the else statement where I am using @AnswerDetailTable in from clause.
I m geetin error "Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure apo_GetQuestionsByInqTransId, Line 33
Incorrect syntax near '@AnswerDetailTable'."
wating for suggestions....
Arun Singh
You can't do this. You have to build a string that represents your SQL statement and execute it using the EXEC statement.
Paul Marfleet
SQl Server does not do a parameter substitution for Table Names in the SQL statement. To acheive this you need to build a dynamic sql and execute using sp_executesql or EXEC command.
try something like this...
DECLARE @ParameterDefinition AS NVARCHAR(100)
SET @appId = 10
SET @SQLQuery = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @AnswerDetailTable + ' WHERE appId = @appId'
SET @ParameterDefinition = '@appId INT'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLQuery, @ParameterDefinition, @appId
Regards - J O N -
Thanx now it is solved
Arun Singh
I have a data source that returns rows to me. If any row is already present in the destination database (based on the primary key value)it should get updated with the content of the data source row.
Rows that are not present in the destination database should get inserted.
Can u pls tell me how to achieve this in a SSIS package.
Hello there,
I have a huge spreadsheet which I have to load into SQL server every month for reporting purposes.
The structure of this sheet is totally different from the SQL server table, otherwise I would have simply used a datareader to load the data fron the spreadsheet and 'bulk copy' it into the server.
Ther procedure I'm currently following is that I create a user table (dataset) in memory similar to the SQL table structure, and then use Table.addRow method to populate this dataset from the Excel sheet. There are around 180,000 rows in each spreadsheet, but filling the data set does not take more than 15-20 seconds max.
My real problem is when I save this table to my server, it take ages because it has to check the status of each row (new, modified, deleted,...obvoiusly they are all new in my case) before inserting it to the SQL table.
If I apply 'AcceptChanges' on the dataset, nothing gets saved, which is understandable.
Unless you have a better solution, I have two options in mind:
1) Read the user table in a datareader and use 'BulkCopy' to copy the entire data in one go, but I'm not sure if a datareader can read a dataset? If it's possible, then this will definitely solve the problem.
2) The other alternative is to save the dataset into a temp XML file and then use a DTS package to import the XML file into the server.
Your help and advice are greatly appreciated,
You can open the excel sheet as if it were a database table (either in a dataset or a datareader) using the System.Data.Oledb classes and the appropriate connection string.
This article[^] has most of the necessary details.
Thanks Rob for your advice and quick reply.
I'm sorry if I didn't explain my case well.
I'm alraedy accessing the Xls file with a datareader, using OleDB reader. The problem is after opening the Xls file and then populating it in a dataset in a different order from the spreadsheet, I then have to copy the dataset into my SQL server.
As I mentioned earlier, there are around 180,000 rows and the dataset, and this takes long time for copying into the server, since the dataadapter has to check the rows one by one to see if it is new, modifie, deleted or unchanged, and accordingle will issue the respective command: Insert, update, delete, or ignore.
What I'm looking for is a way for bulkcopying the 180,000 rows into the server in one go.
My problem would be solved if I can find a way to populate the 180,000 rows in a data container that can be later retrieved by a datareader and use the bulkcopy command of the datareader. Is that possible.
Thanks again for your support.
In my library I have a routine that takes a DataReader, cobbles up the appropriate Insert statement, and passes the Command and the DataReader to a wrapper for ExecuteNonQuery.
public virtual ulong
string TableName
PIEBALD.Data.DataReader TheData
System.Text.StringBuilder columns = new System.Text.StringBuilder() ;
System.Text.StringBuilder values = new System.Text.StringBuilder() ;
string comma = "(" ;
for ( int runner = 0 ; runner < TheData.FieldCount ; runner++ )
columns.Append ( comma + this.WrapName ( TheData.GetFieldName ( runner ) ) ) ;
values.Append ( comma + "@" + TheData.GetFieldName ( runner ) ) ;
comma = "," ;
return ( ExecuteNonQuery
"INSERT INTO " + this.WrapName ( TableName ) + columns.ToString() + ") values" + values.ToString() + ")"
) ) ;
I have a large file of 29,000 student pictures that are stored by studuent number (stu_num). I am trying to post a report on the internet that is password protected, includes all pertenint data and a picture of the student for teachers, administratrs etc. How do I do this. I have read and searched the internet twice over and can't seem to get an answer that doesn't require me to enter one student at a time.
Thank you fro any help you can give me/us.
reply to cuevasj@gm.sbac.edu
You've searched the whole Internet twice over? Blimey, that's pretty impressive...
Have a look at this article[^]. It explains how to use the ASP.NET GridView control to display repeating text and image data.
Paul Marfleet
How can I get script from my DB in SQL Server?
(a script for run it on another computer to generate my tables, views, relations, stored procedures and ...)
Best wishes
If you have Management Studio, right-click the database node in Object Explorer and select Tasks -> Generate Scripts. Follow the wizard instructions.
Paul Marfleet
Hi all
I've got a problem that's driving me a bit mad, so any help gratefully received!
I've got a Data Transformation Task that is calling a parameterised stored procedure:
exec [myDB].[dbo].[vlGetOutputFile] 'Sep 28 2007', 6, 86
Within that stored procedure, I'm creating and dropping a couple of temporary tables and then returning the result set. If I click preview, I get the first 200 lines I'd expect, but as soon as I go to transformations I get the error 'Invalid object name #temp' and no columns to select from.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
Presumably SQL Server.
The temp tables are created in the stored proc correct?
If so why are you dropping them?