What I suggest is that you create a dataview based on your datatable.
Bind this dataview to your datagrid.
You can then filter, sort etc on the dataview without changing the contents or base data in your datatable.
Below is an example in VB .NET on how I have filtered and sorted using a dataview:
<br />
dvFileList = New DataView(tblFileList)<br />
dvFileList.Sort = "bytes desc"<br />
filter = "filetype = '" & DataGrid1.Item(DataGrid1.CurrentCell) & "'"<br />
dvFileList.RowFilter = filter<br />
DataGrid1.DataSource = dvFileList<br />
You always pass failure on the way to success.
thanks , i will look into it
The first 3 columns of my report are dynamic, depending entirely on parameters passed to the stored procedure. The result set from the stored procedure is used as the dataset in my Reporting Services report. Sometimes there are fields that are not returned in the result set and I wanted to display blanks if they weren't there. I tried all the tricks using iif(isNothing(Fields!field1.Value, "",Fields!field1.Value) and using Fields(Parameters!parm1.value).Value in my argument list. Neither of these worked.
I created 3 textboxes in my report (table) and placed the three different values in them, i.e., Fields!field1.Value, Fields!field2.Value, and Fields!field3.Value. In certain cases, one or two of these fields would not be returned in the result set. I made them hidden. Then in my other textbox, where I wanted to display the value, I added as the expression, Code.DetermineFieldValue(Parameters!parm1.value, ReportItems!txtTextBox1.Value, ReportItems!txtTextBox2.Value, ReportItems!txtTextBox3.Value)
I did this for each of the 3 textboxes, just replacing parm1 with parm2 or parm3.
In the embedded code, the function was defined as:
public function DetermineField(value1 as object, value2 as object, value3 as object, value4 as object) as object
I just refered to my fields as value1 through value4 and it worked. I have been trying this for about a week and couldn't get anything to work. Apparently, it will accept the textbox not having a value, but cannot handle the dataset field directly if it is not returned. It never got to the code. Hope this helps someone.
Your post is difficult to read. To make it more understandable, you should use the <code> and <pre> tags to format your code.
You can't bind a report control to a field in your data source and then not return the field. I had the same issue a couple of years ago when developing reports that allowed the user to pick up to 3 fields to group the data on. If less than 3 grouping fields were selected, some of the grouping columns needed to be hidden. I got round this problem by writing my stored procedures to pad out the resultset with extra 'dummy' fields if less than 3 grouping fields were selected. This way, the resultset would always have the same 'shape' and my data binding expressions would always work. In the report, I would then hide the grouping columns that were not required.
Paul Marfleet
Hi Friends,
My database has emergency mode. I tried to following commands using alter database to online,
But it has processing when it has taking more time.
How to solve this?
Thanks in advance,
Rameshkumar Thirumalaisamy
-- modified at 13:25 Friday 12th October, 2007
Is there a way to make a database connection more dynamic, so that the database could be moved to a different directory and still function without requiring the need to change the path in the database code itself? The code I have so far is static and requires changing each time the MS Access file moves or is moved to a different directory.
Dim strDBPath As String
strDBPath = "J:\GELCO DATABASE\Headcount Database\Headcount Database.mdb"
Set dbsHeadcount = OpenDatabase(strDBPath)
usually, connection strings, paths, etc are stored in configuration files so changing them does not require changing code.
You should adopt this practice in general.
Could you explain where the configuration file is in Microsoft Access? I understand in a web application, there is a configuration file, but what about in a networked version of MS Access?
I inherited a job including updating website. the website has a login page. When a client logs in the page will show all there orders. Our staff has to also go in and view there orders. The way it is set up know is the staff member has to look up each clients user id and password in order to view orders. I want a quick and dirty way to allow the staff member to use a global password to get into any account. How would I do this. The page offers a SQL statement that grabs the info. Found here
Is there a way to change this to also grab the record if U_PASSWORD is a Global password like PASSWORD?
Hi Cory
Try entering
' or '' = ' as the password .... then read Angus' article about SQL Injection attacks[^]. If you still want a global password then tack the following to the end of your SQL.
OR U_PASSWORD = 'MyGlobalPassword'
When I put OR U_PASSWORD = 'MyGlobalPassword' at the end of the SQL statement it allows all passwords to work even blank ones. In the following where do I place this at?
Hi Cory
"WHERE U_ID = @U_ID " & _
"AND @U_PASSWORD IN (U_PASSWORD, 'MyGlobalPassword') then setup a SqlCommand with SqlParameters for @U_ID and @U_PASSWORD. That will remove your SQL injection problem.
You will probably find that posting to the page using Request.Form will be more secure that Request.QueryString too.
If you want to thank me for my help, please vote my message by clicking one of numbers beside "Rate this message".
void CSerialRecieveDlg::OnBtnAutosend()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
AfxMessageBox("please open the port!");
CCreateName Dlg;
CString TB_Name;
CString mstr;
//// create a new table in SQL
mstr.Format("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '");
mstr+="') CREATE TABLE ";
mstr+=" (ID INT,FangWei TEXT,FuYang TEXT,QingXie TEXT)";
m_pRecordset->Open(mstr.AllocSysString theApp.m_pConnection.GetInterfacePtr(),
catch(_com_error *e)
when dibug to the end, appear an ERROR about "stackoverflow"
what is the problem??
The problem would appear to be that you've posted a C++ question in the SQL forum. Please choose a more appropriate one. Just because you've used the word Recordset in the post doesn't actually make this a database issue. It's still C++.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
thanks a lot
excuse me
but i have found that when i do nothing to the database in a WM_TIMER function, there is no error,
but just if i do something, for example:
void CSerialRecieveDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent){
CString str;
CCreateName Dlg;
CString TB_Name;
str.Format("SELECT * FROM ");
catch(_com_error *e)
there is a runtime error,
The problem is that i do not know it is a database problem or a C++ problem??
I wrote a query for getting some values from database , and and bind it to grid.
Now i want to add new values, but before that i wanna check whether there are entries of the same values...
How can I do this...? a friend suggested to add some conditions to the same stored proc to get this done..
Please help me...?
C#.NET Programmer
"Winners don't do different things. They do things differently. ...
Do a select to check if the duplicate criteria is there and then insert if nothing matches. You could do this with an IF NOT EXISTS query. Alternatively, create a unique index on these fields and rely on the database catching it.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
Are u checking for duplicate values in a Database or a table? If it is a table the you use the following script.
ORDER BY Column(s)
GROUP BY column(s)
HAVING Count(Column(s)) > 1
Hope this helps.
If you knew it would not compile why didn't you tell me?!?!?!
I am trying to update a record in an Employee work hours table to record the employee time out. I need to find the last time the employee clocked in then assosciate the time out with the record. thus having a time in and timeout data.
UPDATE dbo.EmpWorkHours
SET Emp_Timeout = getdate()
where Emp_Timeout in (SELECT TOP 1 Emp_timeout
FROM dbo.EmpWorkHours
WHERE FK_Emp_Login_ID = 'MDoe74'
and Emp_Timeout IS NULL
The script looks like it should be doing what I want it to do but it never finds any record, thought the record exist.
Any assistance will be great appreciated.
If you knew it would not compile why didn't you tell me?!?!?!
Check whether the field Emp_Timeout is null or ' '(Space) in the table dbo.EmpWorkHours
-- modified at 1:50 Friday 12th October, 2007
Thanks for your response. I figured it out, using the code below.
UPDATE dbo.EmpWorkHours
SET Emp_Timeout = getdate()
where RecordNum = (SELECT TOP 1 RecordNum
FROM dbo.EmpWorkHours
WHERE FK_Emp_Login_ID = 'MDoe74'
and Emp_Timeout IS NULL
What was wrong with it you may ask? Well, I was selecting the Emp_timeout field which was null. I was then telling to update a record where getdate() equals the value in the Emp_Timeout field. That would never happen because at the time of the query Emp_timeout field is NULL thus it will never equal getdate().
Hope this helps.
If you knew it would not compile why didn't you tell me?!?!?!
I m facing problem when I m trying to bulk insert record from back end and front end. it was working before but accidently my server has crashed and i have install every thing but now I m not able to Bulk insert through my store procedure.
Error Message :
Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 0, current count = 1.
please help why this error comes? what is the reason, is something i didnot install yet or something else?
Thanks in advance
I am software programming engineering student
and i want to develop in this field so Please help me whenever I want ur support.
Thanks & Regards
Mohammad Faiz Siddiqui
Of course it's urgent, whose question isn't ?
Have you considered checking your stored proc to see if the advice the error gives you is correct ? Did you consider posting the proc here so people have something on which to base their attempts to help you ?
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )