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.NET (Core and Framework)

GeneralRe: Serious .NET Bug Pin
mikasa19-May-03 6:45
mikasa19-May-03 6:45 
GeneralLicensing and wrapping control Pin
Patrick Lassalle17-May-03 0:46
Patrick Lassalle17-May-03 0:46 
GeneralRe: Licensing and wrapping control Pin
Roger Alsing25-May-03 22:54
Roger Alsing25-May-03 22:54 
GeneralRe: Licensing and wrapping control Pin
Patrick Lassalle26-May-03 1:18
Patrick Lassalle26-May-03 1:18 
GeneralRe: Licensing and wrapping control Pin
Roger Alsing26-May-03 1:22
Roger Alsing26-May-03 1:22 
GeneralMetafile Creation Pin
16-May-03 11:09
suss16-May-03 11:09 
General.NET deployment Project probs Pin
16-May-03 11:05
suss16-May-03 11:05 
GeneralLogging On Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer16-May-03 7:41
Jamie Nordmeyer16-May-03 7:41 
GeneralRe: Logging On Pin
Daniel Turini16-May-03 11:21
Daniel Turini16-May-03 11:21 
QuestionHidden form? Pin
solidstore16-May-03 1:49
solidstore16-May-03 1:49 
GeneralLogging On Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer15-May-03 6:56
Jamie Nordmeyer15-May-03 6:56 
Hi all. I'm writing a service that launches a house-built app, but I need it to log the computer in first. We have the, um, fortune of running both Windows and Novell networks, and the files that the spawned app need are on the Novell network. So my launcher service needs to log the machine in, or my spawned app won't be able to run. Any ideas on how to log a computer in from a service? I know it can be done, because I've seen other apps do it. Just don't know how.

Thanks in advance.

Kyosa Jamie Nordmeyer - Cho Dan
Portland, Oregon, USA

GeneralRe: Logging On Pin
leppie17-May-03 2:30
leppie17-May-03 2:30 
GeneralOld C++ Code Pin
Ingo7914-May-03 23:29
Ingo7914-May-03 23:29 
GeneralRe: Old C++ Code Pin
leppie16-May-03 12:12
leppie16-May-03 12:12 
GeneralRe: Old C++ Code Pin
Ingo7918-May-03 6:26
Ingo7918-May-03 6:26 
GeneralInstalling a Windows Service Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer13-May-03 6:36
Jamie Nordmeyer13-May-03 6:36 
GeneralRe: Installing a Windows Service Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer13-May-03 6:40
Jamie Nordmeyer13-May-03 6:40 
GeneralRe: Installing a Windows Service Pin
Paul Watson14-May-03 4:02
sitebuilderPaul Watson14-May-03 4:02 
GeneralRe: Installing a Windows Service Pin
Jamie Nordmeyer15-May-03 6:52
Jamie Nordmeyer15-May-03 6:52 
GeneralLoading dinamically assemblies from COM+ .NET components Pin
fennnan12-May-03 23:32
fennnan12-May-03 23:32 
GeneralRe: Loading dinamically assemblies from COM+ .NET components Pin
Simon Gregory3-Jun-03 13:43
Simon Gregory3-Jun-03 13:43 
GeneralRe: Loading dinamically assemblies from COM+ .NET components Pin
fennnan5-Jun-03 21:14
fennnan5-Jun-03 21:14 
GeneralRe: Loading dinamically assemblies from COM+ .NET components Pin
Simon Gregory5-Jun-03 21:54
Simon Gregory5-Jun-03 21:54 
GeneralControl licensing Pin
J. Dunlap12-May-03 9:48
J. Dunlap12-May-03 9:48 
GeneralCSC.exe Pin
Steve McLenithan11-May-03 3:39
Steve McLenithan11-May-03 3:39 

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