Further research shows the following.
Assuming that each of the above mentioned libraries has is pretty much a class then:
If B inherits A and C uses B in any manner then both A and B must be added to the references for C.
However, if B uses A (has an A data member) then C does not require a reference to A.
Still need to understand why.
Further research. MS Help says that if you are inheriting or using interfaces from another class library then all references must be included. So that pretty much takes care of what I thought was my nightmare.
Here's what your are looking for.
If B uses A and C uses B, C will need to reference A if B expose types from A.
MyDUMeter: a .NET DUMeter clone "Thats like saying "hahahaha he doesnt know the difference between a cyberneticradioactivenuclothermolopticdimswitch and a biocontainingspherogramotron", but with words you have really never heard of."
Hi all,
Did anyone encounter a problem with deploying a web project that has crystal report viewer in it to a machine that has .NET framework installed only (no VS.NET tools)?
Apparently no Crystal support is installed during the framework installation.
Does anyone know about any ways to get all those dll installed without installing VS.Net tools?
I have installed .NET but it seems to be running alot slower than 6.0 did. Is there a way of speeding it up??
Also, how do I get the class view, resource view and solution explorer as one view. They are all separate at the moment..
grahamoj wrote:
I have installed .NET but it seems to be running alot slower than 6.0 did.
Yes it does. You wouldn't believe how slow VS.Net beta was; the current release is a lot better. I remember a bunch of us testing the beta on a fast PIII, and growing old waiting for compilation to finish.
Turning off as much of the Dynamic Help stuff as possible, should help. It is very resource hungry. Also, disable as much of the animation eye-candy as you can (in the Options dialog along with Dynamic Help).
grahamoj wrote:
Also, how do I get the class view, resource view and solution explorer as one view.
You can just drag-and-dock them together as I did. It might be easier if you detach the windows first, size them fairly small, and then dock them.
Hi all,
I have a question regarding the XML Schemas that .NET automagically generates from a class. Is there an Attribute that controls the minOccurs/maxOccurs properties of a serialised member variable?
I'm creating a Web Service and would like to control the schemas in the WSDL, so that consumers of the WS know that they /must/ supply values for some of the class's members. I'm guessing that there is a way to specify that using the XML Serialisation Attributes of the class, but I can't find anything on MSDN.
Any clues?
I'm creating a series of ASP.NET Controls that are going to be compiled into an assembly. Instead of having a satellite assembly for each of the 70 cultures I have to support, is there a way to compile all of my localized resources into the main assembly and have the ResourceManager find them?
Does .NET architecture allow to implement a solution where a Web Service exposes an ADO.Connection object so that an ASP.NET client could retrieve such object, open its local ADO.Recordset on it, and use it at its own discretion as thou the ADO.Connection object was created on the client’s PC?
If yes, how to implement exposing an ADO.Connection object from a Web Service, and a client’s requesting to get that object?
If No, what should be the closest architectural solution?
I'm assuming that you're talking about ADO.NET and not classic ADO, so all that you have to do is return a SqlConnection or OleDBConnection from the method.
public SqlConnection GetSqlConnection()
public OleDBConnection GetOtherConnection()
any idiot
can write haiku you just stop
at seventeenth syl
-ThinkGeek Fortunes
Yes, any derivation of ADO will do, i guess
Thank you very much for your answer. I'm just starting with all the .NET stuff, but i'm getting there, thanx to valuble suggestions;)
Sure...no problem.
I'd recommend the following books for .NET development:
Applied Microsoft.NET Framework Programming
Inside C# Second Edition
ADO.NET Core Reference
any idiot
can write haiku you just stop
at seventeenth syl
-ThinkGeek Fortunes
Hi, all:
I am totally stuck, please help. I have a datagrid on the WinForm ( using C# ). I am trying to create a combobox for one of the columns. I use the technique described in MS KB Article 323167 ( coded in VB.NET) and I port the code to C#. It works fine for the existing rows. Whe I click on the * row ( i.e., try to create a new row) on the datagrid. The combobox seems there, but when I click on the down arrow, the combobox does not dropdown. Occasionally, I can get the dropdown, but when I leave the cell, the changed value goes to the previous row ( strange!). The primary key is AutoNumber, when I click on the new row ( with "*" in front of it), I sometime get little pencil in front of the row, but sometimes I do not get it except the autonumber ( almost like it does not treat as a new row ).
Has anyone use this combobox technique and work on the new row successfully? I include the code snippet ( handling the events) here, if you can spot anything I did wrong, please let me know.
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
************ Code Starts here ***********
private void dataGrid1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
if ( dataGrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber == 1 )<br />
{<br />
cbType.Width = dataGrid1.GetCurrentCellBounds().Width;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
<br />
private void dataGrid1_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
if ( dataGrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber == 1 )<br />
{<br />
cbType.Visible = false;<br />
cbType.Width = 0;<br />
cbType.Left = dataGrid1.GetCurrentCellBounds().Left;<br />
cbType.Top = dataGrid1.GetCurrentCellBounds().Top;<br />
cbType.Text = dataGrid1[dataGrid1.CurrentCell].ToString() + "";<br />
cbType.Visible = true;<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
cbType.Visible = false;<br />
cbType.Width = 0;<br />
} <br />
}<br />
<br />
private void dataGrid1_Scroll(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
cbType.Visible = false;<br />
cbType.Width = 0;<br />
}<br />
<br />
<br />
private void dataGrid1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
cbType.Visible = false;<br />
cbType.Width = 0;<br />
}<br />
<br />
<br />
private void cbType_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
if ( dataGrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber == 1 )<br />
{<br />
cbType.Visible = false;<br />
<br />
if ( ( dataGrid1[dataGrid1.CurrentCell] + "") == "" )<br />
{<br />
SendKeys.Send("*");<br />
}<br />
<br />
dataGrid1[dataGrid1.CurrentCell] = cbType.Text;<br />
} <br />
I want to build a snap-in with C#.
How can I do this?
Hi, all:
I am using Datagrid control in my WinForm application. I have two questions regarding the usage of the datagrid control.
1. In MS Access Database, you can specify a column "Lookup" to another table for available values ( show up as List when clicked on the cell ). Can I do the same thing in Datagrid control?
2. I'd like the user to update the data in the datagrid, but not add a new row. I will programatically add new rows through Dataset. Is this possible?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Hello All,
Am I missing something or did MS decide not to implement Tristate Checkboxes in the .Net framework. I really liked having that feature in good old Win32/MFC. Oh well, maybe in version 2.
I'm working on a C# Winform application to manage content in a electronical schoolbook. One of the key feautures is a WYSIWYG HTML editor, where the author can format the output text on her own.
At the moment I don't quite know where to start building this feauture. I've done some research, and figured out that there are two components i could use, a) the DHTMLEdit ActiveX component, or b) the MSHTML COM objecct (correct me if I'm wrong). Most of the information i could find about the DHTMLEdit is datet 1998/1999, and is "old". I've allso seen some newsgroup post saying that Microsoft is outfasing DHTMLEdit, and are suggesting you to use the MSHTML object.
What i wan't to know, is witch one of these two components i should use to build my WYSIWYG HTML Editor. What's the main differences, and how could i as easy as possible implement the feauture in my application. The best thing whould be if i could buy a out of the box editor, witch I could include in my project. I know there are plenty of webbased editors out there, but i wan't something that's winforms.
I would allso appreciate any kind of good information about witch path to take.
Thank you
Jonas Follesø
Developer, GreIT AS
I created a COM DLL. (with VC++.NET but this is not important).
And created some assembly the has a function, that create instance from the
COM class, and call some function from the COM object.
When I call the functions of the assembly as simple as possible, from some
console app, this is work.!
But if I do it via remoting, it isn't work!! and give this exception:
Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: QueryInterface for
interface ScreenCamaraASM.IScreenCapturing failed.
Server stack trace:
at ScreenCamaraASM.CScreenCapturingClass.GetNumber()
at RCServerNP.RCServer.GetScreenPicture() in d:\mydocs\visual studio
\remotecommunication\rcserver\rcserver.cs:line 24
ethodBase mb, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean
ontext, Object[]& outArgs)
sage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage
Msg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData&
ta, Int32 type)
at RCServerNP.RCServer.GetScreenPicture() in d:\mydocs\visual studio
\remotecommunication\rcserver\rcserver.cs:line 21
at Testing.Class1.Main(String[] args) in D:\MyDocs\Visual Studio
oteCommunication\Testing\Class1.cs:line 36.
Please, any solution?
Thank's, Itay.
Hi, all:
I have a simple WinForm application. I added a HelpProvider control to the form and I can provide Help to individual controls and form. I can not figure out how to call the TableofContents from a menuItem ( say &Content ) under main Menu Help. ( the old MFC way ). What should I do inside the menu item event handler? Thanks in advance.
I am unable to log the errors in to a log file
during installation of the Redist Dot Net setup
following is the command line I am using
dotnetfx /q:a /c:"Install /l /q"
I'm trying to access an MS Access database that exists on a Novell network drive from within a Windows service. I keep getting the following error:
'\\mcgs1\mcgv3\Dsys2002\prudent\copyprud.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is<br/>spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.
This IS a valid path, because when I use the exact same path in a .vbs file on my local drive, it connects fine.
Here's the relavent code:
Conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
Doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("PrudDB").InnerText & "; User ID=admin; Password=")
It's when I call the Conn.Open that the error is thrown. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Kyosa Jamie Nordmeyer - Cho Dan
Portland, Oregon, USA
Do you know the difference between \ and \\ ?
Um. Yes. I did use '\\' at the beginning of my network path to the database. I tried using a drive mapping as well, and got the same results.
Kyosa Jamie Nordmeyer - Cho Dan
Portland, Oregon, USA
Jamie Nordmeyer wrote:
I did use '\\' at the beginning of my network path to the database.
If you dont add a "@" you will need to escape each \ e.g "\\\\localhost\\sharedpath\\file.mdb" or @"\\localhost\sharedpath\file.mdb" or (if you wanna be ultra cool) "//localhost/sharedpath/file.mdb".
Oh the Friday blues
MyDUMeter: a .NET DUMeter clone "Thats like saying "hahahaha he doesnt know the difference between a cyberneticradioactivenuclothermolopticdimswitch and a biocontainingspherogramotron", but with words you have really never heard of."
Thanks for the reply, leppie. Actually, I'm programming in VB.NET, so the escape charectors don't exist, which is unfortunate (whatever moron at Microsoft decided that Microsoft.VisualBasic.vbCrLf was better than \n needs to be shot). The code seems to run fine when it's from a command line app, so I'm gonna try putting the meat of the thing in a command line app, and just have the Service itself spawn it.
Kyosa Jamie Nordmeyer - Cho Dan
Portland, Oregon, USA