Yeah.. I figured that out after my post.
But the problem still remains.. you can't get a pure 4 viewport interface because in order to get 4 panels
| | |
| | |
| | |
the horizontal splitter needs to be divided.. one left of the vertical splitter and one to the right.
so i can't get a cross-arrow in the middle... bugs me out
Sounds like a nice time to write an article once you have figured it out
I rated this article 2 by mistake. It deserves more. I wanted to get to the second page... - vjedlicka 3:33 25 Nov '02
Yeah... I'll think about it!
I am working on a project involving Grid Services (http://www.globus.org).
This involves a slight modification to the WSDL describing a web service. I wish to insert XML elements in any portType element describing the service.
In ASP.NET, to obtain the WSDL description, you look at the URL
My question is, how is the WSDL produced (i.e. at what level does ASP.NET interpret the ?WSDL command?). How can I affect this and do what I want to do? What framework classes might be used?
Any ideas?
No work.
Is there a bug in setting the icon property of a Windows Form in .NET? I have an icon defined as an embedded resource. I have edited it, but I continute to get the original, not the edited icon in my form.
This occurs even in design view when I change the icon property to my icon, on the property page I see my edited icon but on the form I continue to see the icon in its original form. What gives?
I have seen this too. Best way is to remove the icon resource (not delete) then do a rebuild, then add the modified icon resource and rebuild again.
I rated this article 2 by mistake. It deserves more. I wanted to get to the second page... - vjedlicka 3:33 25 Nov '02
I'm trying to display an icon on a form as an embedded resource. I have it flagged as embedded, but when I change it, I continue to get the original icon, not the edited one. Do I need to "un-embed" it?
You shouldn't have to reembed an icon. I have written several apps that use embedded icons, and I've never had to reembed anything. What you could try is a full rebuild of the project, but I don't know if that will affect your icon or not.
I got a program whith PrintPreviewControl, on Win-
2000/XP workstation all fine, but on Win-98 workstation
PrintPreviewControl periodically have the following error:
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object.
This error also occurs in this MS Example:
Any ideas? I really need to resolve this problem.
I think I have come across a fairly common situation but I cant find any help with this.
I have a simple form with 2 controls. A text box (Employee's Name) and a combo box (Employee's Job Title). I have a DataTable that I have tied both the text box and combo box to. Changing positions using the CurrencyManager works fine and everything is good.
But now I want to populate the combo-box with a list of all available jobs. I want to be able to select a item from the list and have it update the appropriate row in my DataTable as would an edit within the text box.
I have the following code, but I get un-expected results.
<br />
DataTable jobs = new DataTable("Jobs");<br />
jobs.Columns.Add("Job", typeof(string));<br />
jobs.Rows.Add(new object[] {"Software Engineer"});<br />
jobs.Rows.Add(new object[] {"Project Manager"});<br />
jobs.Rows.Add(new object[] {"Tester"});<br />
jobs.Rows.Add(new object[] {"Documenter"});<br />
jobs.Rows.Add(new object[] {"Project Lead"});<br />
<br />
cboJob.DataSource = t;<br />
cboJob.DisplayMember = "Job";<br />
<br />
DataTable namesAndJobs = new DataTable("NamesAndJobs");<br />
namesAndJobs.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));<br />
namesAndJobs.Columns.Add("Job", typeof(string));<br />
<br />
namesAndJobs.Rows.Add(new object[] {"Bob", "Project Lead"});<br />
namesAndJobs.Rows.Add(new object[] {"Mark", "Documenter"});<br />
namesAndJobs.Rows.Add(new object[] {"Henry", "Project Manager"});<br />
<br />
txtName.DataBindings.Add("Text", namesAndJobs, "Name");<br />
cboJob.DataBindings.Add("Text", namesAndJobs, "Job");<br />
Can what I want to do, even be done?
Does anybody of you guys have already ported IO Completion Port to .Net?
I would be very thankful for sharing it with my.
43 68 65 65 72 73 2c
4d 69 63 68 61 65 6c
Like most gamers, I enjoy a certain online game.
My quest, with your help, will not go on for ever. (loll)
It was two in the morning, and I was making experience points by doing the bot around a certain spot in the game. And then some misplaced dendrite spark an idea in my rusty
Why not make a bot and let the sucker do the work, heh?
So I gathered that I probably needed to screw DirectX into
thinking it was receiving a player's Keyboard&Mouse Events.
This could probably be done by wrapping the device drivers
into a GUI based app (for programming the sequences of
input) and keep exposing the same interfaces as the regular
Keyboard&Mouse device drivers exposed.
That way, I could use a simple GUI to program the virtual
player's Key&mouse events, and still have the system think
its receiving the real deal when I activate the programmed
sequence of Keyboard&mouse events..
So, ....how can one fool DirectX IO's mechanisms ?
It is by hooking? using the most excellent http://research.microsoft.com/sn/detours/ ?
Share your thoughts!
ps: Thanks for your help.. When this useful little program is finished, I'll send it to anyone requesting it per email
'Use obstacles as stepping stone' Orison Sweet Marden
Like most gamers, I enjoy a certain online game.
My quest, with your help, will not go on for ever. (loll)
It was two in the morning, and I was making experience points by doing the bot around a certain spot in the game. And then
some misplaced dendrite spark an idea in my rusty brain
Why not make a bot and let the sucker do the work, heh?
So I gathered that I probably needed to screw DirectX into
thinking it was receiving a player's Keyboard&Mouse Events.
This could probably be done by wrapping the device drivers into a GUI based app (for programming the sequences of input) and keep exposing the same interfaces as the regular Keyboard&Mouse device drivers exposed.
That way, I could use a simple GUI to program the virtual player's Key&mouse events, and still have the system think its receiving the real deal when I activate the programmed sequence of Keyboard&mouse events..
So, ....how can one fool DirectX IO's mechanisms ?
It is by hooking? using the most excellent http://research.microsoft.com/sn/detours/ ?
Share your thoughts!
ps: Thanks for your help.. When this useful little program is finished, I'll send it to anyone requesting it per email
'Use obstacles as stepping stone' Orison Sweet Marden
Hi all. I'm developing a custom Windows control, and my understanding is that for my controls children to be serialized to the CodeDOM properly, they have to derive from Component or Control. This is all fine and dandy, and everything works great... except that all my components show up in the Component Tray. I know that this is the default behavior for anything derived from Component, but in my case, it doesn't make sense to put them down there (the components are just header type controls). Is there an attribute that I can apply to prevent them from showing up in the Component Tray, or a different class I can derive from? I can derive from Control, and they no longer appear in the Component Tray, but that's a lot of overhead for a header.
Thanks in advance.
Kyosa Jamie Nordmeyer - Cho Dan
Portland, Oregon, USA
| Website: http://www.onyeyiri.co.uk
| Sonork: 100.21142 : TheEclypse
| "If a dolar was a chicken would the chicken be evil?"
Cool! Thanks for the tip! Works great.
Kyosa Jamie Nordmeyer - Cho Dan
Portland, Oregon, USA
How to make a setup file that detects/installs .NET framework?
Because the .NET framework is not supplied one should install it before he/she could use any .NET applications. Here is where I see a problem. There are quite a lot of users that don't know about computers nothing but how to move the mouse, therefore it could be a problem to explain to such user, why he/she should install .NET before he could run the application.
The best thing is to deliver the software on a CD with autorun function that starts a setup program. And here comes my problem: I cannot figure out how to make a setup program that detects if .NET framework is installed and installs it if necessary.
Any help, source code or hints are appreciated.
Look for MSCOREE.DLL in the System folder.
We all will feed the worms and trees So don't be shy - Queens of the Stone Age, Mosquito Song
How is it possible in the NET framework to have two controls (with the same text property -> linked to the same field in a datasource) synchronized? When one control is modified and is left, I want that the other control has the same value. I suppose that there is a simple mean to do it without implement a method the textchanged event.
where do i have to attach my event handlers or delegates to handle all the exceptions not handled by the application self ?
I know about AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnExpectedException and Application.ThreadException.
I would like to handle it the way the Framework does it, means everytime this framework msgbox appears, my handler should be invoked too.
there should be one class where all the exception stuff is handled, which hooks into the needed logic of framework to consume all exceptions throw by the application.
Any hints ?
.:Greets from Jerry Maguire:.
Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong with the code on the bottom. The coee on the bottom is code that I wrote into a function that tries to correct URLs with a constant variable so that the pages could be reused for other sites. Though, at some point, it seems to have a hard time detecting one section of code where <% starts on one line and %> ends on another. I can only wonder if I'm using the wrong pattern to detect it, but test cases where I filled a bunch of \r\n in the middle shows me it works. So, somehow, the pattern is not finding the VBScript section of the file correctly. If anyone can help, please answer. All suggestions and advice are welcomed.
Regex reDB = new Regex("<%[^(%>)]*%>");<br />
Match match = reDB.Match(FileContent);<br />
int initialText = 0;<br />
<br />
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();<br />
<br />
while (match.Success)<br />
{<br />
string ActivePart = match.Value;<br />
<br />
Regex reURL = new Regex("(http\\:\\/\\/)*(https\\:\\/\\/)*www.company.com");<br />
MatchCollection URLs = reURL.Matches(ActivePart);<br />
<br />
for(int j = 0; j < URLs.Count; j++)<br />
{<br />
builder.Append(FileContent.Substring(initialText, match.Index - initialText));<br />
if( URLs[j].Value.IndexOf("https") == 0)<br />
{<br />
builder.Append("\" + BASESECUREURL + \"");<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
builder.Append("\" + BASEURL + \"");<br />
}<br />
initialText = URLs[j].Index + URLs[j].Length;<br />
}<br />
match = match.NextMatch();<br />
}<br />
builder.Append(FileContent.Substring(initialText));<br />
return builder.ToString();
NOTE: if you see a wink smiley, replace it close paren character. I can't seem to turn that smiley off to make the code look right.
I have a control inherited from TextBox which overrides the Text property.
The problem is when I try to obtain the property via Reflection with the Type.GetProperty method throwing a System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException
I Tried with diferents combinations of BindingFlags, but it don't work.
Any orientation is greatly appreciated
i have been trying to find some information on how to configure an application but fell short, i want to know what are the options given in .NET regarding configuration.
I need to know because of deployment purposes, i am set back by this scenario; that how can it be easy to design and implement a software which can easily be upgraded after deployment!
'in short configuration regarding asseblies'
any quick help would be appreciated.
First of all a few links :
- configuration file format, link[^]
- changing the configuration file by code, link[^] (in fact you are taught how to use IIS and WMI to remotely change app configuration files).
What you are likely to do is to change the assembly binding so you can manage the upgrades through times and, from what I guess, allow/force existing assemblies to bind to other existing assemblies. In order to do that, show the control panel, choose "Microsoft .NET framework configuration". Click on the "Configured assemblies" folder, then choose "Configure an assembly". Doing so, choose the assembly to bind, then click Next. The 3 tab property sheet lets you bind the assembly according to version number rules. This is raw and brutal, but if you know the version you are distributing, I guess this comes handy.
i was developed usercontrol inherits TextBox control, when i put it on form is ok (in design mode), but when i put it on tabcontrol and switching between code window and design window show following error message:
- An error occured while loading the document. Fix the error, and then try loading document again.
The varible 'control name' is either undeclared or was never assigned
but i press F5 it run
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
<defaultproperty("mandatorry")> Public Class VPIDSTextBox
Inherits TextBox
Private _mandatory As Boolean
Private _tagData As Boolean
Private _enterFocusColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(200, 210, 215)
Private _leaveFocusColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)
Private _fieldName As String
Private _dataType As Int16 ' 0: Text; 1: Number ; 2: Date
Private _dataFormat As String
Private _keep As Boolean
Private _isSaveData As Boolean = True
Private _showButton As Boolean = False
Public WithEvents ErrPro As System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider
'Public WithEvents cmdButton As Button
'Event ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
Public Sub New()
'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
'init error provider
ErrPro = New System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider()
End Sub
'UserControl overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
<system.diagnostics.debuggerstepthrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
End Sub
#End Region
<description("determine must="" be="" save="" or="" not"),="" _
="" category("behavior"),="" defaultvalue(true)=""> _
Property IsSaveData() As Boolean
Return _isSaveData
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
_isSaveData = Value
End Set
End Property
<description("define button="" is="" visible="" or="" not"),="" _
="" category("behavior")=""> _
Property ShowButton() As Boolean
Return _showButton
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
_showButton = Value
'If _showButton Then
' If Not Me Is Nothing Then
' cmdButton = New Button()
' Me.Controls.Add(cmdButton)
' cmdButton.Text = "..."
' cmdButton.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 6.75!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
' cmdButton.Dock = DockStyle.Right
' cmdButton.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
' cmdButton.Width = 20
' AddHandler cmdButton.Click, AddressOf myButtonClick
' cmdButton.Visible = True
' End If
'End If
End Set
End Property
<description("use to="" format="" data="" when="" control="" lost="" focus"),="" _
="" category("behavior")=""> _
Property DataFormat() As String
Return _dataFormat
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_dataFormat = Value
End Set
End Property
<description("determine to="" clear="" data="" or="" not="" when="" method="" all="" fired"),="" _
="" category("behavior")=""> _
Property Keep() As Boolean
Return _keep
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
_keep = Value
End Set
End Property
<description("indicates whether="" the="" control="" can="" be="" left="" blank"),="" _
="" category("behavior"),="" defaultvalue(false)=""> _
Property Mandatory() As Boolean
Mandatory = _mandatory
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
_mandatory = Value
End Set
End Property
<description("the field="" name="" use="" for="" insert="" or="" update="" data="" form"),="" _
="" category("behavior")=""> _
Property FieldName() As String
Return _fieldName
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_fieldName = Value
End Set
End Property
<description("the data="" type="" use="" for="" insert="" or="" update="" form="" (0:="" text;="" 1:="" number="" ;="" 2:="" date)"),="" _
="" category("behavior"),="" defaultvalue(0)=""> _
Property DataType() As Int16
Return _dataType
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Int16)
_dataType = Value
End Set
End Property
<description("define where="" to="" get="" data="" for="" insert="" or="" update="" form"),="" _
="" category("behavior"),="" defaultvalue(false)=""> _
Property TagData() As Boolean
Return _tagData
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
_tagData = Value
End Set
End Property
<description("the color="" of="" the="" control="" when="" it="" receives="" focus"),="" _
="" category("appearance")=""> _
Property EnterFocusColor() As Color
EnterFocusColor = _enterFocusColor
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Color)
_enterFocusColor = Value
End Set
End Property
<description("the color="" of="" the="" control="" when="" it="" looses="" focus"),="" _
="" category("appearance")=""> _
Property LeaveFocusColor() As Color
LeaveFocusColor = _leaveFocusColor
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Color)
_leaveFocusColor = Value
End Set
End Property
Private Sub VPIDSTextBox_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Enter
Me.BackColor = _enterFocusColor
If DataType = 2 Then ' date
End If
End Sub
Private Sub VPIDSTextBox_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Leave
Me.BackColor = _leaveFocusColor
If RaiseInputError() Then Exit Sub
Dim du As New ERPCore.DataUltilities()
If (Not du.IsEmptyString(_dataFormat)) And (Not du.IsEmptyString(Me.Text)) Then
Dim y As String = Year(Now()).ToString()
Dim strMess As String = "Bạn phải nhập dữ liệu kiểu Date/ This field data type is Date"
Select Case _dataType
Case 1 ' Numberic
Me.Text = Format(CDbl(Me.Text), _dataFormat)
Catch ex As Exception
ErrPro.SetError(Me, "Bạn phải nhập dữ liệu kiểu số vào trường này/Wrong data type, you must enter data type is Numberic")
Exit Sub
End Try
ErrPro.SetError(Me, "")
Case 2 'Date
If (Me.Text.Length = 4) Or (Me.Text.Length = 6) Or (Me.Text.Length = 8) Or (Me.Text.Length = 10) Then
Select Case Me.Text.Length
Case 4
Me.Text = Me.Text.Insert(2, "/")
Me.Text = Me.Text.Insert(5, "/")
Me.Text = Me.Text.Insert(6, y)
Case 6
Me.Text = Me.Text.Insert(2, "/")
Me.Text = Me.Text.Insert(5, "/")
Me.Text = Me.Text.Insert(6, y.Substring(0, 2))
Case 8
Me.Text = Me.Text.Insert(2, "/")
Me.Text = Me.Text.Insert(5, "/")
End Select
ErrPro.SetError(Me, strMess)
End If
If Not Len(VietDateToUSDate(Me.Text)) > 0 Then
ErrPro.SetError(Me, strMess)
ErrPro.SetError(Me, "")
End If
End Select
End If
End Sub
Public Function RaiseInputError() As Boolean
If (_mandatory = True) And (Len(Me.Text) = 0) Then
ErrPro.SetError(Me, "Bạn phải nhập thông tin vào trường này / You must Enter data into this field")
Return True
ErrPro.SetError(Me, "")
Return False
End If
End Function
Private Function VietDateToUSDate(ByVal strVietDate As String) As String
Dim strUSDate As String
Dim arr() As String = Split(strVietDate, "/")
If arr.Length = 3 Then
strUSDate = arr(1) & "/" & arr(0) & "/" & arr(2)
If (0 < CInt(arr(1)) < 13) And (0 < CInt(arr(0)) < 32) Then
Return strUSDate
Return ""
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return ""
End Try
Return ""
End If
End Function
'Public Sub myButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' RaiseEvent ButtonClick(sender, e)
' Me.Focus()
'End Sub
'Protected Overrides Sub OnLeave(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
' If Me.ShowButton Then
' System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("{TAB}")
' End If
'End Sub
End Class