You must provide, or have autogenerated, the update, insert and delete commands so the DataAdapter can determine which one to call. You may know that you are only updating a record but to the DataAdpater there could inserts and deletes that need to be done also.
only two letters away from being an asset
I tried ticking the "Generate Insert, Update and Delete statements" and nothing happened. How can I generate the commands?
Create them youself. If you have complex statements the autogenerated ones aren't usually as efficient as ones you would create manually. Besides that, you should be using stored procs rather than manual sql statements.
only two letters away from being an asset
How would I create them? What would be the query to update?
Stop what you're doing at this point and learn a little SQL before continuing.
only two letters away from being an asset
I know all about SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT INTO, etc statements, I just need to know how to use them with the datagridview.
Seriously, is this[^] difficult to do?
only two letters away from being an asset
Thanks for your help. Just needed to know what to google
Is it possible to parse and fetch TYPE PARAMETER & TYPE PARAMETER CONSTRAINTS information defined for a Generic class OR method in a C# source code using CodeModel APIs?
I do not see any API exposed in EnvDTE & EnvDTE80 namespace. Can you please suggest me a solution.
Take a look at the MethodInfo.IsGeneric??? properties in the System.Reflection namespace.
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
I am using CustomRoleProvider for connecting to ActiveDirectory.
My requirement is to:
- Add/Edit Groups,
- Add/Edit Department(Groups will belong to a Department),
- Add/Edit/Delete Users,
- Add/Edit Roles,
- Add/Edit Permissons and
- Add/Edit Role with subRoles under it.
My questionis is can we implement these features in ActiveDirectory?
Best Regards,
Mini Thomas
Uhhh, yeah, Active Directory already does all this. You've never used Active Directory before, have you?
I have not worked on Active Directory except for Authenticating User LoginId and Password.
Best Regards,
Mini Thomas
Then you've got a lot of catching up to do. I'd start by picking up a couple book on Windows Server 2003 or 2008 and Active Directory.
Could anyone please help me with hiding the task bar when application runs. I did that with some code. But when I run another process from a button click, the task bar reappears. I want to disable the windows button too..
I am a beginner
Don't cross post in multiple forums. Pick one and stick with it.
Help you with what? You haven't stated any kind of a problem you're running into.
If you're looking for code, noone is just going to hand over a project that they've put their hard work into. You have to write your own code. We're just here to help if you run into problems with it.
You didn't understand me
I need dll files for that machine if you have!!!
Salehtel wrote: You didn't understand me
Of course not! You didn't mention anything about .DLL files in your original post, nor anything about any programming questions.
Salehtel wrote: I need dll files for that machine if you have
The only place you're going to get "DLL files" for that machine is from the manufacturer of it. Noone else is going to give you the files, nor the installer for them, nor can they legally do so.
I'm guessing that you'll need to get this from ClevelandTime[^].
"WPF has many lovers. It's a veritable porn star!" - Josh Smith As Braveheart once said, "You can take our freedom but you'll never take our Hobnobs!" - Martin Hughes.
My blog | My articles | MoXAML PowerToys | Onyx
Oooh, that "Download" link looks kind of promising! Doesn't it!
If thing continue like this, we'll back back to entirely pencil and paper in about 15 years.
I have what amounts to a set of MS Word macros that I would like to test with automation. It's easy enough to start up word and drive it from my C# code using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word and System.Runtime.InteropServices.
One of the things I want to test is error conditions. The macro code will put up MsgBox dialogs with information if the input doesn't conform with my expected format. I would like my automation code to be informed when a dialog/msgbox is created so that negative tests can be performed.
The only thing I've found so far that might be able to do this is the windows hooks stuff by the cutting edge folks (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc188966.aspx[^]).
This seems a little intrusive for what I need. I don't need to get in the call chain for a dialog, just need to be notified when one gets created. I've got to be missing something obvious.
Any pointers would be most appreciated.
PHinker wrote: The only thing I've found so far that might be able to do this is the windows hooks stuff by the cutting edge folks (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc188966.aspx[^]).
This seems a little intrusive for what I need. I don't need to get in the call chain for a dialog, just need to be notified when one gets created. I've got to be missing something obvious.
The hook is the only way to get "notified" of the creation of a dialog.
The only other way to do it would be to constantly pool and use the GetWindow and FindWindow Win32 functions to get all of the windows in the system. Keep track of them, and scan again, comparing the new list of windows to the previous one. When you find a new window, there you go...
Thanks for the quick response, Dave. I'll quit looking for another way to do it then. I had been doing something similar to what you suggest (just polling with GetForegroundWindow and seeing when it changed to something unexpected) but it seemed like such a hack I thought I must be missing a better way.
I appreciate your help.