Sounds likely. If it worked before, and doesn't work now and the only thing that's changed is the service pack then it stands to reason that this is the problem.
"WPF has many lovers. It's a veritable porn star!" - Josh Smith As Braveheart once said, "You can take our freedom but you'll never take our Hobnobs!" - Martin Hughes.
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look at the first compilation error first. Maybe show us some...
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
The quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely to get.
Show formatted code inside PRE tags, and give clear symptoms when describing a problem.
And what does this have to do with the .NET Framework??
What are you trying to do with this?? Have you added other files as resources??
HOW CAN I ADD FILES DYNAMICALLY TO DYNAMICALLY CREATED application as Resources .Please Help I want matters to be done dynamically
modified on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 2:03 PM
You can try this tool[^]. I'm not going to say it'll work, nor will I even support the idea. What you're doing is not an accepted practice for a production quality application. Nor is there very much reason to do what you're attempting. Files like this are best left outside the .EXE since modifying an .EXE always risks damaging it to the point it'll never run again without being scrapped and reinstalled.
my MDI application includes child windows having the FormBordStyle property set to SizableToolWindow, so the Maximize and Minimize boxes are hidden.
Nevertheless, the child windows can still be maximized by double-clicking on the title-bar; how can I inhibit this feature?
Thank you
Did you change the FormBorderStyle of this window to FixedToolWindow, or SizableToolWindow?? Hint, hint...
I changed the FormBorderStyle to SizableToolWindow, since resizing the child windows (by dragging a corner or a border of the window) is allowed in my application.
I just want to prevent child windows from being maximized as a consequence of a double-click on the title-bar.
In that case, you're going to have to handle the Resize event of your child form. In that handler, check for the windowstate property, and set it back to Normal if it is Maxmimized.
That's exactly what I was looking for!
Thank you very much.
I have been investigating y dot net applications are using more memory while startup, it has been suggested to use performance monitor instead of taskmanager.
Can u please let me know how to use performance monitor for knowing the actual memory usage.
You don't need to investigate it. It's been well discussed and documented already.
Read here, http://getdotnetco.web119.discountasp.net/GdncStore/free/Articles/The%20Memory%20Mystery.htm[^] and the other links I gave you last time.
.net memory is not something you need to worry about. Just trust the CLR. Unless you are doing some serious, cutting edge, right on the metal, hardcore processing, the CLR is efficient enough for you.
Rather than measuring things like memory usage, measure things like perceived performance. If your app starts up quick enough, and responds to user clicks fast enough, why do you care about how much memory it is using. Just let the CLR handle itself.
Instead, learn how to write efficient and optimal code within the CLR environment. Learn about the dispose pattern, learn how to manage your resources and learn about the pros/cons of the different data types, structs and class, and the passing semantics (by ref/by value etc)
Hi all,
This is senthil. I got a project(with codes and design) from my client to upgrade.
The project is mainly developed in vb.net (from the design pages i got this information).
In the project code-behind files are separated files.
But the project is not having these code-behind files. And the pages is also running without any failure in the server (with absence of these code-behind files). For upgrade purpose i opened the pages through vb.net IDE, But the code-behind files are not founded.
How this is possible.
Is anything i need to know.
I need these help urgently....
Note* - I didnt convert/migrate the project.
And the developed .Net IDE is VS 2005.
Thanks in advance
A Software Engineer
Simply the folder you have is a pre-compiled published version of the application where there is no codebehind files exist and everything is converted to dlls !
Sincerely Samer Abu Rabie
Imagination is more important than knowledge !
I'm making a login page with ASP.NET with C#.
and I know that it needs to use Session for saving information of loggined user.
so I used Session like this on "login.aspx.cs" with Login View Control.
// Database query.
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Join"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * From User WHERE id = @ID", con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", ((TextBox)LoginView1.FindControl("TextBox1")).Text);
string name = rd["name"].ToString();
string pw = rd["password"].ToString();
string pw1 = ((TextBox)LoginView1.FindControl("TextBox2")).Text;
string id = rd["id"].ToString();
// Save to Session variables. There are a lot of components about Session. Keys, Item, Add,
//and so on..
Session["memberid"] = id;
Session["membername"] = name;
if ((string.Equals(pw, pw1)) == true)
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(name, false);
And I made codes like this whether lggined user is same with Writer on board or not.
public static bool IsWriter(string pdsId, string Writer)
string sql = "Select id From t_Pds Where boardId = @boardId And writer = @writer";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, DbConn.GetConn());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@boardId", pdsId);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@writer", Writer);
string result = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // result = ID of writer value.
// I can't use Session. When I use "Session", there are no components of Session.
// There are only two values of Session. ( SessionPageStatePersister , SessionParameter)
if (Session["memberid"] == result) //ERROR.
return true;
return false;
How can I use Session for saving information of User and how can I compare with Writer on Board?? Is there sample code??
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
I log messages in my application in XML format.
<Message>Please Help!!!</Messages>
I want to delete the last 4 charcaters I wrote before writting a new message every time I log a message.
How can this be done.
Hi to all,
I have created a windows service which contains Timer control.The Service is being created and running well.I want to debug the code line by line of the service due to some malfunctioning.can any body help me regarding this.Can anybody tell how to debug the code.Hope that there will be someone to help me.
Thanks Before answering,
Build the application for debugging.
Make sure the deployed location of the service application .EXE has the application's
debug info file (.PDB) there too.
In Visual Studio, go to the Debug menu and choose "Attach to Process...".
Adjust the settings in the dialog as necessary and find your running service process
in the list of processes. Then click the Attach button.
If you do this with the service application project loaded in VS, you can open source files
and set breakpoints, or whatever other usual debugging stuff you want to do.
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
I tried this option, but faced some difficulties with no result.
a)Once when i attach that process to my IDE with being set break points at some
places,I see something getting debugged(running) in the application,but no stop
at that break points.
Can u please tell me in detail,how to debug,it will be good enough(PLEASE).
I am using VS 2005.
Thank u For replying,
S G 1986 wrote: Can u please tell me in detail,how to debug
I'm not sure what else I can tell you. Those are the steps.
Did you put breakpoints on code that has already run when
the service started?
Once you've attached the debugger to the process, go to the service
control manager plugin and stop the service. Does the app stop in the
debugger? If not then you haven't attached to the right process.
If it does stop the debugger then we can narrow down the problem...
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
In several articles I've read while trying to resolve a problem with a Starter Kit, I've been advised to use the .Net Configuration applet in Control Panel. In Control Panel there is exactly one Configuration applet - .Net 1.1 - and it's not compatible with higher versions. Add/Remove Programs shows that I have .Net 1.1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SPx (I forgot), and 3.5 SP1 installed. All apparently are supposed to have Configuration applets in Control Panel, but none exist. I've also been advised at TechNet and MSDN to run caspol and a couple other tools that are part of the .Net tools, but none of these exist on my machine.
Since the project I'm working on is .Net 2.0-based, that's the one I'm focusing on right now, though I'd like to fix the others, too. I've tried to reinstall .Net 2.0 - failed, because the app is already installed. I've tried to Repair the existing installation from the original .msi file - failed, 'please run Setup.' I tried uninstalling it, so I could reinstall the package, but that failed, too, because other programs depend on this package. So, I can't repair it, I can't reinstall it, and I can't remove it, and it doesn't work. I'm stumped.
Now what?
"A Journey of a Thousand Rest Stops Begins with a Single Movement"