I don't know (and couldn't find even I searched hard) the ViewAndModify property but the All property if FileIOPermissionAttribute just throws a NotSupportedException in its getter implementation (you can see this using reflector on it).
This is probably because when you set All you implicitely set the values for Append, PathDiscovery, Read and Write to the same value. The All getter would have a problem when those properties would have different values.
I am converting a ContextMenu from an existing app to ContextMenuStrip. I got around the problem of not having a Clone method handy, but I haven't found a way to implement the DefaultItem behavior that came with the old MenuItems.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
i need to open some forms of a VB6 application from a .NET one; i have written both, so i have the source code and know the source names of the forms.
What should i do?
Are the forms accessible via their source code names? Eg. in a way like Form1.show etc.
Thanks in advance
The two apps don't know anything about each other. The forms in one are not going to be available to the other at all, let alone by the names you used in the source code.
What are you really trying to do with this?
"...a pungent, ghastly, stinky piece of cheese!" -- The Roaming Gnome
ok thxalot for your feedback.
the situation is that i have a large VB6 application running, and i'd need to implement new forms/new functions that would be easier to code in .NET, or at least possible only in .NET. But i'd like the user to have the impression to use only one application: i.e. the VB6 app still run in foreground while the .NET runs in background and its forms are shown only when needed, or viceversa or something like that.
If you compile your VB6 application as an ActiveX Exe you can implement a public function in a public class which opens your form.
It should be no problem to convert your project if it isn't already an ActiveX Exe project.
After this you can bind your exe in the .net application and use the class to open the form.
I've been asked to associate a file extension to my program, so that
the user can double.click a .aaa file and my programs starts
immediatly reciving the file name and path as command line
How can I do it in installation (or via code)
You should create a registry key. If you're using fw 1.1 you can use the OpenNetCF Library to do this.
Creating a file extension association should then be the same like doing it for windows.
I'm developping a WinCE 5.0 app using VS 2003, C# and CF 1.0 SP3.
I'm currently testing on the WinCE 4.1 Emulator but a quick check on the
CE 5.0 Device confirmed the behaviour.
I create a full screen Form setting:
<br />
ControlBox = False<br />
FormBorderStyle = None<br />
WindowState = Maximmized
I add 3 buttons (button1, button2, button3) and add the following :
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
this.Controls.Clear();<br />
}<br />
<br />
private void Form1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
this.Controls.Add(button1);<br />
this.Controls.Add(button2);<br />
this.Controls.Add(button3);<br />
this.Refresh();<br />
<br />
}<br />
As you see I clear the controls with the first button and then try to
reasign the 2 controls to the form on the OnClick event of the form.
Guess what happens ?
No controls appear on the first clieck, button2 and button3 on the second
click and all of them on the third click.
But there's more:
The controls don't show, but they are there: I click where I remeber the
control was and I get the button.OnClick event !!!!!!
As you see I've tried everithing I know (visible, invalidate, refresh etc
etc) but I allways get the same behaviour.
Do you know how I can get the right behaviour ?
I found a workaround, but I'm still looking for the right solution.
the workaround is:
private void button1_ParentChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
(sender as Control).Visible = ((sender as Control).Parent != null);<br />
<br />
}<br />
So the buttons turn invisible after the Controls.Clear() and return visible
after the Controls.Add().
Please note that this is just a TEST APP, the real app must asign
dinamically the controls so Controls.Clear() and Controls.Add() MUST be used
Please Note: if I don't set the FormBorderStyle = None property then
everything works perfectly !!!
Please help
Did you tried to use 'new' :
button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button()
Another question: why do you clear them from their parent. You could set them invisible, setting them visible again shoudl work without problem.
I can't test your code, because i've just got Windows CE 4.0.
Did you tried to use 'new' :
button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button()
I don't need to create a new button..it's already there, I just need to
set it's parent.
Visible works but I need to get 'em off the parent form completely
Thanks for the effort
Yes I know that it's there. But if you use the constructor there should be no problem. If there is a problem they way you tried, it sounds a little bit like a bug to me. So I would try something different.
Iwant to ask about the combobox, How i can have the opportunity tochoose one of the alternative in the combo without clicking the arrow.
i mean whaen i begin writing the first letters, it gives me all the opportunity inside, So t can choose.
The combo box does not support auto complete, but there are controls around that do, search this site and see what you come up with.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Hello! I need to make some search in the registry...
I need to find all the keys and the values that include some word, and to delete
them... I know there is a class Registry, but I don't know how to do what I need.
Maybe someone could help me?
There are the Registry-Class and the RegistryKey Class
You can get all RegistryKey-Names with a funktion in the RegistryKey-Class:
string[] name = Registry.LocalMachine.GetSubKeyNames();
you can open every subkey and on this you can get all SubKeyNames of this Subkey.
So you can look up every Key, Check its values and if you like Delete it with the Funktion DeleteSubKey
These classes are found in the Microsoft.Win32 Namespace of the .NET Framework.
Bikash Rai
Oh sorry!
I were thinking of WinCE designing. You're totally right. It's in the Microsoft.Win32 namespace
Hey Guys,
Been playing with MSH & WinFX and put together a little MSH script to build all projects on your machine which you may find helpful (especially for building the samples)
MSH> $files = (dir . *.csproj -Recurse)<br />
MSH> foreach ($file in $files) {<br />
cd $file.Directory.FullName;<br />
msbuild;<br />
60% of statistics are made up on the spot
Because I've been playting with MSH too much lately, here's it in one line
<br />
MSH> ls -recurse -fiter "*.csproj" | foreach { cd $_.FullName; msbuild}<br />
Jared Parsons
Can anybody please help me in resolving this Issue?
I am trying to open and save a file saved on my local computer through XmlDocument in a Smart Client Application which accepts the Xml data from a web service in the form of a string, which I update to a file in my local machine.
Following is the code..
RSMService lRSMService = new RSMService();
InputOutput IOComplianceGroup = new InputOutput();
IOComplianceGroup = lRSMService.GetSpecificData("procGetSanitizerLog",IO.propertyDataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["StoreId"].ToString(),false);
if (IOComplianceGroup.propertyResult == Result.Success)
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
System.IO.FileInfo FI = new System.IO.FileInfo(path1);
if(FI.Exists == false)
FI = null;
xmlDoc = null;
catch (Exception ex)
Thanks in advance
I want to calc and test the checksum of an COM-library I use in my project. But as I got as AssemblyLocation only the reference to the Interop-file I don't know how to test the checksum of library itself.
Is there a way to get the reference to the DLL behind an interop resource? Does anybody know?
(You've probably found your answer already, but oh well.)
I'm not positive about this (and am too lazy to doublecheck), but I think the wrappers for the COM objecs in the interop assembly will have the CLSID attached to them via attributes. Assuming that, one could then use reflection to grab the CLSID for the COM wrapper being used, then open up the registry key associated with that CLSID and grab the location of the binary.
For the COM object MyOldCOMObject with CLSID "4C6055D8-84B9-4111-A7D3-6623894EEDB3", the interop assembly should generate something like this class definition:
public class MyOldCOMObjectClass : IMyOldCOMObject
If so, then the registry should have a key like this:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{4C6055D8-84B9-4111-A7D3-6623894EEDB3}\InprocServer32\(Default): C:\MyOldApplication\MyOldCOMServer.exe
-- modified at 0:47 Friday 23rd December, 2005 (CP doesn't seem to like my registry key example, even though preview works.)
Thanks, that should help me. I found another way, but it's a little bit dirty, so this should be better.
Hi From Australia,
I Have a project that acesses an excel file that I have stored in the bin folder of my project. All I do is click a button and it opens excel - this works fine on the development computer but when I try it on other computers (Slightly Older) the file opens but is locked and read only saying that the file is already open. I can find the file through excel on the computer my program is installed on but not from my program. Any Ideas?
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