As I mentioned before, another thing they sometimes do is modify the RGB components of the color to get such an effect (adding to lighten, subtracting to darken). You could do the same thing if the SystemColors don't work for you.
Microsoft MVP, Visual C#
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Does anyone know how to programmatically position the mouse on a control in c#?
Darryl Borden
Principal IT Analyst
Cursor.Position = somePoint;
If you want to limit that point to be on the control, use the control's .PointToClient method. For example,
Point somePoint = new Point(0,0);
Cursor.Position = myControl.PointToClient(somePoint);
The graveyards are filled with indispensible men.
I am new to .NET. I have 1 solution with 2 projects. Project 2 compiles into a class library which is reference from Project 1. I wish to walk into the source of my reference during debug. Can I do this? BTW, both projects are set to debug...
Should work just fine...just set your break points and launch it.
Thanks but it doesn't. So here is a bit more info. Project 1 is a ASP.NET application, so I lauch a web page. I wish to trace into the method that is in the reference. So if I CAN'T trace into the method, what should I check...
Debugging has to be enabled on the server. In IIS, you can configure this in the Application Configuration. The .NET Framework debugging tools (from the SDK) also have to be installed (from what I've read), so install the SDK on the server (not just the runtime).
There is a lot of documentation on this in the KB at http://support.microsoft.com[^].
Microsoft MVP, Visual C#
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Thanks for all the help. I realized (later) that these were stubs, RPC calls to the server...
hi all
I want to trace the parallel port & serial port
if u mean to read and send data to ports there are numbers of ways.
for parallel port u can use outport and inport commands.
for serial port it is little more difficult. there are number of article in codeproject itself
how do i specify the build order of the projects in a solution? for example, if i have a deployment project in a solution, how do i make that build last, so the deployment project will include the latest versions of the assemblies?
godzooky wrote:
for example, if i have a deployment project in a solution, how do i make that build last, so the deployment project will include the latest versions of the assemblies?
The projects are built based on reference dependency. This is why you can't have circular references in your projects. You're deployment project should reference the projects on which it depends, and therefore will be built last.
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I'm new to the windows datagrid control. I'm trying to create an application that displays the contents on an access database. I've got that part working so far; my question is how can I have the datagrid & access database accept any changes that the user enters into the datagrid. Is their a way for the datagrid's contents to be dumped into the access database after a change is made? I don't want to do it manually, it could get messy.
You have to take look at htese class:
Use a OleDbDataADapter to fill a DataSet and bind it to DataGrid , then each change reflected to datagrid, you can update access database with OleDBdDataAdapter.Update() method. If you search for these classes you can find samples in this site and MSDN.
"Improvisation is the touchstone of wit." - Molière
Hi Mazy,
I have a datagrid in win form that when a change to a record on that same form occurs how can I get the datagrid to refresh with new updates?
I have the datagrid bound to a dataview. So some how need way to update the dataview I'm guessing.
MrJJKoolJ wrote:
I have the datagrid bound to a dataview. So some how need way to update the dataview I'm
I told you how to do this. The dataview only for VIEW, you bind it to datagrid and when something change in datagrid it reflected in dataview automaticly.
MrJJKoolJ wrote:
can I get the datagrid to refresh with new updates?
You don't need to do that, as I told you , yu made change in DataSet, then it AUTOMATICLLY it is reflected in your datagrid.
"Improvisation is the touchstone of wit." - Molière
Thats my problem Mazy, I change some field that isn't in grid but on same form and it isn't bound. But it updates the same dataset. I click on Update button and changes to db are updated but grid doesn't update at all. I even tried refreshing grid to no avail !
The nature of daragrid is for binding to dataset and other than that is nor very well scenario. But if you want to update datagrid independently, you can do it like this:
datagrid[rowindex,columnindex] = value;
"Improvisation is the touchstone of wit." - Molière
Your not understanding me. The datagrid is bound to dataview but a field outside of the datagrid isn't bound. I want to be able to put value into that field which updates the same dataset that the datagrid is attached to. So maybe my problem is I should be binding the fields outside of datagrid to same dataset? What do u think?
MrJJKoolJ wrote:
The datagrid is bound to dataview but a field outside of the datagrid isn't bound
Yes,I really don't understand, no matter, forget it.
MrJJKoolJ wrote:
What do u think?
Its hard to say when I don't know your desin and requierment but the general rule that I always follow is, do not seprerate the datagrid from dataset and from other things that related to database. I bind everything that refer to database to dataview or dataset, then everythings work together so it prevent dirty code. thats all I can tell you.
"Improvisation is the touchstone of wit." - Molière
See Mazy, I not one to bind to controls because I'm afraid of taking a proformance hit and doesn't it start to bloat the app if you bind?
Or has this gotten alot better since using VS 6?
Well don't think it cause a lot performance hit but I can't say for sure as long as I don't know anything about your codes and logic.
"Improvisation is the touchstone of wit." - Molière