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GeneralRe: C# - Multidimensionnal array of pointers Pin
Orahn18-Jan-04 18:58
Orahn18-Jan-04 18:58 
GeneralRe: C# - Multidimensionnal array of pointers Pin
pat2918-Jan-04 18:58
pat2918-Jan-04 18:58 
GeneralExecuteNonQuery() problem in C# Pin
Qamarwis18-Jan-04 5:10
Qamarwis18-Jan-04 5:10 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery() problem in C# Pin
Nick Parker18-Jan-04 5:39
protectorNick Parker18-Jan-04 5:39 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery() problem in C# Pin
Guillermo Rivero18-Jan-04 6:58
Guillermo Rivero18-Jan-04 6:58 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery() problem in C# Pin
india_nagpur118-Jan-04 20:04
india_nagpur118-Jan-04 20:04 
GeneralCustomCollection + Auto code generation in designer Pin
James Simpson18-Jan-04 3:05
James Simpson18-Jan-04 3:05 
GeneralRe: CustomCollection + Auto code generation in designer Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:45
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:45 
GeneralRe: CustomCollection + Auto code generation in designer Pin
James Simpson18-Jan-04 11:50
James Simpson18-Jan-04 11:50 Pin
Roger Alsing18-Jan-04 1:30
Roger Alsing18-Jan-04 1:30 
GeneralRe: Pin
Arjan Einbu18-Jan-04 4:10
Arjan Einbu18-Jan-04 4:10 
GeneralRe: Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:31
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:31 
Generalcreating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
misterbear17-Jan-04 23:52
misterbear17-Jan-04 23:52 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
Nick Parker18-Jan-04 5:47
protectorNick Parker18-Jan-04 5:47 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
leppie18-Jan-04 6:15
leppie18-Jan-04 6:15 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:24
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:24 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
misterbear20-Jan-04 6:51
misterbear20-Jan-04 6:51 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
Heath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:24
protectorHeath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:24 
GeneralWeb Service Question Pin
Mazdak17-Jan-04 20:25
Mazdak17-Jan-04 20:25 
GeneralRe: Web Service Question Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:19
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:19 
GeneralTesting Distributed Applications Pin
Mohamad Al Husseiny17-Jan-04 19:26
Mohamad Al Husseiny17-Jan-04 19:26 
GeneralRe: Testing Distributed Applications Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:17
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:17 
GeneralRe: Testing Distributed Applications Pin
Mohamad Al Husseiny18-Jan-04 15:08
Mohamad Al Husseiny18-Jan-04 15:08 
GeneralRe: Testing Distributed Applications Pin
Heath Stewart19-Jan-04 3:02
protectorHeath Stewart19-Jan-04 3:02 
GeneralRe: Testing Distributed Applications Pin
Mohamad Al Husseiny19-Jan-04 20:09
Mohamad Al Husseiny19-Jan-04 20:09 

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