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GeneralRe: returning when inside a lock - is it safe? Pin
Brandon Haase13-Jan-04 16:28
Brandon Haase13-Jan-04 16:28 
Generalremoting access Pin
haih12-Jan-04 15:23
haih12-Jan-04 15:23 
GeneralRe: remoting access Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 4:31
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 4:31 
The WMI support in .NET is superb. The best way to do this is to create a new project, then open your Server explorer (the "Server" tab next to the "Toolbox" in the default VS.NET installation) add your computer unders Servers (if it isn't already), then drill-down the find the Management Classes node. If you don't see them, download the setup at[^].

Now find the Operating Systems node. Right-click and click Generate Managed Class. Now you have the Win32_OperatingSystem class encapsulated in a .NET class you can use in many ways! This will have several methods for what you need, such as a Shutdown and Reboot method.

You can then, for example, reboot a named machine like so:
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(
  string.Format(@"\\{0}\ROOT\CIMV2", name));
Sample.ROOT.CIMV2.OperatingSystem.OperatingSystemCollection systems = 
  Sample.ROOT.CIMV2.OperatingSystem.GetInstances(scope, null, null);
foreach (Sample.ROOT.CIMV2.OperatingSystem system in systems)
Sample is the just the namespace I used to write the example code. The Sample.ROOT.CIMV2 namespaces and the classes and nested classes therein where generated from the step above.


Version: 3.21
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GeneralHelp with MonthCalendar class Pin
KingTermite12-Jan-04 15:18
KingTermite12-Jan-04 15:18 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 3:41
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 3:41 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
KingTermite13-Jan-04 4:27
KingTermite13-Jan-04 4:27 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 4:37
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 4:37 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
KingTermite13-Jan-04 5:43
KingTermite13-Jan-04 5:43 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 5:50
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 5:50 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
KingTermite13-Jan-04 6:02
KingTermite13-Jan-04 6:02 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 6:47
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 6:47 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
KingTermite15-Jan-04 14:49
KingTermite15-Jan-04 14:49 
GeneralRe: Help with MonthCalendar class Pin
Heath Stewart16-Jan-04 3:42
protectorHeath Stewart16-Jan-04 3:42 
GeneralFile Permissions Pin
krisp12-Jan-04 14:54
krisp12-Jan-04 14:54 
GeneralRe: File Permissions Pin
Jeff Mackie12-Jan-04 17:33
sussJeff Mackie12-Jan-04 17:33 
GeneralRe: File Permissions Pin
krisp12-Jan-04 17:36
krisp12-Jan-04 17:36 
GeneralRe: File Permissions Pin
Jeff Mackie12-Jan-04 17:48
sussJeff Mackie12-Jan-04 17:48 
GeneralRe: File Permissions Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:57
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:57 
QuestionHow can I use the Cabinet.dll in c# Pin
aw1ay12-Jan-04 14:32
aw1ay12-Jan-04 14:32 
AnswerRe: How can I use the Cabinet.dll in c# Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:52
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:52 
GeneralRe: How can I use the Cabinet.dll in c# Pin
aw1ay13-Jan-04 15:52
aw1ay13-Jan-04 15:52 
GeneralRe: How can I use the Cabinet.dll in c# Pin
Heath Stewart14-Jan-04 3:22
protectorHeath Stewart14-Jan-04 3:22 
Generalpassing data to installer class Pin
econnor12-Jan-04 11:07
econnor12-Jan-04 11:07 
GeneralRe: passing data to installer class Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:45
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:45 
GeneralRe: passing data to installer class Pin
econnor13-Jan-04 3:58
econnor13-Jan-04 3:58 

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