Thanks, I found what I was looking. But if you have read it, you have noticed that what I was asking cannot be done with C#, not completly. There is an example on how to add the form using c++ code, and then with that form, use it in c# to print the custom size. So I assume the custom size option using the papersize constructor only works on Windows 98 or before.
Carlos Eduardo Hernandez P.
integrasoft wrote:
So I assume the custom size option using the papersize constructor only works on Windows 98 or before.
That's probably a safe assumption. Just P/Invoke the method(s) you need to save from having to write a native DLL.
Version: 3.21
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Is there a way to turn on the standard context menu for a RichTextBox. (Copy/Cut/Paste/etc)
It shows up by default in a standard TextBox.
There isn't one. It's not hard to provide, though - just create a ContextMenu with those menu items. The RichTextBox (inherited from TextBoxBase ) already has methods for Cut , Copy , and Paste .
Version: 3.21
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Sounds easy enough.
Hii All,
I wanna know how can i send mail thru my pc without using any email client.
i tried using SMTPMail object. in that i specified the SmtpServer as "localhost". On doing so all my mails are delivered into "c:\Inetpub\mailroot\Queue\" directory.
Now i want to know how d i send these mails to xyz@yahoo.com or at hotmail address.
Please someone help me.
Um, do you know C#? If so, I can give you some refrences...
Framework SMTP Class:
System.Web.Mail Namespace[^]
CodeProject Examples:
SNTP Client in C#[^]
Sending Mail Using C# via SMTP[^]
But really; Before looking at all that, you should read this...
The SMTP Specification[^]
I havn't read this particular one, but I did read the POP3 specification. It gave me a much clearer understanding of what's going on. So, do that.
And always remember and never forget... SEARCH GOOGLE. There are tons of examples on the net too, with lots of 3rd party components also.
I hope this helps... I'm not sure if I under stood you correctly... "...without using any email client." With out a client at all, with out Outlook, a console window, service? i'm confused...
/\ |_ E X E GG
You have to setup your SMTP Virtual Server in the Internet Information Manager snap-in (in your Administrative Tools in your Control Panel) to forward mail accordingly. Otherwise, the server doesn't know where to send mail.
Version: 3.21
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Thanx for this.
But actually i didn't unerstand anything in this GEEK code. COuld u please tell me in detail how to configure SMTP virtual server so that i can send mails to Internet mail accounts like Yahoo and Hotmail.
Um, yeah, that's called a signature - it wasn't part of the message.
As I said, open Internet Information Manager and you should see your SMTP Virtual Server. Right-click and select Properties, then RTFD. There's far too much to cover in a forum. You have to understand basic SMTP implementation, but the docs will help. As always, just hit F1.
Version: 3.21
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like the title:
I use DataTable to set windows form datagrid datasource ,
i want to create a summary Row for windows form datagrid,
but i donot know how to do it?
who can give me a example using C#??
thank you very much??
What do you mean by summary row? You mean you wanna filter your datatable?
tablename.DefaultView.RowFilter = "filter expression";
No sig. available now.
This has been asked before, and as I told the previous person, you should consider using Label controls below the DataGrid . If you have a data-bound DataGrid and programmatically add a row, you must do so to the DataGrid.DataSource , which will add the row. If you then update that data source (say, to a database or XML file), it will contain that summary row. This is hardly what you want, I assume.
So, just use some values below it. That's what we do in our application, and there are many other benefits as well. First, it separates the summary of columns making it easier to see, and it doesn't scroll or resize like a DataGrid could, thus hiding certain summations. Second, one rarely needs to summarize ALL fields (for example, how would you summarize a name field for a person, company, etc.?), so just include enough labels to summarize what you need.
To summarize columns, just enumerate the rows and keep track of what you need to, then assign that value (or whatever) to a label that shows the value (or, if you use one label for the text label and value, use String.Format or something to assign the "Label: Value", "Label=Value", or whatever format to the Label.Text property).
Version: 3.21
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I get everytime a Exception error shortly after successfully compiling
i just get it, when the compile mode is on release and not debug
this is the error (translated by me, orign was german):
An not controlled Exception of the type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in system.drawing.dll.
Additional Information: false paramter used.
that's the error, even before Form1_Load can happen
the disassembly also tells me something
Adress: System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor
and a yellow arrow is beside of the following line:
00000067 push dword ptr [ esp + 10h ]
posting the sourcecode is a very bad idea, more than 1200 lines in 5 different files and no part is highlighted when the eception occours
i hope anyone can help me with handling the error
beta3 wrote:
that's the error, even before Form1_Load can happen
It may happent in your InitializeComponent(),You may use some GDI+ there.
No sig. available now.
thx, that was the error
and now everything is working
You sent some code for me. Where was the problem in your codes?
No sig. available now.
there wasn't a real program, just a little mistake, because i forgot something
but i could solve it by myself
Any ideas on how to exclude documentation of private and internal members
of the classes while generating docs from the "Tools|Build Comment Webpages.."
option of VS.Net?
That utility sucks. Use a good - and free - one like NDoc[^]. A lot of people and companies use it. It can generate both HTML Help and Help 2 documentation (the latter is what VS.NET, MSDN Library, and a couple others use now), as well as a few other formats. By default, private and internal members are documented, but you can opt to include or exclude these individually (as well as protected and public members...and many, many other options!).
Version: 3.21
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Hi Heath,
Thanks a lot for the info. i was trying to build the .sln provided by the
NDoc community but couldn't add the MSHelpCompiler.dll to the references.
Anyways, i installed it and could use it now; it's pretty cool.
thanks once again. if u have any idea of how to get the dll i mentioned plz
let me know.
i was busy with some thing else so couldn't let you know abt this early.
Just use the 1.2 installation at http://ndoc.sourceforge.net/download.html[^]. We're always updating features and testing new things, and building any open-source project with the latest non-stable code is at your own risk. I even use the installation for my actual documentation and I actually write code for the project (though it's been a while).
Version: 3.21
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Yeah, i am doing that.
I know...
...How to read the data of an image from a disk file and store it to an XML file after the data is encoded to base64.
The Problem is...
...To read an Image/picture object from a PowerPoint presentation and store the data (base64 encoded) in an XML file.
Thanks in advance
Mohammed Ali
2nd Flr, Gopur Apts,
Ghole Rd, Shivaji nagar,
Pune - 5. (MH) India.