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GeneralRe: Big Problem with multicasting. Pin
HAHAHA_NEXT4-Jan-04 16:13
HAHAHA_NEXT4-Jan-04 16:13 
GeneralRe: Big Problem with multicasting. Pin
Heath Stewart4-Jan-04 18:22
protectorHeath Stewart4-Jan-04 18:22 
GeneralRe: Big Problem with multicasting. Pin
leppie5-Jan-04 6:24
leppie5-Jan-04 6:24 
GeneralRe: Big Problem with multicasting. Pin
HAHAHA_NEXT5-Jan-04 7:10
HAHAHA_NEXT5-Jan-04 7:10 
GeneralRe: Big Problem with multicasting. Pin
Alois Kraus8-Jan-04 7:40
Alois Kraus8-Jan-04 7:40 
GeneralRe: Big Problem with multicasting. Pin
HAHAHA_NEXT8-Jan-04 8:28
HAHAHA_NEXT8-Jan-04 8:28 
GeneralFinding out when a Item comes into the display area of a ListView Pin
ne20004-Jan-04 10:41
ne20004-Jan-04 10:41 
GeneralRe: Finding out when a Item comes into the display area of a ListView Pin
Heath Stewart4-Jan-04 18:19
protectorHeath Stewart4-Jan-04 18:19 
GeneralString Width Pin
Luther Baker4-Jan-04 10:38
Luther Baker4-Jan-04 10:38 
GeneralRe: String Width Pin
ne20004-Jan-04 10:43
ne20004-Jan-04 10:43 
GeneralRe: String Width Pin
markdbd4-Jan-04 19:31
markdbd4-Jan-04 19:31 
GeneralRe: String Width Pin
Luther Baker6-Jan-04 18:27
Luther Baker6-Jan-04 18:27 
GeneralRe: String Width Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 11:39
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 11:39 
GeneralComboBox Pin
Luther Baker4-Jan-04 9:46
Luther Baker4-Jan-04 9:46 
GeneralRe: ComboBox Pin
Nick Parker4-Jan-04 10:06
protectorNick Parker4-Jan-04 10:06 
GeneralRe: ComboBox Pin
Charlie Williams4-Jan-04 10:07
Charlie Williams4-Jan-04 10:07 
GeneralRe: ComboBox Pin
Luther Baker4-Jan-04 10:39
Luther Baker4-Jan-04 10:39 
GeneralCustom Control Pin
Luther Baker4-Jan-04 8:59
Luther Baker4-Jan-04 8:59 
I would like to make the following custom control.

A button, that opens a drop down list. Essentially, a combo box, but I don't want the appearance of a combo box. I want a button.

My initial problem is this. The drop down list may appear outside of its parent's bounds. Imagine a thin panel on the top of a form (like a toolbar) with this control attached to it. The control may have to draw the drop down list ON TOP OF the other controls immediately beneath the toolbar.

I'm used to something like css (position: absoloute). I guess the MainMenu does this. Do I need to custom draw the drop down list control?


GeneralRe: Custom Control Pin
Heath Stewart4-Jan-04 18:15
protectorHeath Stewart4-Jan-04 18:15 
GeneralRe: Custom Control Pin
Luther Baker6-Jan-04 18:21
Luther Baker6-Jan-04 18:21 
GeneralRe: Custom Control Pin
Heath Stewart6-Jan-04 18:59
protectorHeath Stewart6-Jan-04 18:59 
GeneralRe: Custom Control Pin
Luther Baker6-Jan-04 19:26
Luther Baker6-Jan-04 19:26 
QuestionI should use what provider? Pin
god4k4-Jan-04 7:23
god4k4-Jan-04 7:23 
AnswerRe: I should use what provider? Pin
Guillermo Rivero4-Jan-04 8:11
Guillermo Rivero4-Jan-04 8:11 
GeneralRe: I should use what provider? Pin
Heath Stewart4-Jan-04 8:37
protectorHeath Stewart4-Jan-04 8:37 

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