You no with putting some web.config file including below lines:
<deny users="?" />
in some folder, access to that folder is only possible for authenticated users. but this happens only for *.aspx files.
How could we restrict access to for example *.zip files?
This administrative part, not developer business , simply you have to do it from your windows.
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in my app., i have a window form with several labels and groupboxes but no button. i can receive keypress event of that form in my event handler.
however, after added a button the window form, i can't receive KeyPress Event. after deleted it or added another label, it work again!
any help?
hi !
you have to set the KeyPreview-Property of the form to true.
you also have to
public override bool ProcessKeyPreview( Message msg) {return bProcessed;}
false = did not handle
true = did handle
I'm not an expert yet, but I play one at work. Yeah and here too.
protected override bool ...
Well your right but i dont see the point. I like javas rule much better on modifiying overriden methods.
I'm not an expert yet, but I play one at work. Yeah and here too.
Is it possible to distribute C# class code in separate files as is possible with C++ classes?
The classes in my application are getting bigger and bigger and distributing different functionalities in separate files could help in managing the code.
When this happens, it's best to divide the classes up into multiple classes. However, sometimes that's not possible. The current version of C# does not support this, but the next version will support it.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." - Jesus
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
I am making a control, and in that I need to implement a caret. I do have problems with that simple task.
First I just want to be able to place the caret in the end of a custom text. I do like this:
float xpos = gfx.MeasureString(string, font).Width
g.FillRectangle(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, xpos - 3, 0, 1, this.Font.Height);
There is a problem with this. If I use 333 as the text, it goes fine, but do I use 1111111191, the caret is being placed maybe 5 - 10 pixels from the last 1. It seems to me that the size of 1 is measured larger than it actually is.
What can I do about this problem? Am I attacking this problem from the wrong angle? Is there any implementation already made?
Add caret sign to the end of displayed string in paint method -or- add it to the string in setting Text property and remove it in getting this property.
That is not really a good solution. Having a carrot inside a word, makes it look a little strange when the carrot blinks.
I found a solution using API calls to old GDI.
How to change the back color of a tool bar control?
How can I host a remote object in IIS?
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Meisi wrote:
5- Use internet services manager to create 2 virtual directories for both above mentioned directories.
THanks Meisi, Of course you don't need put client part under IIS, and I think the server part need some exe file to respond to client, does IIS do it?
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Mazdak wrote:
I think the server part need some exe file to respond to client
That is the second approach.
Don't forget, that's Persian Gulf not Arabian gulf!
hehe...and also a configuration file to set some properties like setting chanel,namespace and...
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How to load an image from a url into a PictureBox.
You have to save it as a Bitmap,then set the Image property of PictureBox to it.Something like this:
picturebox.Image = Bitmap.FromFile(urlpath);
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Damn.. yours is much nicer than what I posted!
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<br />
<br />
string sURL="www.MomComputerGeek.com";<br />
System.Web.HttpRequest objRequest = new HttpRequest("",sURL,""); <br />
Stream objStream = objRequest.InputStream;<br />
PictureBox1.Image.FromStream(objStream);<br />
<br />
Thank you for the Code, it's right BUT I'm not using ASP.NET I'm using Windows Forms and the class System.Web.HttpRequest is not valid.
Do yuo know how in Windows Forms (Windows Application).
Josep Restoy wrote:
class System.Web.HttpRequest is not valid
I think you would just need to reference the System.Web library.