Code4Ever wrote: This may occur if you are calling 'Dispose' on the context instance, or wrapping it in a using statement. Try reworking without the using statement.
Thanks. Solved using the following code rework:
private void dataPager_OnDemandLoading(object sender, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataPager.OnDemandLoadingEventArgs args)
List<Equipment> data;
using (var _sqliteContext = new SQLiteContext())
data = _sqliteContext.Equipments.Include(x => x.CostCenter).Skip(args.StartIndex).Take(args.PageSize).ToList();
dataPager.LoadDynamicItems(args.StartIndex, data);
(dataPager.PagedSource as PagedCollectionView).ResetCache();
I had installed freespride in my asp net core project.
in the view of the controller i have this:
Spire.Doc.Document document = new Spire.Doc.Document();
but i got this error
TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'spride' from assembly 'Spire.Pdf, Version=
The component it is installed, why the error?
There are so many reasons that this could occur. It might rely on a version of an assembly that you have the wrong version of. You might be missing a dependency somewhere. Plus numerous other reasons. If the full stack of the error doesn't tell you (and we certainly can't from a one-line trace), use depends.exe[^] to see if you can identify missing or incorrect assemblies.
What is "spride" and where are you trying to load it?
I have a project in vs2019, actually i have the following error and i can not find the error neither in google nor in microsoft, it is says is in line 1, but i can not go to the find.
Any help?
JSDoc indicates that this is a JavaScript/TypeScript issue and has nothing to do with C#.
Great, I know nothing about typescript, and i did not touch (because i nothing about typescript) any code of typescript, this mean: How did a made this error if i don not kwon? o How to fix?
What type of project do you have here? Have you searched through your code for @extends?
I have searched @Extends, i have it, but all are // or */ but i did not touched those files.
I even knew their exists.
I loaded the project (ASPNET CORE with C#) on a different computer and the error just disapear.
Why? I don't know
That suggests that there is something wrong with you project settings. If this is genuinely a C# project then please show the line(s) of code where the error occurs.
modified 4-Jul-22 13:08pm.
The above tool is now deprecated, what is a good alternative that works well, complements Selenium? I use Visual Studio / C#. Thank you
I know you need Java to run this toolkit, but JMeter[^] is hard to beat for this. It is easier to use than something like Loadrunner, and integrates well with Selenium.
Thanks for the reply. I have come across JMeter, and you are right it is Java that is the deal-breaker for me thanks anyway
I have a table that store person data. There are NamePrefix and NameSuffix columns in the data. Both are nullable.
Here is the Persons table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Persons]
ClientRepId INT NULL FOREIGN KEY (ClientRepId) REFERENCES Persons(Id),
SupervisorId INT NULL FOREIGN KEY (SupervisorId) REFERENCES Persons(Id),
PersonType INT NOT NULL,
Prefix INT NULL,
Suffix INT NULL,
Here is the PersonEntity
namespace CLOI.Entities
public class PersonEntity : _EntityBase
private PersonType _PersonType;
public PersonType PersonType
get { return _PersonType; }
SetProperty<PersonType>("PersonType", ref _PersonType, value);
private NamePrefix _Prefix;
public NamePrefix Prefix
get { return _Prefix; }
SetProperty<NamePrefix>("Prefix", ref _Prefix, value);
private string _FirstName;
public string FirstName
get { return _FirstName; }
SetProperty<string>("FirstName", ref _FirstName, value);
private string _LastName;
public string LastName
get { return _LastName; }
SetProperty<string>("LastName", ref _LastName, value);
private string _NickName;
public string NickName
get { return _NickName; }
SetProperty<string>("NickName", ref _NickName, value);
private NameSuffix _Suffix;
public NameSuffix Suffix
get { return _Suffix; }
SetProperty<NameSuffix>("Suffix", ref _Suffix, value);
private string _Title;
public string Title
get { return _Title; }
SetProperty<string>("Title", ref _Title, value);
public string FullName
get { return $"{FirstName} {LastName}"; }
private int _ClientRepId;
public int ClientRepId
get { return _ClientRepId; }
SetProperty<int>("ClientRepId", ref _ClientRepId, value);
I'm trying to get this to work:
results = (from p in dc.Persons
select new PersonEntity
RemoteId = p.RemoteId,
ClientRepId = p.ClientRepId ?? 0,
SupervisorId = p.SupervisorId ?? 0,
PersonType = (PersonType)p.PersonType ?? PersonType.None,
Prefix = (NamePrefix)p.Prefix ?? NamePrefix.None,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
LastName = p.LastName,
NickName = p.NickName,
Suffix = (NameSuffix)p.Suffix ?? NameSuffix.None,
Title = p.Title,
CreatedById = p.CreatedById,
CreatedDT = p.CreatedDT,
LastModifiedById = p.Id,
LastModifiedDT = p.ModifiedByDT.Value,
DeletedById = p.DeletedById,
DeletedDT = p.DeletedByDT.Value
It's throwing a null ref exception because both the NamePrefix and NameSuffix columns are null.
I tried to change those lines like this:
Prefix = (NamePrefix)p.Prefix ?? NamePrefix.None,
But that won't compile with "
Operator '??' cannot be applied to operands of type 'PersonType' and 'PersonType' "
What's the right way to do this?
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.
modified 2-Jul-22 15:40pm.
It's going to depend on the definition of the NamePrefix and NameSuffix classes, as well as the p.Prefix property.
I'd hope that the two classes are derived from whatever class Prefix is, but you've probably got that covered. Check that Prefix is also nullable.
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
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I updated my original post to show the SQL table and the Person entity, as well as my updated Linq-To-SQL quert in my DAL. PrefixType and SuffixType are both enums.
The Prefix and Suffix columns in the table are nullable. The PersonEntity has both PrefixType and SuffixType enum properties. But since the underlying data for both is null, I'd like to set the enum to PrefxType.None and SuffixType.None.
So I'm trying to coerce the enum property to None for null data values. In this line here, p.Prefix is a null int.
Prefix = (NamePrefix)p.Prefix ?? NamePrefix.None
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.
The way I'd fix this is to make those column NOT nullable. The "None" value would be 0. But, since I don't know the business rules, you may or may not get away with this.
You're right. At the time I didn't have the 'None' enum, but it makes sense. Much better.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.
And there is your problem: enum is not a nullable type (it's syntactical sugar for a boring old int ) so it can't be tested using the ?? operator - hence the error message.
I'd strongly suggest that your data source is the problem, and that that shouldn't be capable of returning null value in that field - but if you cast it to a nullable int, you should be able to use that with the ?? operator to return an enum .
I haven't tested it - I'm on a tablet and coding becomes a true PITA without a proper KB and mouse!
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
I just had a thought and tested it. This works
results = (from p in dc.Persons
select new PersonEntity
RemoteId = p.RemoteId,
ClientRepId = p.ClientRepId ?? 0,
SupervisorId = p.SupervisorId ?? 0,
PersonType = (PersonType)p.PersonType,
Prefix = p.Prefix == null ? NamePrefix.None : (NamePrefix)p.Prefix,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
LastName = p.LastName,
NickName = p.NickName,
Suffix = p.Suffix == null ? NameSuffix.None : (NameSuffix)p.Suffix,
Title = p.Title,
CreatedById = p.CreatedById,
CreatedDT = p.CreatedDT,
LastModifiedById = p.Id,
LastModifiedDT = p.ModifiedByDT.Value,
DeletedById = p.DeletedById,
DeletedDT = p.DeletedByDT.Value
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.
Just curious;
How did
Kevin Marois wrote: CreatedById = p.CreatedById,
CreatedDT = p.CreatedDT,
LastModifiedById = p.Id,
LastModifiedDT = p.ModifiedByDT.Value,
DeletedById = p.DeletedById,
DeletedDT = p.DeletedByDT.Value
affect the answer?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
"If you just follow the bacon Eddy, wherever it leads you, then you won't have to think about politics." -- Some Bell.
It didn't. I had ommitted those properties before for brevity
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.
An Enum on a nullable field? A null value cannot be cast to an enum value. Enums are value types, not reference types, and they must have a value. They cannot be null.
Please see my reply to Griff.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.