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GeneralRe: Read signature data from APK's RSA signature file Pin
mynametaken9-Jan-22 4:37
mynametaken9-Jan-22 4:37 
AnswerRe: Read signature data from APK's RSA signature file Pin
jschell23-Jan-22 6:49
jschell23-Jan-22 6:49 
QuestionWinform support in Windows service Pin
Member 1260803929-Dec-21 23:59
Member 1260803929-Dec-21 23:59 
AnswerRe: Winform support in Windows service Pin
OriginalGriff30-Dec-21 0:27
mveOriginalGriff30-Dec-21 0:27 
GeneralRe: Winform support in Windows service Pin
Member 1260803930-Dec-21 1:28
Member 1260803930-Dec-21 1:28 
GeneralRe: Winform support in Windows service Pin
OriginalGriff30-Dec-21 2:08
mveOriginalGriff30-Dec-21 2:08 
AnswerRe: Winform support in Windows service Pin
#realJSOP30-Dec-21 1:20
professional#realJSOP30-Dec-21 1:20 
QuestionDynamically change int from a string Pin
Matte Matik29-Dec-21 12:02
Matte Matik29-Dec-21 12:02 
AnswerRe: Dynamically change int from a string Pin
Dave Kreskowiak29-Dec-21 12:36
mveDave Kreskowiak29-Dec-21 12:36 
AnswerRe: Dynamically change int from a string Pin
OriginalGriff29-Dec-21 21:53
mveOriginalGriff29-Dec-21 21:53 
QuestionC# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Fidele Okito27-Dec-21 4:50
Fidele Okito27-Dec-21 4:50 
AnswerRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Gerry Schmitz27-Dec-21 5:16
mveGerry Schmitz27-Dec-21 5:16 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Fidele Okito27-Dec-21 5:32
Fidele Okito27-Dec-21 5:32 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Gerry Schmitz27-Dec-21 6:45
mveGerry Schmitz27-Dec-21 6:45 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Fidele Okito27-Dec-21 7:55
Fidele Okito27-Dec-21 7:55 
AnswerRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
#realJSOP28-Dec-21 0:24
professional#realJSOP28-Dec-21 0:24 
AnswerRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
jschell29-Dec-21 7:17
jschell29-Dec-21 7:17 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Gerry Schmitz29-Dec-21 15:22
mveGerry Schmitz29-Dec-21 15:22 
JokeRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Peter_in_278029-Dec-21 15:32
professionalPeter_in_278029-Dec-21 15:32 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Gerry Schmitz29-Dec-21 15:54
mveGerry Schmitz29-Dec-21 15:54 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
jschell30-Dec-21 7:31
jschell30-Dec-21 7:31 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Gerry Schmitz30-Dec-21 9:23
mveGerry Schmitz30-Dec-21 9:23 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
jschell23-Jan-22 7:01
jschell23-Jan-22 7:01 
Gerry Schmitz wrote:
I also don't see anything to indicate that you have actually worked with AP, AR and ERP systems and integrated them.

First of course nothing in the question suggests this has anything to do with integrating systems. It very much looks like creating a value that people, not systems, would consume.

Second your comment is nothing but an attempt to denigrate and doesn't address anything I said or what was said in the original thread.

Third I didn't see you present any credentials that suggested you are an expert on that specific subject.

Fourth as far as credentials go I have been working with databases for 40 years. That includes as DBA, DBA Team lead and designing from scratch for several companies. And it does include large migrations and mitigations on large systems using disparate database systems.

Gerry Schmitz wrote:
what it means because you used the word "drilling" and "primary key".

No idea what that means. You are the one that specifically first mentioned "primary key" in your first post in response to the initial question.

So yes it was appropriate for me to address that comment in terms of differentiating the need for a displayable invoice number and a "primary key" since there was no indication that they intended to use is as a "primary key".
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
Fidele Okito30-Dec-21 3:14
Fidele Okito30-Dec-21 3:14 
GeneralRe: C# Entity Framework : how to generate custom automatic numbers Pin
jschell30-Dec-21 7:26
jschell30-Dec-21 7:26 

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