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GeneralRe: Looking for feedback and contributions to database project Pin
BillWoodruff24-Oct-21 22:59
professionalBillWoodruff24-Oct-21 22:59 
GeneralRe: Looking for feedback and contributions to database project Pin
Michael Sydney Balloni24-Oct-21 14:57
professionalMichael Sydney Balloni24-Oct-21 14:57 
AnswerRe: Looking for feedback and contributions to database project Pin
jschell24-Oct-21 6:43
jschell24-Oct-21 6:43 
GeneralRe: Looking for feedback and contributions to database project Pin
Michael Sydney Balloni24-Oct-21 13:59
professionalMichael Sydney Balloni24-Oct-21 13:59 
GeneralRe: Looking for feedback and contributions to database project Pin
BillWoodruff24-Oct-21 23:02
professionalBillWoodruff24-Oct-21 23:02 
GeneralRe: Looking for feedback and contributions to database project Pin
jschell23-Dec-21 5:34
jschell23-Dec-21 5:34 
GeneralRe: Looking for feedback and contributions to database project Pin
Michael Sydney Balloni23-Dec-21 11:21
professionalMichael Sydney Balloni23-Dec-21 11:21 
QuestionHow to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
Ankur B. Patel16-Oct-21 1:10
Ankur B. Patel16-Oct-21 1:10 
AnswerRe: How to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
Eddy Vluggen16-Oct-21 3:10
professionalEddy Vluggen16-Oct-21 3:10 
GeneralRe: How to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
Richard MacCutchan16-Oct-21 4:00
mveRichard MacCutchan16-Oct-21 4:00 
GeneralRe: How to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
Eddy Vluggen16-Oct-21 4:18
professionalEddy Vluggen16-Oct-21 4:18 
GeneralRe: How to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
Ankur B. Patel16-Oct-21 4:59
Ankur B. Patel16-Oct-21 4:59 
GeneralRe: How to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
Gerry Schmitz16-Oct-21 11:04
mveGerry Schmitz16-Oct-21 11:04 
AnswerRe: How to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
OriginalGriff16-Oct-21 6:43
mveOriginalGriff16-Oct-21 6:43 
AnswerRe: How to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
Michael Sydney Balloni16-Oct-21 17:36
professionalMichael Sydney Balloni16-Oct-21 17:36 
AnswerRe: How to get Millions of files from folder and bulk insert in database Pin
jschell24-Oct-21 6:50
jschell24-Oct-21 6:50 
QuestionPredicateBuilder Question Pin
Kevin Marois15-Oct-21 5:24
professionalKevin Marois15-Oct-21 5:24 
AnswerRe: PredicateBuilder Question Pin
Eddy Vluggen15-Oct-21 14:44
professionalEddy Vluggen15-Oct-21 14:44 
QuestionTask.WhenAll ConfigureAwait Question Pin
Kevin Marois14-Oct-21 12:57
professionalKevin Marois14-Oct-21 12:57 
AnswerRe: Task.WhenAll ConfigureAwait Question Pin
Richard Deeming14-Oct-21 23:15
mveRichard Deeming14-Oct-21 23:15 
GeneralRe: Task.WhenAll ConfigureAwait Question Pin
Kevin Marois15-Oct-21 4:53
professionalKevin Marois15-Oct-21 4:53 
GeneralRe: Task.WhenAll ConfigureAwait Question Pin
Richard Deeming15-Oct-21 5:59
mveRichard Deeming15-Oct-21 5:59 
GeneralRe: Task.WhenAll ConfigureAwait Question Pin
Kevin Marois15-Oct-21 6:29
professionalKevin Marois15-Oct-21 6:29 
GeneralRe: Task.WhenAll ConfigureAwait Question Pin
Kevin Marois15-Oct-21 8:08
professionalKevin Marois15-Oct-21 8:08 
In your response in the part about WhenAll, you say they are all running already, then the first waits, then the second waits.

I asked about WhenAll because I watched this video where at around 22:30 he converts a loop that runs tasks one at a time, to creating a List<task> and using WhenAll to wait for them all to finish. He said that they would all execute at the same time and therefore incrase performance a bit. So I figured that since I neeed BOTH calls to be done before I continued, why wait for one, then the other.

I'm asking because as I mentioned before I'm converting a synchronous WPF app to target an API, and in this app there are all kinds of backend calls grouped together, with each one calling the BL => DAL for some piece of data.

For example, the LoadJob method on the Job View makes multiple calls one after another to the backend for mutiple pieces of data when it's being loaded, and it's getting progressively slower. This view has an upper detail section, and subtabs below. Right now ALL of the data for the details AND all the tabs is retrieived using individual backend calls. I'm going to have the detail section load async on opening, then the subtabs will be lazy loaded. But again, there's a whole bunch of calls, so I thought if I used WhenAll, I could get parallel loading and reduce the drag on the system.

I'm curious about your thoughts on this.

Thank you.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.

modified 15-Oct-21 14:43pm.

GeneralRe: Task.WhenAll ConfigureAwait Question Pin
Richard Deeming17-Oct-21 21:58
mveRichard Deeming17-Oct-21 21:58 

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