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GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 1:55
arnold_w1-Aug-20 1:55 
AnswerRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 1:47
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 1:47 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 2:04
arnold_w1-Aug-20 2:04 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 2:07
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 2:07 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 2:45
arnold_w1-Aug-20 2:45 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 3:24
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 3:24 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 3:49
arnold_w1-Aug-20 3:49 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 4:31
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 4:31 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 5:22
arnold_w1-Aug-20 5:22 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 5:36
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 5:36 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 6:07
arnold_w1-Aug-20 6:07 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 6:10
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 6:10 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 6:15
arnold_w1-Aug-20 6:15 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 6:21
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 6:21 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 6:51
arnold_w1-Aug-20 6:51 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 7:05
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 7:05 
QuestionAzure Active Directory question Pin
pkfox31-Jul-20 0:50
professionalpkfox31-Jul-20 0:50 
AnswerRe: Azure Active Directory question Pin
Richard Deeming4-Aug-20 0:01
mveRichard Deeming4-Aug-20 0:01 
GeneralRe: Azure Active Directory question Pin
pkfox4-Aug-20 3:36
professionalpkfox4-Aug-20 3:36 
GeneralRe: Azure Active Directory question Pin
Richard Deeming4-Aug-20 3:40
mveRichard Deeming4-Aug-20 3:40 
GeneralRe: Azure Active Directory question Pin
pkfox4-Aug-20 5:38
professionalpkfox4-Aug-20 5:38 
GeneralRe: Azure Active Directory question Pin
Richard Deeming4-Aug-20 5:48
mveRichard Deeming4-Aug-20 5:48 
GeneralRe: Azure Active Directory question Pin
pkfox4-Aug-20 6:52
professionalpkfox4-Aug-20 6:52 
GeneralRe: Azure Active Directory question Pin
Richard Deeming4-Aug-20 23:14
mveRichard Deeming4-Aug-20 23:14 
GeneralRe: Azure Active Directory question Pin
pkfox5-Aug-20 3:12
professionalpkfox5-Aug-20 3:12 

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