Inside your form any tiem you want to change the title, use:
this.Text="New title"
Rocky Moore <><
Wow.. Others are up tonight also
Rocky Moore <><
thank you for your effort tambien.
/\ |_ E X E GG
I have two theads in my windows app- the main GUI thread, and a constantly listening worker which runs an infinite while(true) loop.
The problem is, when I quit the app, the worker thread keeps running and sucks up 100% CPU time. So, I have the main gui thread set a bool variable to false when the app's window closes, and then in the loop for the worker, it listens for that and kills itself when it sees that the bool is false.
That's all fine, but my fear is what if the main window of the app gets blown up, and it's "window closing" event never fires? Like, if the main window is closed because it throws some low level error or something. I've seen it happen already.
In that case, the worker thread would never get the signal to die. Is there some other way to make the worker check on the existence of the gui thread?
"Outside of a dog, a book is Man’s best friend. And inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read."
-Groucho Marx
On your worker thread, set the IsBackground property to true .
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined." - Homer
Thanks, it turns out that the worker thread is not my problem after all. My problem is much deeper and more anoying. So much so that I'll make a whole new post about it.
"Outside of a dog, a book is Man’s best friend. And inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read."
-Groucho Marx
Ok, I have a button, "buttonDeath" with the text, "Automatic", and a groupebox, "groupeBoxCarnage".
"groupeBoxCarnage" is greyed out when the form loads... enabled=false;... ok.
now, when I click on my button, my groupe box becomes un greyed, enabled=true...
now, what I want is... when I click on my button (buttonDeath) it's text will change... from "Automatic" to "Manual".
To do this right now I have...
but here's the part that keeps getting me...
I want to click on buttonDeath again, and have his text change back to "Automatic" and also gray out the groupe box "groupeBoxCarnage" again...
how could I do this???
/\ |_ E X E GG
Something like this will do that:
private bool bDeathClicked;
private void OnbuttonDeath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.buttonDeath.Text = "Manual";
this.groupeBoxCarnage.Enabled = true;
bDeathClicked = !bDeathClicked;
this.buttonDeath.Text = "Automatic";
this.groupeBoxCarnage.Enabled = false;
bDeathClicked = !bDeathClicked;
-Nick Parker
hmmmmmmmm, that was tricky...
i bow down to your greatness.
/\ |_ E X E GG
Ok I have a list box, "listPorts" and I have a button, "buttonCurrentPort"...
How can I make "buttonCurrentPort" grayed-out intill something in "listPorts" is clicked on?
/\ |_ E X E GG
You could try playing with the Enabled property of the Button
Nick Seng (the programmer formerly known as Notorious SMC)
God, I pity me! - Phoncible P. Bone
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's what it's called.
thanks dude.
/\ |_ E X E GG
No prob.
Nick Seng (the programmer formerly known as Notorious SMC)
God, I pity me! - Phoncible P. Bone
is there some drag¨drop-on-your-form-like-in-VB component, that allows mildly "rich text editing" (basic text markup, headers, lists, table would be nice...)?
Could be HTML or RichEdit based, don't really care, as long as it integrates nicely...
[edit] complete with toolbar, font selection, common keyboard shortcuts, stc. etc. And, well, HTML would be nicer [/edit]
"Der Geist des Kriegers ist erwacht / Ich hab die Macht" StS
sighist | Agile Programming | doxygen
RichTextBox control on the toolbox
What about the RichTextBox Class[^] which gives you a Windows rich text box control?
-Nick Parker
That class represents the same control I was talking about
He probably didn't see your reply. (Posted at about the same time?)
I was just sitting here wondering how long it'll take us to do the RichEdit control from scratch for our UGLY (GUI Library) project.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." - Jesus
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
-Nick Parker
apferreira wrote:
That class represents the same control I was talking about
No problem, your post didn't show when I clicked reply and eventually got my message typed.
Do you notice the short times between the two messages.
-Nick Parker
Yes, you are right. Sorry Nick.
please see original post edit - "complete with toolbar and bells and whistles, ready to deliver"
"Der Geist des Kriegers ist erwacht / Ich hab die Macht" StS
sighist | Agile Programming | doxygen
please see original post edit - "complete with toolbar and bells and whistles, ready to deliver"
"Der Geist des Kriegers ist erwacht / Ich hab die Macht" StS
sighist | Agile Programming | doxygen
Open up a word document???
Nick Seng (the programmer formerly known as Notorious SMC)
God, I pity me! - Phoncible P. Bone