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Questionobject location Pin
Member 1296407930-Dec-17 7:58
Member 1296407930-Dec-17 7:58 
AnswerRe: object location Pin
Dave Kreskowiak30-Dec-17 12:15
mveDave Kreskowiak30-Dec-17 12:15 
QuestionMessage Closed Pin
30-Dec-17 3:27
Jason132330-Dec-17 3:27 
AnswerRe: Difference between String and StringBuilder? Pin
OriginalGriff30-Dec-17 4:29
mveOriginalGriff30-Dec-17 4:29 
AnswerRe: Difference between String and StringBuilder? Pin
Gerry Schmitz30-Dec-17 6:10
mveGerry Schmitz30-Dec-17 6:10 
QuestionHow to access a datagrid control (on a parent window) from a child window in wpf c# Pin
Hervend29-Dec-17 7:23
Hervend29-Dec-17 7:23 
AnswerRe: How to access a datagrid control (on a parent window) from a child window in wpf c# Pin
Dave Kreskowiak29-Dec-17 8:59
mveDave Kreskowiak29-Dec-17 8:59 
AnswerRe: How to access a datagrid control (on a parent window) from a child window in wpf c# Pin
Mycroft Holmes29-Dec-17 11:46
professionalMycroft Holmes29-Dec-17 11:46 
AnswerRe: How to access a datagrid control (on a parent window) from a child window in wpf c# Pin
Gerry Schmitz30-Dec-17 6:04
mveGerry Schmitz30-Dec-17 6:04 
GeneralRe: How to access a datagrid control (on a parent window) from a child window in wpf c# Pin
Hervend30-Dec-17 6:31
Hervend30-Dec-17 6:31 
QuestionWhat's the deal with Span<T> & Memory<T>? Pin
swampwiz28-Dec-17 22:06
swampwiz28-Dec-17 22:06 
AnswerRe: What's the deal with Span<T> & Memory<T>? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon28-Dec-17 23:40
mvePete O'Hanlon28-Dec-17 23:40 
QuestionC# Pin
Member 1359870428-Dec-17 20:16
Member 1359870428-Dec-17 20:16 
AnswerRe: C# Pin
Chris Quinn28-Dec-17 20:35
Chris Quinn28-Dec-17 20:35 
AnswerRe: C# Pin
OriginalGriff28-Dec-17 21:37
mveOriginalGriff28-Dec-17 21:37 
AnswerRe: C# Pin
Dave Kreskowiak29-Dec-17 2:33
mveDave Kreskowiak29-Dec-17 2:33 
GeneralRe: C# Pin
OriginalGriff29-Dec-17 4:03
mveOriginalGriff29-Dec-17 4:03 
GeneralRe: C# Pin
Dave Kreskowiak29-Dec-17 4:13
mveDave Kreskowiak29-Dec-17 4:13 
Questionappend message in sql server Pin
Member 1320094428-Dec-17 6:43
Member 1320094428-Dec-17 6:43 
AnswerRe: append message in sql server Pin
Dave Kreskowiak28-Dec-17 7:22
mveDave Kreskowiak28-Dec-17 7:22 
GeneralRe: append message in sql server Pin
Member 1320094431-Dec-17 18:16
Member 1320094431-Dec-17 18:16 
GeneralRe: append message in sql server Pin
Dave Kreskowiak1-Jan-18 6:04
mveDave Kreskowiak1-Jan-18 6:04 
This is a really bad habit to get into.

SQL servers are normally terrible at string handling. Having the SQL server do this doesn't scale well and can lead to memory allocation inefficiencies and other problems on the server.

Also, not every client is going to want this error message coming back and may, instead, just want an error number. This is because of localization and globalization. You can't change the language the message is generated in if it's generated on the SQL server side.

It would be better if you had the client just INSERT one record at a time and have the client side build up it's own error message strings in the local language based on the returned error code from your procedure.

It also reduces the amount of traffic coming back from the SQL server, which is better for mobile applications.

System.ItDidntWorkException: Something didn't work as expected.
-- said no compiler, ever.

C# - How to debug code[^].
Seriously, go read this article.

Dave Kreskowiak

QuestionC# Pin
komal patil28-Dec-17 5:49
komal patil28-Dec-17 5:49 
AnswerRe: C# Pin
OriginalGriff28-Dec-17 5:53
mveOriginalGriff28-Dec-17 5:53 
AnswerRe: C# Pin
PIEBALDconsult28-Dec-17 11:43
mvePIEBALDconsult28-Dec-17 11:43 

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